Hawken - awesome mech combat

I think it was Chromehounds that turned me off Mech games for a while. Some loved it, others hated it, I gave it a try and I really put some time into it but still could not get hooked. I just didn't like how simple it felt and bland. This game looks vibrant and fun
Chromehounds was bad because the multiplayer consisted of entirely minmaxing. You either played the broken mech setups or you died.

It's somewhat the same with Armored Core, though AC has more skill involved and you can pull off most builds if you can play good enough.

This looks cool. Hopefully it won't go the route of.. grrr
front mission evolved
This video reminds me, are there any Mech Simulators that have good environments? I feel like every time I see a mech game, the environments were a total afterthought. Mechwarrior has some of the most bland and uninspired landscapes, ever. It's like the team was working on these robots for months, and right before they were going to ship the game they were like "Oh shit, we forgot the maps! Uh, uh, make like, 3 desert levels... then take that desert level, and reskin it to be green with some pinetrees... oh shit, we need a city level, create like, a grey landscape and add some rubble... okay okay we're good"

It's an 11-year-old game, bro. What I've always been impressed by is how good the walking animations are for a game made in 2000. I mean shit. Look at some gameplay vids of 'Mechs, they really look like their legs are what's moving them.
Not really much like MW. It's very multi-level and has a simpler control scheme by far. I think it's closer to Starsiege crossed with Tribes.

I love knowing there are other people in the world that played Starsiege. I loved that damn game. I loved the story and the way it played. I wish they'd rehash it just for the hell of it. But yeah that's probably a much better comparison... though I don't know how many people were Starsiege fans.
I really wanted to love Chromehounds for its awesome customization, but too many other problems dragged it down. I'm still waiting for a mech game that can customize like that.
that seriously looks lame.. hated mech warrior.. it was soooooo fackin slow.. the game is moving slowley witha hugely underpowerd machine gun that constantly overheats.. and a crapy missle launchwer that never goes wher eyou want it.. if this was real mechs would have insane weaponry ... im talking tacticle nukes straped to you missles. plutonium tipped bullets. that blow off like lil nukes when they hit there target. i want laser sight. everything i look at should just burn up.. and i want a helicopter hat instead of rocket legs.. because those rocket legs SUCKED! at least with a coppter hat i can fly around look at poo.
oen thing I like about MechGames is cut scenes with real actors...I love that about old game I wish they'd still do that.
This is dynamite if you watch it on 1911 tech.

Also, looks pretty good but could use some color.
Holy shit indeed. Can we play this yet??? WHAR IS CLOSED BETA
Now I only want to play this game if I have that.
I'm just tired of hearing about it and what to demo it dammit. Let me play!
Chromehounds was bad because the multiplayer consisted of entirely minmaxing. You either played the broken mech setups or you died
Interestingly, I've heard 1v1 Mechwarrior 2 dueling MP had the same problem, only worse: people would pick the mech with the most slots, load every hardpoint with the best single shot laser, and try and hit the enemy once. Your mech basically broke on that one shot so you wouldn't have a second chance, but if you hit it was a guaranteed kill. If you missed, you were stuck there overheated for a minute or something absurd.

If that's true it sounds like it was actually an interesting metagame.
yeah MW2 wasn't really balanced for 1v1, I believe. The fun of that game was always group fights.

but how can they spend 10m on this and then make it f2p? doesn't make sense to me
One thing I just recently found out is that Hawken is being designed by the guys who worked on Project Offset. This unfortunately means Project Offset has likely been canned for good.
What a deliciously apt title for vaporware, Darkside. Nearly as hilarious as Duke Forever, though these guys are hopefully more competent than 3DR~
****, time to get off work early. Found this in my email:

I guess the NDA is lifted now. It's sort of fun. The alpha existed. That is all. /epeen
There was only so much fun to be had being a level 1 Generi-Bot plodding through a film-grainy wasteland teeming with crazily-upgraded Candy Mechas of Doom, but I enjoyed it.