Hawken BETA


Companion Cube
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Sign ups are open for the beta of HAWKEN. The free-to-play indie game releases at the end of this year and the beta will run until a little before then. It's an FPS with walkers that would appeal to Unreal or Quake players. I've heard great things about the multiplayer and frankly the gameplay trailer speaks for itself.

And a blog.

Mind you it's not a 'walker simulator' as it shows quite possibly the coolest deathmatch gameplay.
If you get two referrals you can reserve a user name, not sure if they matter beyond that. Maybe gives you a higher change of getting in or something?
There's the potential for "other bonuses down the line" according to the email one gets when one's named is confirmed. Also, it's 3 referrals, BH.

Also, there's no limit on accounts, so you can just keep making smurf accounts to confirm you or your friend's names. (Except, this would reduce the chances of any individual account getting in early... hmm...).
Yeah, I did. I only realised after the email came. KA apparently editted the URL so its the original link.

Also: muahahaha.
Signed up the other day. This looks effing incredible. Can't wait to play!!
just signed up and Ive been wanting to play this for a while