Haze & The Club.


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Two games that my spidey senses say are going to be the business:

Haze. Free Radical - 360, PS3 and probably PC.

Set in the future, the UN is no more. Multinational corporations keep peace. As a young soldier you're recruited to 'fight the good fight' ...



It looks alot more than your average FPS, worth reading up on.

The Club. Bizarre Creations - 360, PS3, PC.

According to a recent Edge preview, The Club is a 3rd person shooter somewhat inspired by Doom, House of the Dead, Tony Hawk, Tekken, PGR, Geometry Wars, Pinball and Space Invaders. Sounds ****ing mental :)

'It's a fast game, very fast, a breathless headlong fusillade of bite-sized levels, game modes, character selection, leaderboards, combos and multipliers, set to a metronomic bass-bin thump that accompanies every kill. It's a score attack game that rewards you for the reckless running and gunning years of stealth have tried to beat out: the faster you string kills together, the higher your score ....'


The Club sounds like it would be fun. Combo kills! Awesome. I want to try that. Like Tony Hawk Pro Skater. :LOL:

Oh, boy another generic jungle FPS. Might be fun as crap, but damn. I'll probably still buy it though. Lol
Oh, boy another generic jungle FPS. Might be fun as crap, but damn. I'll probably still buy it though. Lol

I suggest you read up on the game rather making a decision based on some old screenshots that just happen to be in the jungle ;) (I couldn't find recent ones - they look superb in this months Edge, and quite varied).

Your suit can introduce Nectar (body enhgancing drugs) into the bloodstream to enhance you in combat. You can become stronger (crunching bones with melee attacks), more accurate, gain foresight (seeing ripples of explosions yet to be, giving you time to dive away) and improved perception (the ability to spot the enemy in the carnage). Take too much and you OD - can't tell friend from foe, the hud goes crazy, warning of blood intoxication etc.

The company you're working for, Mantel, is meant to be as much a character as the protagonist - fleshed out with adverts, slogans, logos on weapons and armour etc. Much like the presence of Black Mesa in HL, but more realised. Concepts of influence and culpability are a focal point.

I wouldn't put screenshots if it looked like a 'generic jungle fps'. Fingers crossed ...

I agree about The Club - combo kills sound awesome :)
The Club doesn't seem like it has much substance. Haze looks good though.
I have high hopes for Haze (4-player co-op... *drool*). Hell, it's Free Radical we're talking about here. Timesplitters... one of the best FPS games on any console IMO.
I have high hopes for Haze (4-player co-op... *drool*). Hell, it's Free Radical we're talking about here. Timesplitters... one of the best FPS games on any console IMO.

OMG. 4 player coop!? Awesome.
Haze has pretty graphics, lets hope its not another generic shooter set in another jungle. I like the futuristic timezone though.

The Club... Could be good, sounds like it will be different but I can't tell without seeing more/playing it whether I'd like it or not.
If the TimeSplitters series are anything to go by, Haze will kick MAJOR ass.. Keep in mind, Haze is being done by part of the team that did the best console FPSes ever, GoldenEye 007 for the N64 aswell as Perfect Dark!
OMG. 4 player coop!? Awesome.

Yup, online too. You can even mix offline and online co-op i.e. you and a friend play on the same system while two others play over the internet or LAN.

Read more here.
If the TimeSplitters series are anything to go by, Haze will kick MAJOR ass.. Keep in mind, Haze is being done by part of the team that did the best console FPSes ever, GoldenEye 007 for the N64 aswell as Perfect Dark!

If that's true then this game should at least be decent. Probably awesome.

Yup, online too. You can even mix offline and online co-op i.e. you and a friend play on the same system while two others play over the internet or LAN.

Read more here.

That is very cool - especially the mixing of on and offline coop. I completely missed your thread btw, Loke.
New trailer can be downloaded from here or here (MP4).

There's also a gameplay movie which can be downloaded from the same site here.

And of course some new screens.





I like the change in art direction. The new suits and hud etc were in last months Edge, but I couldn't find any screnshots on the intraweb back then

Despite the poor quality, the gameplay trailer looked very cool. As soon as the commentator mentioned that Haze had been deisgned from the groundup to support 4 player online coop I couldn't help but smile. Surely that alone gives it the potential to be one of the most fun fps around :)

Quite possibly my most wanted fps \o/
Haze is now PS3-exclusive. The very least, time-exclusive. The game will be released this fall on the PS3 and the PC&360 versions, if there will be, planned for 08.
Haze is now PS3-exclusive. The very least, time-exclusive. The game will be released this fall on the PS3 and the PC&360 versions, if there will be, planned for 08.
Woo. My interest just peaked and then dissipated in a single thread.
The Club. Bizarre Creations - 360, PS3, PC.

According to a recent Edge preview, The Club is a 3rd person shooter somewhat inspired by Doom, House of the Dead, Tony Hawk, Tekken, PGR, Geometry Wars, Pinball and Space Invaders.



Sounds like it's inspired from every genre of gaming in existence.
That's too bad for you 360 guys, but hopefully it makes the PS3 version better.

The game looks absolutely awesome. I love the Timesplitters games and Second Sight was really good too. This is one of the few games I'll actually probably buy instead of rent.
It's sounding like a timed exclusive at the moment - which wouldn't be too bad. Still, it's a bit of a kick to those who have been following the game.

On the other hand, this is good certainly good for Sony and is currently the only reason I regret selling my ps3.
And how was I supposed to automatically know that you live in America?
But yeah, the USD rocks ass, I mean it's worth like 60-70% of what it was in the late 90s, so I can buy a shitload of stuff from america supercheap!:D
And how was I supposed to automatically know that you live in America?
But yeah, the USD rocks ass, I mean it's worth like 60-70% of what it was in the late 90s, so I can buy a shitload of stuff from america supercheap!:D
I do like looking at the price of stuff in America versus Europe. They are the same amount in dollars and Euros, but Euros have a higher value. It's like getting cheaper stuff just for living in a different area. Totally sweet.
Yeah but it aint good when US needs to buy stuff from other countries seeing as that costs them alot more then.:)
Good thing I just bought my PS3. Go me. :p

Heh, me too. Just got it last night. :cheers:

This news makes the fact that EA didn't spend enough time getting rid of the jaggies and making the framerate a little better in POTC3 not hurt so much. :eek:

Well, that and the other kick ass games of this coming Fall!! :thumbs:

I just can't bring myself to care too muc habout the club. Nothing really different that I can see so far. Haze looks pretty, but man, the gameplay had better be there too, esp. when it is competing with Crysis in the best-looking jungle fps arena....
Haze is a timed exclusive to PS3. Not an exclusive. Watch the interview.

Free Radical is not releasing the game immediately with the ps3 version when there is Halo 3 and Bioshock coming out soon for 360.
Congrats Victim. :E How do you like it?
I love it!! I still can't believe the heat that comes out that right side though!! Man, that is hot!

Seriously though, I am a huge fan of the XMB and all of its functionality, not to mention the kick-ass firmware upgade coming tomorrow which should be awesome for older material.

The only game I got is POTC3 and I am a little disappointed that the 360 version runs smoothly and the devs couldn't get a steady framerate in all of the locales for this version, but its not a huge flaw, just an irksome one.

I am going to get the demos for R:FoM and Motorstorm tonight to see what might be next on my list. This Fall looks crazy though--I can't wait!! I still need to get a Blu-ray movie to try out too...hmm....
Free Radical is mostly comprised of ex-Rare employees from the Nintendo 64 era before they were bought by Microsoft. Let's look at their history for FPS and see if it might be indicative of how good Haze is.

Perfect Dark
Timesplitters 2
Timesplitters 3: Future Perfect (or not 3, I don't have it)

That's basically a list of my favorite console FPSes of the past generations. Haze is going to be the shit.
Am I the only one who thinks Haze = the next killzone?

Another overrated FPS that tries too hard to beat Halo.
You haven't played Timesplitters have you? And why in God's ****ing name does someone have to bring Halo into this?
Am I the only one who thinks Haze = the next killzone?

Another overrated FPS that tries too hard to beat Halo.

It's not difficult to beat Halo, and it's also impossible for an FPS to be overrated prior to release. Furthermore, like Willie said, have you played another game by Free Radical? They know FPS, better than Bungie I might add. I know next to nothing about this game but I'm willing to bet it's going to be great, just based off their track record.
Seriously though, I am a huge fan of the XMB and all of its functionality, not to mention the kick-ass firmware upgade coming tomorrow which should be awesome for older material.

The firmware update tomorrow is seriously awesome because it'll include PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and DVD upscaling. Hope it'll look good, can't wait till tomorrow.

I am going to get the demos for R:FoM and Motorstorm tonight to see what might be next on my list.

Resistance and Motorstorm are a must-have, especially Resistance because of the awesome co-op and multiplayer.

I still need to get a Blu-ray movie to try out too...hmm....

Casino Royale. ;P

Am I the only one who thinks Haze = the next killzone?

Another overrated FPS that tries too hard to beat Halo.

Killzone were never intended to "kill" Halo, don't suck up everything the media blows out. Haze isn't going to be it either.
And why in God's ****ing name does someone have to bring Halo into this?
Because the developer mentioned that the game will have more richer experience than halo. It's just the way that most of FPS developers are always trying to compare their games to Halo.

You haven't played Timesplitters have you?
why in God's ****ing name does someone have to bring Time Splitters into this?
Am I the only one who thinks Haze = the next killzone?

Another overrated FPS that tries too hard to beat Halo.
No! I, too, have over-generalised and unfounded opinions! :monkee:

Edit - Also, was I the only one who was underwhelmed by Timesplitters 2? Keeping in mind I loved Goldeneye and Perfect Dark... you can lynch me now.
I love it!! I still can't believe the heat that comes out that right side though!! Man, that is hot!

Seriously though, I am a huge fan of the XMB and all of its functionality, not to mention the kick-ass firmware upgade coming tomorrow which should be awesome for older material.

The only game I got is POTC3 and I am a little disappointed that the 360 version runs smoothly and the devs couldn't get a steady framerate in all of the locales for this version, but its not a huge flaw, just an irksome one.

I am going to get the demos for R:FoM and Motorstorm tonight to see what might be next on my list. This Fall looks crazy though--I can't wait!! I still need to get a Blu-ray movie to try out too...hmm....
Get Casino Royale. It came free with my PS3 and it's an amzing movie technically along with just being a kickass Bond movie.

And definitely get Resistance and Motorstorm. Both are completely awesome. Definitely play through Resistance in coop, it's much more fun than playing solo. Not that playing solo isn't fun. And playing Motorstorm online rocks.

And yeah, I like the setup of the XMB too. Don't forget to download GT HD. It's free and fun. Only one track and only ten cars, but it's still GT.
Then I have a different opinion from you.:thumbs:
Disagree to agree? :)

Seriously though, if I had to judge this game based on just the screens, I'd say it was a generic PoS too. I'm just hopeful on the strength of the developer to deliver a quality product... though maybe not incredibly ground-breaking or innovative.

Can't help but be curious if they couldn't be putting their skills and creativity into something besides another damn console shooter, though. But atleast they're sticking to what they're good at I guess - not everyone can be a niche-filler (or, if trends continue, not anyone).