Haze & The Club.

Am I the only one who thinks Haze = the next killzone?

Another overrated FPS that tries too hard to beat Halo.

Not to turn this into a Halo vs. Haze thread, but if you ask me Free Radical already made two Halo killers - Timesplitters 2/3. If anything you're not being fair comparing these games to stuff like Halo and Killzone, I think they set their sights a little higher.
I don't really care for Halo, but in general gaming industry's point of view, Time Splitters series aren't no way near Halo. Again, not my point of view, but the industry's.

By the way, I didn't find Time Splitters all that great. Didn't like the game. Red Faction > Time Splitters. Seriously, their time of Golden Eye died long time ago.

Half Life > ALL
Get Casino Royale. It came free with my PS3 and it's an amzing movie technically along with just being a kickass Bond movie.

And definitely get Resistance and Motorstorm. Both are completely awesome. Definitely play through Resistance in coop, it's much more fun than playing solo. Not that playing solo isn't fun. And playing Motorstorm online rocks.

And yeah, I like the setup of the XMB too. Don't forget to download GT HD. It's free and fun. Only one track and only ten cars, but it's still GT.
Thanks for the excellent advice! (You too Loke. :D)I had totally forgotten about Casino Royale and here it is as one of my top Bond films ever! Good call!

Man, I had forgotten about GT:HD too! Where's my brain?

I can't wait to try Resistance and Motorstorm now, esp. online. (I need a little offline practice first of course. ;)) I will likely buy the full games after I get through Odin Sphere--a game that brings the words "jaw-droppingly gorgeous" to a whole new level!
According to a recent Ubisoft release schedule it seems that Haze's PS3 exclusivity is going to last a staggering .................................... one week :)

Good news for everyone that's been following this game and doesn't own a ps3 \o/
According to a recent Ubisoft release schedule it seems that Haze's PS3 exclusivity is going to last a staggering .................................... one week :)

Good news for everyone that's been following this game and doesn't own a ps3 \o/
Link!? Because I specifically remember them saying they weren't even working on the other versions yet.
It's time a developer steps up and really shows what the PS3 can do. All these developers keep whining about the hardware saying it's too hard to develop for...Well if you spent that time researching instead of whining maybe you could make a game for the PS3.
It's time a developer steps up and really shows what the PS3 can do. All these developers keep whining about the hardware saying it's too hard to develop for...Well if you spent that time researching instead of whining maybe you could make a game for the PS3.

LOL. Words to live by.
Well dream431ca, I think it's the PS3 fanboys that make it hard to live up to their expectations, I've seen plenty of PS3 fanboys on GameSpot IGN etc that says that the PS3 is twice or three times as powerful as the 360, I say YEAH RIGHT.

Whilst there's no doubt to me it's more powerful than the 360(Remember that it's a NEWER next-gen console), I think claiming that it's twice or three times as powerful is just hilarious.
Pssh, bribes.

And aararagh, screw my crappy PC. Can't play more than half of the games coming out now :|
Goddammit, god****ing dammit. ****ing it's like every developer graduated from the school of pissing gray fox off.
Cheer up dude. You'll still get to play the game - the more the merrier :)
To those saying that Haze looks too much like a generic shooter:

What you don't know about Haze is that the whole game is a SATIRE on war games.
The "generic war game" look is intentional, and is part of the game's trick. :smoking:

(slight plot spoilerage)

The idea is that you'll start playing the game like any other war shooter. Sci-fi enemies appear, and you kill them all with your sci-fi weapons.
The twist is that all this videogamey stuff is actually an illusion. Your character is under the influence of perception-altering drugs, which are preventing him from seeing the true horror of what he is doing. At some point in the game, the rug will be pulled from under your feet; and from then on we can expect the game to spiral into a "Jacob's Ladder"-style mindfu?k.

Haze is Free Radical's attempt to make an FPS with genuine emotional bite. If they pull it off, EDGE magazine says the game could be "the new starting point for the FPS, and action games in general".

tldr: Haze is going to be f**king cool! :D

As for Haze/Halo comparisons: It looks like Haze will have much more in common with Half-Life 2 than Halo.
Haze is linear, story-based, and like HL2 it will communicate the whole story from a first-person viewpoint (no cutscenes, no load screens).
Whilst there's no doubt to me it's more powerful than the 360(Remember that it's a NEWER next-gen console)

There isn't?

From what I've understood....

360 > RAM
360 > Graphics Processing Unit

PS3 > Optical Drive

They are pretty much even man, from a 'which version of the game is better?' standpoint. For example, when a game comes out for both consoles, the 360 version has a better framerate - doesn't it? And the PS3 has less loading time - doesn't it? They two versions of the game are nearly identical beyond that.

I don't own either consoles, I just like to read about the shit.
yeah i'm really interested in the haze satire element. It feels very verhoven-esque. From what i read, if your nectar supply runs out, instead of limp bodies fading away, you see the enemy soldiers spazzing and bleeding out, where everything was colorful and shiny it gets desaturated and matte, i guess the idea is that the game goes from looking like a little like halo when you are doped up, to looking like stalker when you are sober.