Head banging cat

Kinda funny, but judging from the cat's pupil's, it looks like it might be having some kind of seizure..
I think this was posted here not long back.
Yeah I think it hurts the cats ears but it was funny till I though about it.
The music was edited into the video, so that's probably not what's making the cat do that.
Yeah, it looks a lot like a mild seizure. I've never seen any cat do that before.
stigmata said:
Yeah, it looks a lot like a mild seizure. I've never seen any cat do that before.

They also do that when they have like a fly in there eye / ear.. especially with there ears they will get really twitchy.. so probably a bug in the ear or somthing.. :bonce: jackass owner

edit: wait it looks different.. aww poor kitty wtf are they doing to it