Head Crabs: Latch on?


Aug 2, 2003
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I searched for this, but didn't find anything off the bat so hear it goes..

You know how you would see the headcrabs actually LATCHED on to the heads of the zombies? Well I think it would be sweet if when they attacked you, if one jumped right on your head, it would latch on... and slowly begin sucking life out of you or something. Not only would this scare the piss out of you, but it would block your vision, so in the frantic rush to get it off, you might walk into a boiling pit of lava or something. If this isn't in the game, ill be sad. But I will still get it for sure! Any ideas if something like this is in the game?
I think the HEV suit prevents that somehow. And if you think about it, you wouldn't be able to see your hands if you had a headcrab on your face :)
Omg tap the tab key 400 times in rapid succesion to get it off.
if they included it, it would be just like in the AvP game where you really cant do anything for a bit, and then you have to find a med station to remove the chestburster (or in this case zombie parasite or whatever)
Or you could get Alyx to whack you in the head with the socket wrench or something :p
There was something very similar to that in Blood and it was very annoying.
I think it would make the game harder then it has to be. In the begining they would be too though and in the middle/end they would make it too easy to die from bigger monsters.
All good points. And about the new HEV suit, that would still be kinda cool if you had some kind of helmet on, and they latched onto the glass or something and you could see them sucking. Maybe a few swings of your crowbar would get it off. But I could see how an infestation could get really annoying , since you wouldn't be able to kill them before another one sucked on your face... hehe

on another note...
Also, any news if its possible to push people? Like for instance, a black ops jumps off of a crate, runs up and pushes you off a cliff. Or during multiplayer, sneak up behind them, and kick them into an electric fence. Something like that.
i don't think so, but i'm pretty sure the bullets will do a better job. Either way i think a kick attack would be cool. Kinda like postal 2, only instead of damage you just give a shove.

Of course i'm sure most people would opt to just shoot.

Shoot yourself in the face?

Yeah that'd be a smart idea for gordon.
that's smart - have Gordon start wacking himself in the head with his crowbar screaming "GET IT OFF, SWEET MOTHER OF GOD, GET IT OFF!!"

oh wait, gordon doesn't talk... :p
I like the idea long as you tap a button to get it off, like in that jurassic park arcade game. makes it a bit more arcady but not something so new that the people that cling to tradition don't get too whiny and pissed off bout it
it would be cool for it to like get stuck on your helmet and then you hear the HEV voice administering electrical shocks to get it off. then you would see the head crab like trying to suck and ud see all the little teeth things move and stuff. then when it falls on the floor it would go into a little seizure

also, in the rare event that you have 10hp or less and actually get killed by a HC you should go thru a zombification.

that would be kick ASS
Latch on like Metroid in Metroid Prime? If you really DID have to pry them off, I'd like to see a crowbar animation where the tip of the crowbar comes into view, sinking into the insides of the crab, and it twitches or something and leaps off. You then proceed to finish it off immediatley after, so it's like a combo movement.
Headcrabs from HL1 did jump at your face, they just seemed to have difficulty latching on.
My guess is that the suit somehow prevents it.
The HEV'ed guys you find on Xen have helmets, but Gordons suit doesn't. It's a mystery.
Is Gordon wearing a HEV suit in HL2? I don't think so! He doesn't work for Black Mesa any more! I think he'll wear some kind of body armor but no HEV suit.
Originally posted by PrivatePanic
Is Gordon wearing a HEV suit in HL2? I don't think so! He doesn't work for Black Mesa any more! I think he'll wear some kind of body armor but no HEV suit.
It pretty much looks like one on the images. Possibly a... HEV2 suit :)
In the videos, his gloves were different. In HL1 they looked like black latex or something, but in the HL2 videos they were thick purple things.
I hope that they don't change the HEV to something else.
Gordon fighting evil in casual clothes?
The HEV gives him super-human abilities, I don't see why he'd change it.
It would be great as a mod for sure. Playing the headcrab and waiting to jump on your opponents.

Anyone remember Aliens VS predator 2?
You could play as a kind of headcrab (like in alin movie 1), jump onto your opponents head and eat your way through his body. All in first person perspective.
Yuck. But it was fun anyway!
Why doesn't Gordon talk????

Is he a little bit shy?:eek: