Head Model


Aug 3, 2004
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ok this is my first attempt at modeling human flesh...and it didnt turn out to be any good. i'm posting this because i need some tips on like how to make the areas around the eyes stick to the eyeballs(there are like little gaps in mine), how to make the nose better(mine looks like its just a lump of flesh sticking out), and if the lips should be connected or seperate in the middle(like if u wanted a talk animation). i'm gonna try various different styles until i get the one i'm comfortable with but i made this one by starting out with a box. yes a box. i felt really stupid trying to make a face from a box. :x hopefully once i get used to modeling the face i can start pumping out character models(since the head is mostly the round and organic stuff that is hard to model for me). need lots of tips.
PS: 1337 ur the best man. :D


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there are actually a ton of good tuts on modelling heads in XSI, just give google a quick whirl
and with good reason too lol ..
there are good tuts on this for max i sugest the joa from 3dtotal its joan of arch theyh ave a very indepth go at her face and it will teach u about the curves and the general topology of a face.
"PS: 1337 ur the best man. " sure he does one little thing for u.....fine 2 little things ...bah ....nobody cares about me :(
haha i love u too mindless moder. gosh dont be jealous :D and i'll take a look at 3dtotal. they might have just what i need. :)
If your ever doing a face, your going to have to be willing to spend the most polygons on it. That's the problem about character modeling at first (people are usually too conscious of the limit.), faces usually take from 1600-2200 polies/tris (Same thing polygon is a shape that has 3 sides or more, and a triangle has 3 so, triangle=polygon.) to make right. However if you do not plan on animating the face to having eyes and mouth move and talk, you can cut down a bit.
faces take 1600 - 2200 are u f*cking kidding me? multiplayer models right now are about 4500-5500, so ur saying about half of them are spent on the face if its 4500 polygons for a average multiplayer character? ummm, wtf is going on?
ahhhh very scary lol. can u not subdivide that head to make it look better? good tuts on modeling humans for xsi? i dont believe you.
xC4RN4G3x said:
faces take 1600 - 2200 are u f*cking kidding me? multiplayer models right now are about 4500-5500, so ur saying about half of them are spent on the face if its 4500 polygons for a average multiplayer character? ummm, wtf is going on?
decent face is around 1000 polies, or less. 2000 polies is just like, insane detail for facial animation.
Performance and Budgets

HL2 Polycounts:

Soldiers: 4682
Police: 3852
Resistance: 4976
Zombie: 4290
Helicopter: 6415
Strider: 6444
Alyx: 8323

There are no fixed rules in determining how many polygons you use in your model, or how much texture resolution you’ll use in your materials. There are upper limits of engine capability, (25,000 polygons/model and 2048 texture size) but these aren’t usually going to be what you’re shooting for. You’ll need to consider how many of the character, vehicle, or prop you’re making will be on screen. If you’d like dozens of them on screen at any given time, you’ll have a different budget than if you’d only like to see one of them ever on screen at a time. With humanoid characters, especially for multiplayer use, you shouldn’t need to go over 4000 polygons to get a character that has enough detail to accurately describe the form, bend properly at the joints, and have enough edges to light properly. Of course you can have more than that, but with normal mapping, and high res textures, you shouldn’t really need to. One good thing about working in XSI is that you can keep your model as quads and have clearly organized edges (edge loops) that define the shape, with this sort of a model, it is easy to add and dissolve edges, especially since the UV coordinates are preserved and you can easily re-envelope your mesh with saved vertex weights. Discreet levels of detail are supported in the Source engine and can drastically improve scene rendering speed.
Got it from here.

Well if you take a look at the Alice face model or most other it is around there, it has to be or the faces will look like hell. The soldiers didnt need any extreme facial detail because they had mask, and for the most part yes just about half is spent on the face. Also you didn't read my post carefully, polygon/traingle is the same thing a polygon is any shape that has 3 sides or more so triangle = polygon.
try using valves biped rigging template for the proportions.

in an unrelated topic: slagging XSI might make you feel good for some reason (?) but I think you're wasting your time. Im not sure if youve played Halflife 2 or not, but since you're posting here Im assuming you have - assuming this Im also going to assume that you know that all of the models and animations in the game were created with XSI. Maybe before slagging it off for whatever reason you can spend your time on more productive things. I dont think youre going to win any pointless internet wars trying to convince someone a tool that was used to create the most innovative game that has been released is somehow substandard.
umm i already knew polygons = triangles. i used to use milkshape and all they had were triangles. i never said anything about a polygon not being a triangle. i dont know what ur talking about. and just to let u know, the polygon in 3dsm isnt actually a triangle until u convert it to editable patch.
Oh I'm not trying to convince anybody, but I just feel the need to express it. I'll leave off the convers here.
Here's a decent Head tutorial: http://www.3dtotal.com/ffa/tutorials/max/head_tutorial/head.asp
You need to study anatomy a bit because the planes of your head are way off. Did you use a reference image for this? For my first head I traced the outline of a face from the the side, then extruded lines to get the general shape of the head, and added detail from there. I did a lot of tweeking to try and get it right, don't know if my method works the best, but that tutorial should help you in general for organic modeling. Attached is a picture of my first head model. I havn't really done any character modeling since that, I've been working on different models and stuff for my map.


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hey im unbanned! how did that happen? that face looks pretty scary, good though better than i can do. that tutorial is great i might have to learn 3dsmax for character modeling! but xsi is still the best! xsi for president!
never!, 3DSM all the way!. oh yeah. i have version 7 now. :upstare: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :upstare: haha. i didnt install it yet. but...i will once i'm gonna normal map. :D i found it down in the gutters yesterday. i was going gutter fishing(u never know what u can find). haha just messing. :D i got a really low price for it from someone. ahem....lol
oh yeah a really low price eh im calling the police! yeh i "bought" 3dsm7 ages ago but i thought i dont want this piece of crap on my computer and deleted it. only joking i didnt have enough space as i used up 400gbs now i have about 500mb free lol. gota reformat. gota buy windows.
yeh ive managed to free up about 3gbs so thatll hold me for a while. i have alot of video files so they take up alot of space.