


I'm aware that whether the combine are alien or not has been discussed quite a lot, but I'm very interested in people's oppinions on one particular question: Is there any connection between the headcrab based aliens and the combine soldiers?

We know that some of the combine talk (suggesting they are human) but it's been noted that some of the combine make alien like noises when they die, and the general conclusion I gathered was that the white masked combine are quite possibly alien, while the others are human.

Headcrabs + human = zombie. Opposing force showed some higher evolutions of the zombies that were faster and stronger. Is it possible that the Combine soldiers with the white masks are a future stage of evolution of these aliens? (keeping in mind that years have passed since the original HL)

I don't neccissarily believe this to be the case myself, but it's something to speculate about, and I'm curious to see what you guys think.

(And if anyone sais "Useless thread" or "This has been done before" I'll slap you with a large trout - that sort of talk just isn't productive)
Useless thread... just kidding :)

I don't believe there is any difference between white and black masks except rank, and maybe weaponry.
The further one that the headcrabs mutaded their host, the less the zombies looked human. So i dont think there is any connection.
hmm.. as the zombie evolves it's hands go bigger and combine guys have small hands.and the same thing is with the head..I think :p
I guess that's true. The combine are said to be a combination of Alien and Human technology (and quite possibly a combination of alien and human beings too) so I wonder what the origin of the alien side of things is. The plot of HL2 has to tie in with HL1 significantly, so I would have thought it likely that there is at least some connection between the aliens in HL1 (ie the xen based aliens) and those in HL2.

It's also rumoured that the xen slaves are actually fighting on your side this time around, though, so I guess it's entirely possible that the combine are completely new threat.

Edit: Another closely related question: Will the combine shoot and kill headcrabs ans zombies? If not, then they are on the same side. If so, perhaps that explains their helmets - they wear them to protect them from being taken over by headcrabs. In fact, that makes a lot of sense!
I dont think the Combine has anything to do with the headcrabs really... Why invade a city and eat it up, while letting the headcrabs go on the rampage? They obviously have more advanced weaponry than that, sending in headcrabs would be like fighting the enemy with a rock on a pointy stick when you have an armored division behind you.
Originally posted by dawdler
I dont think the Combine has anything to do with the headcrabs really... Why invade a city and eat it up, while letting the headcrabs go on the rampage? They obviously have more advanced weaponry than that, sending in headcrabs would be like fighting the enemy with a rock on a pointy stick when you have an armored division behind you.

That raises another question: What was the purpose of the headcrabs in HL1? Surely the same thing can be said - the headcrabs, and resulting zombies, were weaker than the other aliens in the game, so the same sort of thing applies.

Edit: Oh and btw, does anyone else agree\disagree that the combine all wear helmets to protect them from headcrabs?
Purpose of headcrabs? God leave the poor little fellows alone! Didn't they go enough traumatic experiences what with Gordon beating them up with a crowbar?! lol :p
Originally posted by Logic
That raises another question: What was the purpose of the headcrabs in HL1? Surely the same thing can be said - the headcrabs, and resulting zombies, were weaker than the other aliens in the game, so the same sort of thing applies.

Edit: Oh and btw, does anyone else agree\disagree that the combine all wear helmets to protect them from headcrabs?
They where so small that they where the ones that first slipped through the dimension portal? They where the ones being research on by scientiest (known fact, we see them in containers) cause they werent much of threat? Theres lots of reasons for them to be there :)

Sidenote: No, the mask is there cause everyone looks like Elvis, and they dont want public hysteria. You know he aint dead... HIS CLONES ARE BACK!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
much to far fetched..i dont think this is important
Originally posted by ferd
much to far fetched..i dont think this is important

Hmm.. far fetched... how about: Aliens from another dimension are invading earth! And they have some kind of... building or something that's eating the city! :eek:

As you can see, it's not the concept itself that makes it far fetched, it's how the writer deals with it, and how tactfully it's revealed to the viewer\reader\player (depending on the medium). Some of the greatest sci-fi ever told can be re-told in such a way that it sounds rediculously far-fetched (in fact, I think that applies to just about all sci-fi).

I'm not by a long shot suggesting that my ideas are great, or likely, but with a writer and creative team as good as Valve's, anything's possible, and it will be really cool to witness.
Edit: Oh and btw, does anyone else agree\disagree that the combine all wear helmets to protect them from headcrabs? [/B]

Didn't seem to help the soldiers in Halflife ;)

I think the helmet/gas masks are just a standard thing. I mean, when aliens are out you dont want to get any weird substances around your face do you?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I would like to see a head crabbed dog or something. That would be cool.
Yeah, and a headcrabbed crab!
Originally posted by Logic
We know that some of the combine talk (suggesting they are human) but it's been noted that some of the combine make alien like noises when they die, and the general conclusion I gathered was that the white masked combine are quite possibly alien, while the others are human.


You try making human noises with one of those bloody masks on. Maybe the white masks have a comm system fixed in that disorts their voice? They are more likely to have different tech from other types of combine, so the voice may be effected.
Head crabs are like face huggers. They are a not sentient animal that got teleported in through the portals when the experiment went haywire. They didn't plan to have any of the creatures come through at the beginning of half-life, but when the dimensions got screwed up random animals came through. I mean, the bull squid isn't exactly a soldier is it, or the barnicles.

The alien forces who were sent through after the initial dimensional rift were the slaves and alien hive-hand things.
There are like headcrabs that DON'T stick a penis down your neck :p
Erm i was reading throught one of my magazines, and there was a huge preview of HL2 and the writer went to Seattle and played HL2 and met all the team and in his preview the white masked were called "Metrocops" and the other people with blue/yellow etc. uniforms were called "Combine Soldiers"....thought it could be of some relevance...
PCZONE UK magazine erm forgot that mans name who went there...Steve Hill? Something like that....
Re: Re: Headcrab\Combine?

Originally posted by Sniper

You try making human noises with one of those bloody masks on. Maybe the white masks have a comm system fixed in that disorts their voice? They are more likely to have different tech from other types of combine, so the voice may be effected.

This had been discussed before, and if i remember correct the beep you hear when they die is because they have HEV/PCV type suits (like gordon) and when they die it gives a flatline (beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep......)
Yes, I KNOW this has been discussed, I was expressing my own opinion, which is more likely then some of the pathetic reasons that came up in that thread. >:mad:
Originally posted by Sniper
Yes, I KNOW this has been discussed, I was expressing my own opinion, which is more likely then some of the pathetic reasons that came up in that thread. >:mad:

hey i was being polite, no need to flame me :dozey: just trying to give some info.
Hey, I was being polite too ;)

and yes, I AM a sensitive (mentally unstable? you what?) Geek.
what a great theoretical discussion after the game has arrived....now we must bitchh about the release date ty
I think that the government / world of humans, sent that elite team into lambda to hide everything up so that the masses didn't know of this other world and aliens, but they get there asses kicked. So now this is a full fledged war between the world and aliens, is it possible the government/world has now been researching alien technology and anatomy and is using genetics and their technology coupled with existing technology to create a ' more elite team' to combat teh aliens?
Thus creating the combine...

Thus putting you in an odd predictament. cuase who side are you on? we know we are fighting the combine, and the aliens. We know aliens are coming to earth to take it over, which means teh world would be doing something to try and stop that.

i also think that the combine's have masks, becuase as GABE said himself in an e-mail. everyone will look different. My guess is there are going to be a bitch load of combine, and giving each one a unique face would have taken forever and been pointless. plus they look cool with teh mask
See thats the factor we don't know that will pull everything together. who does the G-man work for, what are his intentions, how does he have such powers, why is he 'human" or atleast looks like one.
I posted this a while ago in another thread:

The theory that the combine are the gman's army is quite possible, and it would make sense. Why is the gman so interested in people who have a natural ability to survive against all odds? Possibly because he wants his own soldiers to have the same instinctive ability. It's possible that the reason (as has been speculated a lot in the threads about the flashbacky stuff at the end of the e3 video, and hinted at by valve) that Gordon has been in some sort of suspended animation\stasis is that the gman has been studying his physical and mental physiology and somehow incorporating his strenghts into the combine soldiers. It's possible that the gman is fighting a much bigger evil - something that hasn't yet been hinted on in the HL games, and is using what resources he can get his hands on from as many dimensions he has access to (which would explain why there are different races of aliens, each from their own dimension). Our dimension is just one of these, and the gman is just using Gordon (and just as possibly, Adrian) for his own plans' benefit.

It's also possible that this theory is true, but the combine aren't the gman's army - they might be something else, it's too early to tell. I still think it's not an unlikely theory that the gman has bigger fish to fry and is utilising beings from each dimension he has access to. He might turn out to be the good guy after all - while it may seem he's orchestrating a lot of destruction, he might just be preparing to defend one, or multiple dimensions, from a much bigger threat than we can possibly imagine. Or, he might just be a little bugger of a trouble maker :cheese: