Headcrab Manipulation????


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
Ok so this new gun in hl2's gonna be the manipulator, right? it can like levitate objects and then hurl them at stuff... but is it only non-living objects, or could you like use it on headcrabs to splat them against the wall or something? this is just speculation... sorry.
No, you can't. BTW, have you been hiding under a rock this past year? You finally knew there is a manipulator...:|
i think that would me cool

but new gun wtf where have you been
How many times has this question been asked, next time use the search before you post a repetitive question.. and yes.. where have you been... under a rock that Gabe was sitting on? hehe just kidding
XtremesT said:
How many times has this question been asked, next time use the search before you post a repetitive question.

He wont know its repetitive until he searches :p
hes got soul, but he aint no soldier, that part is awesome bro :thumbs: