Headcrab.net - its gonna be freaky!



Ive got HeadCrab.net and its gonna be a feckin weird site dedicated to Half Life 2. Its gonna just have general screwed up stuff on it.

Anyone got any ideas of what freaky weird half life 2 stuff i could put on there, and don't say pr0n!
Just a thought. But what about all things headcrab?

Actually, you could have like a study on headcrabs and possibly other creatures. Like, their hunting paterns and how they work etc. Just an idea.

Could you give more on what you want on the site, apart from "screwed up stuff".
in general it will just be very strange half life 2 type things. Animations, wallpaper, downloads etc etc. I'm not too sure right now, thats why i'm looking for ideas

Any are appreciated, cheers
You could do an account of a day in the life of a headcrab.
LoL, that would be weird

9am - Headcrab gets up, has cornflakes:cheese:
Inside Report! New technology to ease post-ingestion burn! Makes those shards of skull go down easy.

New tips for controlling hosts! headcrab.net talks to veteran zombies!

Self-improvement! Excersises to extend the length and height of your leap!

Style: Tired of the yellow, bloody look? headcrab.net has some exciting new dyes you'll die for!
How about an interview with a headcrap:

Q: When you were asked to be invovled with the first Half-Life game, did you think it would be a hit?

HC: It's a funny story. I was really down on my luck when my agent called and said, "Yo, HC! I've got some good news for you!" Anyway, it was just a job at first, but then I really started to realize that it was something special, so, yeah, I realized pretty early one that it would be a hit.

Q: Were you excited to return for Half-Life 2?

HC: Oh, I was thrilled when Valve called me up about the sequel. I've not had much work since that first game--you'd be surprised at how hard it is to get work as a headcrab...

Q: I can imagine.

HC: Yeah, I think I've been typecast as an ugly brain eater or something, which isn't true because we don't actually eat brains, we just latch onto the grey matter and control the hosts, but anyway...
fantastic stuff lol

heres a godd'n

Q: Is Half Life 2 Delayed?



Some guy on IRC suggested that this headcrab picture reminded him of a picture on a certain famous website (that would get me banned for posting it - hints:
* Goat sex
* Nothing to do with goats).

Anyway, if you know what I'm on about, you'll find THIS PIC amusing.

Stretch it baby.
I dont get it...could you explain this to me, so my oh so innocent brain understands?
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
I dont get it...could you explain this to me, so my oh so innocent brain understands?

i don't get it either

/me runs away in shame
Right there's this website and the URL is innocent enough really. As soon as you open the website you're greeted with a photograph of (snip! - Badger) and it looks very much like that headcrab picture there. The old school trick was that you go on a forum and say: "Hey look at my new website!!! :D http://youdontwannaknow.com" and obviously everyone that goes there gets their eyes violated by the disgustingness of it. You only ever fall for it once, and you never wanna open another link again :D

It'll be more funny to the people that have seen it before.

BadgerEDIT: Sorry, but no-one deserves that mental image
You know.....thats really sick.

I understood, but obviously you knew that. But i mean the thing about someones bum. Man that just.....:x
and CX on the end.

if anyone has a good clear picture of a headcrab then i can redraw it and create (draw) all the muscles and stuff and intestends to create a headcrab anatomy
I think you could do a headcrab e-zine written about headcrabs for headcrabs and possibly even by headcrabs.
I would contribute to the site. I have nothing better to do.

Edit: You can find some headcrab pictures on google image search.
Hmm. A google search for headcrab pictures.

Could be risky considering the stuff out there.

I mean you know....Head and Crabs. Hmmm.....
hmm.. all the headcrab images are very small.. i guess i need to take screens from the official hl2 vido's (trapdown)
EVIL, I'll make some renders from HLMV if you like?

I've just found that one.

EDIT: Argh, munro, put img code back on
I would probably be able to write a few random articles... I'd like to do a HL take on Big Brother... if I have time :cool: :)
How to cook a headcrab
Headcrabs as pets
Headcrabs as sexual partners
You could have a section for weird and crazy screenshot manipulations done by random people. Just yesterday somebody posted G-Man with a beard (I think it might have been Chris_D).
Yes that was me... Tried to get a moustache on there too, but none of them looked right - it just made it look surreal.
Goatse isn't sick, been to that site 1000000000+ times, not gross anymore, I have way sicker ones.

I have pocket sized goatse pics, hahaha.

Originally posted by Chris_D
Right there's this website and the URL is innocent enough really. As soon as you open the website you're greeted with a photograph of (snip! - Badger) and it looks very much like that headcrab picture there. The old school trick was that you go on a forum and say: "Hey look at my new website!!! :D http://youdontwannaknow.com" and obviously everyone that goes there gets their eyes violated by the disgustingness of it. You only ever fall for it once, and you never wanna open another link again :D

It'll be more funny to the people that have seen it before.

BadgerEDIT: Sorry, but no-one deserves that mental image

:cheese: I don't suppose that any of you realised that that picture features not a 'guy' but actually a hermaphrodite? Explains the size!

Love m@t :dork:

Originally posted by :~m@t~:
:cheese: I don't suppose that any of you realised that that picture features not a 'guy' but actually a hermaphrodite? Explains the size!

Love m@t :dork:

Now then. The question you should be asking yourself is. "Did he fire six shots or fi...." No wait thats the wrong one.

"Does anyone need to know this?" I mean really.
thx for all ur suggestions, the site has been registered and i am workin on it now.

It will have weird animations to do with half life 2 in general, as well as some focus on headcrabs of course :D

symptom: thx for ur idea, i will be allowing entries of weird pics by people, and displaying them on the site, thx :D

A day in the life of a headcrab is a good idea, and mrBadgers idea about big brother Headcrabs is quite good, so im going to do a Big Brother animation set of headcrabs in the bb house. They will be called Jeff, Sebastian, Colin and other weird names, and perhaps allow voting of which to leave the house, how kewl would that be :D

I'll get back in touch when ive got more done
yay! Thanks for using my idea :D.... how about Terrance for one of their names ... oo and Julian :)
lol, good names, they have to be slightly lame names dont they, it makes it more funnier :D

Now we gotta figure out their personalites.

Also i think the webviewers can vote on their activity they have to do for the week :D

man how kewl is this gonna be :D
k, thx

another brainwave! At one point the users can vote as to what special celebrity will be sent into the bb house every week for the headcrabs to eat

any more ideas for the site any1?
a few personalities i have thought of

DJ Crabbers - An "obsessed with himself" DJ

Ali - An Ali-G style headcrab

Lara - a girl headcrab which the other crabs wanna shag, lol

the headcrabs will be screenshots of headcrabs but with redeeming features like glasses or hat or whateva
DJ Crabbers.... lol nice :p

don't call the female one Lara.... we don't wanna infringe copyright :p...

erm, how about a evil headcrab that plots backstabs all the others headcrabs.... called Steve :).. (for no real reason, just a random name :p)