

Jul 20, 2004
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Sorry if it's been said but just curious if getting health and armor will be the same as in the original, with the chargers on the walls and medical kits lying here and there, same with those induvidual armor kits, because I haven't seen anything like that in the videos yet or read anything about it. Just thought i'd mention it. :monkee:
I dont know wat they have for that but I think they would probaly find something more realistic now, since everything is like reality it would just make sence. Not sure but maybe someone else knows.
well, i saw HEV battery packs in the boxes freeman kept smashing for ammo and energy, they prolly have medpacks in some of them as well... but i dunno.
e3 2004 videos..strider scene...gordon goes over a medkit just like in HL1. I'm sure the essentials and basic elements/materials are back in HL2, maybe just slightly different.
lol .. "everything is like reality" except the aliens and the combine and the HUGE tower..

anyways the stuffs will be found in the crates. or lying around..
in reality? how do people get magic packs that heal wounds in the real world?

seriously, i'd like some scars to go away...
there wont be medical wall things or the ones which recharge your HEV hanging off a wall in the middle of a city... so it will be medpacks and batterys... GUARANTEED!

Geno said:
in reality? how do people get magic packs that heal wounds in the real world?

seriously, i'd like some scars to go away...

You're kidding right? LSD works wonders. Yes LSD and cocaine are in those med packs.
Maybe he will have to steal batteries from the cars to recharge his suit... :)
PatPwnt said:
You're kidding right? LSD works wonders. Yes LSD and cocaine are in those med packs.

Yes, and the alien invasion never happened, it was all in Gordon's LSD mind.
He just ran around the base shooting and the scientist we're all like 'My God Gordon, what are you doing? newb!'
More to the point...we're no longer in the Black Mesa lab. City 17 doesn't have people walking round in HEV suits, so where would the HEV / First Aid chargers be...

In the videos, Gordon uses the Manipulator to smash crates and lo and behold in amongst the ammo are some battery packs! Isn't that a bit odd? Nobody is using a HEV except why would boxes with HEV battery packs be littered all over the place?

czrsink said:
More to the point...we're no longer in the Black Mesa lab. City 17 doesn't have people walking round in HEV suits, so where would the HEV / First Aid chargers be...

In the videos, Gordon uses the Manipulator to smash crates and lo and behold in amongst the ammo are some battery packs! Isn't that a bit odd? Nobody is using a HEV except why would boxes with HEV battery packs be littered all over the place?

Isn't it possible Eli set one up when he heard that Gordon was coming?
Medpacks will surely be found in certain places, hopefully in a sensible way but I don't know how he'll charge the HEV. Maybe he will only get to do it when he encounters more resitance men.
I think it would be logical if the Combine forces used powerarmor as well...every respectable C-station should have a loader on the wall, then.
Even the normal Combine troopers probably have electrical components to their armour vests and masks (perhaps their vests are evolutions of the HL Marines' PCVs...?). I reckon batteries just hanging around in boxes isn't too far-fetched.

Also, I have a personal theory that the original HL "Magic" Medpacks were actually based upon a human implementation of the principles at work in the Xenian healing pools.
czrsink said:
More to the point...we're no longer in the Black Mesa lab. City 17 doesn't have people walking round in HEV suits, so where would the HEV / First Aid chargers be...

Maybe the combine have like, similar chargers or something?
The power cells in the crates are probably universal (not just for use on HEV suits). I guess the combine will have some sort of power outlets as well on wich you can recharge.

There are medkits on the ground with morfine and stuff I guess. And there will probably be medics in the resistance that will heal you as well.
AJ Rimmer said:
Isn't it possible Eli set one up when he heard that Gordon was coming?

Possibly, but that would mean you'd only be able to get a 30%-50% recharge back at the lab. What about when you're elsewhere in the City?

I'm just trying to imagine how Valve are planning to do it without it becoming too far fetched.

Hehe, maybe Gordon gets given a US to Euro power adaptor in the lab as well :)
People, it's a game. If you want that much realism go out the door. Pick up a gun. Or join the army. Sheesh.
I'll have to go with the 'combine have HEV suit power chargers' stuff too. It might not be distinctly for HEV suits, but they probably have some. If nothing else, all the power charges could come in battery form...

"Quick, Gordon - to Home Depot!"
hang on people, we know this game is going to be more mentally taxing than before... infact we've already seen the answer in the BINK videos....

all gordon freeman has to do is touch the tram tracks and lines at the same time! HEY PRESTO!
edit: actually, that was information gathered from the binks, not from the leak. If I wanted to I could also have quoted directly from the leak, but I did not. I just posted what every person could have thought up without playing the leak.

Oh well, there is always PM.
The have said in the Valve info thread they were looking for more "natural" ways of delivering health and energy , it's there somewhere. Also it looks like Gordon doesn't have his HEV suit at the beggining. So it is possible that Eli has the suit, and maybe they can have many of them. Which would make the battery's recharge lying around more feasible, also as someone said, they could have more uses that charging a HEV suit, they are batteries afeter all.
kakagar said:
The have said in the Valve info thread they were looking for more "natural" ways of delivering health and energy , it's there somewhere. Also it looks like Gordon doesn't have his HEV suit at the beggining. So it is possible that Eli has the suit, and maybe they can have many of them. Which would make the battery's recharge lying around more feasible, also as someone said, they could have more uses that charging a HEV suit, they are batteries afeter all.
And also medics as deltablast says. Oops I confused the buttons and quoted my own text instead of editing it. Sorry mods.
what the hell was fritzie talking about, im confused. is he being evil? most of the the information he just spouted can be gleaned from the binks/E3 trailers.

but what the heck is a 'trabant'?
Leak talk deleted. Don't post stuff like that again :)

Anyway, Moved, as this is going towrads Rumours & Speculation

Oh, and a Trabant is a car manufactured in the former Soviet Union, notorious for rubbish-ness.
galoot3000 said:
the roller mines also charge the HEV with their electric attack

That's speculation...although I do hope that is true. It would be cool that any electrical object can chrage the suit. So after a nice battle, trip to the microwave can helps restore things up.
Well, here's my hypothesis: After reviewing the Binks, and considering certain information, I'm leaning towards the notion that Gordon's suit is actually a stolen Combine suit, as is Barney's (though his isn't really "stolen" per se), which probably makes more sense than using some sort of relic from ten years prior. I also believe Valve decided to keep a lot of things similar to the original game, they keep the movement, a few weapons and the HEV suit similar, though not exactly the same. So the HEV sounds are the same. What does that mean? It means that the Combine use the same suits, since when they are killed their suit emits a high-pitched "flatline" noise very similar to the flatline when you die in HL1. Barney's gloves also look very similar to the gloves you wear in HL2. So, based on that, Gordon's suit and the Combine's suits are probably the same.

And the Combine may very well have based their suit off the HEV suits from Black Mesa, since the entire invasion began there, and it's very likely that at least one suit (other than Gordon's, which is probably owned by the G-Man now) survived the incident, seeing as they already incorporate what will likely be a multitude of human-created hardware like the OICW, USP Match and MP7.

[edit] The end result of my initial point, which I forgot to post, is that since the Combine's suits are probably based off circa-1998 HEV suits, they probably use a similar form of charger as well.


Which based on my hypothesis is now a moot point since Gordon and the Combine use the same suit, so there's no need for cross-compatability due to technological similarity or reverse-engineering :|
I seriously doubt that Gordon's suit is a Combine suit. The Combine seem to favour dark colours and camoflage prints, and Gordon's suit is bright orange. Also, it has the lambda symbol on the front, which is associated with the suit's place of origin, the Lambda labs at BMRF, IIRC. I reckon it's a suit that was kept from the BMRF disaster, then later upgraded by Alyx/Eli/Kleiner... I'd go with Alyx, she seems mechanically inclined...

It might even be Gordon's original suit from HL, which may have been taken from him by the G-Man, and placed where the resistance could find it... and upgrade it?
I expect the G-Man took the suit when he took Gordon away from Breen, and gave it to Eli and co to do what they could in time for the 2nd coming of Gordon. They've probably modified it so it can use the power modules that the Combine suits use.

Now the time is at hand, the suit is ready for Gordon.
well im pretty sure its gordons original hev-suit (someone upgraded it later)
In op4, it can be seen that the suit repair systems of the HEV and PCV are standard military equipment, and are even availiable in the industrial sector.

The technology is ubiquitous, and obviously effective. If it was developped secretly in the mid-20th century, it could easily find use worldwide in 30 year's time.
Can't remember where i read this at....but there was some speculation that the new suit Gordo is wearing, is the new mk-5 and not the old suit he was wearing in BM. cuz i think there was some talk in HL1 about a new suit being worked on.

any one else hear some thing like that??
if the combine suits were as durable as the hev suits, then it would be kinda hard to kill them off. Unless they lost their armor charge.
well no its a game man they have to be easy to kill :p
I reckon the combine suits look like a lighter version. If the HEV were plate armour, the combine suits'd be boiled leather cuirasses. That's taking the "D&D view", anyway...
I don't think Gordon ever loses his suit. At the end of HL1, the G-man says 'You can keep your suit, you've earned it' (or something to that extent). And why does it have to be upgraded? It looks the same to me (except with Source graphics now).