Hear Ye: All ye May'ers join in!


May 15, 2003
Reaction score
Well guys.... it's been over ayear since the forums went up....everyone who joined back in may post and reminisce about the good thread sand posts...

Apos first posting the valve info thread....
Badger's Arena
My Doom III engine v Source engine thread.... 530+ posts.... was the longest thread in hl2.net history will valv einfo thread came along. (and it got locked :( )
When did I join? Wait let me post this so I can conveniently look in the upper-right corner and see.

*edit* ok nevermind
Fizzlephox you joined on the 16-10-2003

Edit darn you beat me with the edit.
I thought the biggest thread was the HDR Video release thread. It was a chat room more than a forum :)

Over 1k posts if I remember and like 100+ pages long in under 2 hours. Now that was a thread.
Anyone remember Thugenstein??

Ha Ha, our first troll. /me whipes a tear away
I joined in August, but lurked since the end of May, finally registered when I got fed up with not being able to look at pictures/etc :(

Oh well, I'm sure everyone's saddened I didn't join sooner..
I remember I made a post about Combine's masks looking like USSR's gas masks. That was my first ever thread here actually.

Nowadays all you guys do is talking about war in Iraq. Offtopic became such a bore, that’s why I am back to HL2 general discussion.
My first post was about the orange, pre-texture maps in HL2

Exactly 1 year and 1 week ago, can't believe how fast time has gone by :/
I thought it would be symbolic if I made my 2000th post here, and in 4 days I will be 1 year old on these forums.

YAY MY 2000th POST!!!!!!

On-topic: I think my first post was a thread asking for information on the SE version of HL2. Its funny because the same kind of threads are still popping up in general discussion and we still know just as much as we did last year.

Anyway, i'm off to sleep now.
I remember the big theories thread. That was such an awesome thread. We didn't have a ton of info like we do now, so there was a TON of speculation. Good times!
I read the forums for a few months before I started posting, so my join date doesn't count!! :P
I still talk to EVIL all the time :)

Anyway, yeah, I remember the Arena.. and I remember all my useless polls.. and Zerimski ;)
Yeah what ever happened to your poll hax0ring Zerimski. And my unfortunate spelling mistake.

The arena was the biggest thread wasnt it? That was a great thread :D. And the forum propercy!(sp) that was good times. Even with the delay threads coming in. And yes i joined >may but im super cool too :)
/me hopes
The Mullinator said:
Anyone remember Thugenstein??

Ha Ha, our first troll. /me whipes a tear away

Oh yeah, I remember him. Think I ended up on his list of 'people he hated' in his signature. Ended up banning him later on ;)

Aaactually, he lives on! Still patrolling the forum universe, watching, waiting...
When did i join?
EDIT: WOW... it's been that long?!

The game's still coming out September 30th right?
I joined pretty early on but I didn't realise until just recently ^^;

I used to hang in the HL2 forums until the leak, people started posting shit about the beta and took all the fun out of it. I think I was the first one to point out the gauss gun on the buggy... what a contribution :|

Mr.Reak said:
I remember I made a post about Combine's masks looking like USSR's gas masks. That was my first ever thread here actually.

Holy shit! I remember that :D

Someone posted a pic and it looked just like it, we started debating whether they had faces under there.

Mr.Reak said:
Nowadays all you guys do is talking about war in Iraq. Offtopic became such a bore, that’s why I am back to HL2 general discussion.

Agreed -_- Off-Topic is still fun, you just gotta avoid certain posts. Not that I don't enjoy the occasional flame... come to think of it I haven't created a thread in months.

The Mullinator said:
Anyone remember Thugenstein??

Ha Ha, our first troll. /me whipes a tear away

Yeah, that bastard. Then he registered again with his name in leet speak and terrorised us some more. I remember when Guinny was a bit of a troller too, but he changed his ways so it's all good. Where is the bastard? :D

BlazeKun said:
I remember the big theories thread. That was such an awesome thread. We didn't have a ton of info like we do now, so there was a TON of speculation. Good times!

Yeah, talk about picking at hairs, that was fun though :D

ComradeBadger said:
Anyway, yeah, I remember the Arena.. and I remember all my useless polls.. and Zerimski ;)

Heh, the Arena. Never really took part in that at all but it was fun to read through. Care to enlighten me about these polls? :)
Ah those were the days.

I were complaining about ComradeBadgers spam all the time :)
I didn't read these forums until june I think, and registered in july. I do remember a lot of the things mentioned here though.

First and only (!?) thread I've ever started was to complain about the new post layout after the upgrade to VB3. I must point out the pretty Valve-style-"soon" Munro gives in that thread. Oh well.
yayness for HL2.net i love this place!! :E

Shuzer said:
I joined in August, but lurked since the end of May, finally registered when I got fed up with not being able to look at pictures/etc :(

Oh well, I'm sure everyone's saddened I didn't join sooner..

my story is similar to urs.. except what made me finally register was some un-informed troll so i could give him a piece of my mind! :o

oh well wish i could have registered sooner and for a better reason but hey better late then never :E