Hearing Problems

Yeah I have tinnitus too mostly in my left ear, it started early 2005 and I'm still looking for the cause.
Did you go to an ENT? What did he say?

I'm going to have a cat scan probably next week.

edit: For those who don't know what a cat scan is:
I believe I have some hearing problems. Some hearing loss or something. Often I can't understand what people are saying, and have to ask them to repeat themselves, sometimes twice or thrice. But this is never a problem with people I talk to alot.
I have it in my left ear aswell. The doctor said it should go away, so I'll probably wait until a month or two.
PsychoFreak said:
I have it in my left ear aswell. The doctor said it should go away, so I'll probably wait until a month or two.

When did it start and how?

I went to 4 ENTs.
1. Cleaned a little wax and said everything will be OK.
2. Found no wax but told me I have a slight hearing damage on my left ear and should be checked.
3. Found no wax but cleaned anyway (!), gave me some nasal spray and some kind of medication that i think is placebo :D which didn't help so he told me it is because of stress etc and it will go away (doh! i have it for a whole year damn it!)
4. Checked and said I'm ok but the problem might be in the inner side of the tube so I need to get a CT scan.
Raziaar said:
I believe I have some hearing problems. Some hearing loss or something. Often I can't understand what people are saying, and have to ask them to repeat themselves, sometimes twice or thrice. But this is never a problem with people I talk to alot.

This is probably not a hearing problem since you dont have a probelm hearign people with whom you talk a lot. Maybe you feel nervous when you talk with someone you don't know?
ZeeM said:
Yeah I have tinnitus too mostly in my left ear, it started early 2005 and I'm still looking for the cause.
Did you go to an ENT? What did he say?

I'm going to have a cat scan probably next week.

edit: For those who don't know what a cat scan is:

That image is awesome :)
my brother is an audiologist ..says it can be one of two things ..ear blockage (wax) that may have a tiny pin prick hole that causes a whistling high pitch sound ..or your ear drum fibers are damaged ...you dont want that as it's irreversible. You should go to audioologist for a hearing test THEN to a ENT (ear throat nose doctor) ..an audiologist will better determine if the problem is a serious one
CptStern said:
my brother is an audiologist ..says it can be one of two things ..ear blockage (wax) that may have a tiny pin prick hole that causes a whistling high pitch sound ..or your ear drum fibers are damaged ...you dont want that as it's irreversible. You should go to audioologist for a hearing test THEN to a ENT (ear throat nose doctor) ..an audiologist will better determine if the problem is a serious one

Great advice from the Sternmeister there!
heh probably cuz the same thing happened to me ..I was ready to stab my ear with a pencil before my brother had a look at it ..it was impacted wax that caused the ringing
ZeeM said:
This is probably not a hearing problem since you dont have a probelm hearign people with whom you talk a lot. Maybe you feel nervous when you talk with someone you don't know?

I dunno. I also have a ringing in my ear all the time when I try to sleep. People complain to me sometimes when i'm watching TV because I turn the volume up louder to hear it. I think I have some hearing loss, i'm sure of it.

But you're right about the other thing, although I don't know if its a nervous factor. Its probably more of the fact that i'm not used to the way they speak, whether its too fast, muffled, slurred or whatever.
go get a hearing test Raziaar ..sudden hearing loss is sometimes a red flag for something more serious
I have that but only sometimes. It's probably nothing, since I don't have wax buildup.
I've been working with music production for about a year and a half and my hearing has actually improved, can easily distinguish between frequencies and "pinpoint" lesser sounds.

At night i sometimes (once or twice a week or so) have like 2 seconds of "tinnitus". I don't think it's dangerous. Not even a week of tinnitus is dangerous if it stops eventually.
CrazyHarij said:
I've been working with music production for about a year and a half and my hearing has actually improved, can easily distinguish between frequencies and "pinpoint" lesser sounds.

At night i sometimes (once or twice a week or so) have like 2 seconds of "tinnitus". I don't think it's dangerous. Not even a week of tinnitus is dangerous if it stops eventually.

good read:

I believe I have some hearing problems. Some hearing loss or something. Often I can't understand what people are saying, and have to ask them to repeat themselves, sometimes twice or thrice. But this is never a problem with people I talk to alot.

Classic symptoms of tinnitus (which I have).

I also have a ringing in my ear all the time when I try to sleep.

Again, a symptom of tinnitus. The tinnitus is actually there all day, it's just quieter than normal sounds so you only hear it when it’s quiet at night.

Often I can't understand what people are saying, and have to ask them to repeat themselves, sometimes twice or thrice. But this is never a problem with people I talk to alot.

Another sign of tinnitus....some tinnitus suffers (depending on the pitch of the ringing) have trouble hearing certain letter sounds, hence why you ask them to repeat what they said. When you talk with people you've known for a while, you've subconsciously trained yourself to hear their voice/accent.

Go book yourself in to an ENT clinic. If you leave certain types of tinnitus it could get worse (if caused due to an infection).
I've always hated hearing tests.. You swear you're hearing beeps eventually.. And it's not even beeping anymore..
For all practical purposes I've been deaf in my right ear since I was 4 (ear infection). The worst part about it is driving and trying to talk to a passenger. I'd be ok if I was across the pond hehe. It sucks but I think I'm lucky compared to some of the problems a person can have.
CptStern said:

Shit.. I use earplugs for my MP3 player and at times the volume gets loud enough for me to feel that it's dangerously high. I've been kinda careless about this but I guess I'll try and keep the volume down in the future. At home I use headphones and monitors.

I think damaged hearing is part of the 'business' as you grow older regularly exposing your ears to music, so I don't know how to deal with the issue. Spending several minutes tweaking an uncompressed beat/sound and equalising certain frequencies to very loud volumes could be dangerous. I don't like using headphones when working with music but the sound is a bit clearer and you get a better feel for how it actually sounds.
Ever since I was born I have had ringing in my ears, there is medicine for it, but my parents don't think it's too much a big deal to go to a doctor. I have lived with it for 14 years, so it can't BE a big deal.....
I have a lot of trouble understanding song lyrics, if that counts ;) And I also tend not to hear someone trying to talk to me unless there's little ambient noise. I can correlate their lip movements and individual grunts to form the words in my head, but the amount of concentration required for that is more than I'm willing to give most people.
I don't have hearing problems but I have a bad habit of saying "What?" whenever someone says something to me.
bam23 said:
I don't have hearing problems but I have a bad habit of saying "What?" whenever someone says something to me.

I do that as well, then answer the question anyway. I think I would be annoyed if someone did that to me.

Anyway, my hearing kind of sucks. I go to clubs every week and it's a vicious beating. Maybe I should slow down...
I am partially deaf in my left ear. In my life, I could say that I have been to over 10+ hearing tests. Each year is the same. My right ear overpowers my left by far. I do also get ringing in my ears sometimes, but its nothing that tapping my ears a couple times can't fix.
CrazyHarij said:
Shit.. I use earplugs for my MP3 player and at times the volume gets loud enough for me to feel that it's dangerously high. I've been kinda careless about this but I guess I'll try and keep the volume down in the future. At home I use headphones and monitors.

I think damaged hearing is part of the 'business' as you grow older regularly exposing your ears to music, so I don't know how to deal with the issue. Spending several minutes tweaking an uncompressed beat/sound and equalising certain frequencies to very loud volumes could be dangerous. I don't like using headphones when working with music but the sound is a bit clearer and you get a better feel for how it actually sounds.

I have a few friends who are musicians ..all wear earplugs ..even the guy who's a studio engineer
Raziaar said:
I believe I have some hearing problems. Some hearing loss or something. Often I can't understand what people are saying, and have to ask them to repeat themselves, sometimes twice or thrice. But this is never a problem with people I talk to alot.

Same here, and I got my ears flushed once (They put a syringe in your ear and pump a shitload of water, the wax comes out with the water) and XTREMEly large amounts of wax came out of my ears, the doct0rb was impressed too. D:
CptStern said:
I have a few friends who are musicians ..all wear earplugs ..even the guy who's a studio engineer

Wow, you have a friend in every single possible walk of life, huh?
Raziaar said:
Wow, you have a friend in every single possible walk of life, huh?

yes, when you live this long you get to know a lot of people ..incidentily he did audio on the first x-men movie ..oh but I guess I'm making that up too
Raziaar said:
Wow, you have a friend in every single possible walk of life, huh?
Including a friend whom he's just holding something for D:
CptStern said:
yes, when you live this long you get to know a lot of people ..incidentily he did audio on the first x-men movie ..oh but I guess I'm making that up too
I bet he did audio on those war movies for WW2.
dont you mean performances with it ...on sounds pornographic ;)

funny pic ..it's funny cuz I'm old and so is jebus, who for some reason is younger than I am ..ya old jokes are funny

I just look at it this way:

I'm more experienced than the lot of you
I dont have to worry about what I'm going to be when I grow up
I can buy whatever I want whenever I want without having to ask mommy or rake the leaves for a month straight
I could probably kick 2-3 of you at the same time without breaking a sweat, you little snot-nosed punks ;)


I die earlier ..not if I take you with MEEEEE!!!! /me pulls pin
Does having your dumbass friend lighting a bottle rocket in his hand and waiting till' the second before it goes kablooey and him panicing and throwing it managing to blow up right on my ear count?

I do have a problem with my hearing when I talk to people, they sound like they echo sometimes, and whenever I'm watching tv, screwing around on the PS2, using the microwave or the computer, or anything electronic my ears often start ringing, you know that ringing like a grenade just blew. My friends thought I was crazy when I was flipping through channels and they started talking, my ears ringing, yelling what like a drunken fool.
Yeah, I get that weird noise in my ear from electrical machines.
PsychoFreak said:
Yeah, I get that weird noise in my ear from electrical machines.

That's because you're a souless robot, and the machine's electrical circuitry is inferfering with your internal programs. Not 100% accurate, but almost.