Heart of the Revolters Released

can someone start a torrent of this. I'll do it if someone wants to send me the map bewareofritch (aaat) gmail com. If there is a torrent where is it?!
====== CORRUPT installations? =======

Got weird physics or purple rain even though you extracted all the files at the right place?

YOU MUST USE Winzip or Winrar to extract my ZIP!

The Windows ZIP support gives corrupted files.

Re-extract the files using one of the above and it'll work.

Also: don't get the map from steam, you'll get purple rain too.

I did this using WinRAR, downloaded it from here, extracted it correctly, tried it several times, doesn't work at all, the game freezes just when the maps starts and a windows message comes up saying something like "Memory error at xxxxxxxxxxxx" :\
And just so you don't have to ask(and I can't edit my previous post soz), I did use the "mp_teamplay 1" console command.
Gargantou said:
I did this using WinRAR, downloaded it from here, extracted it correctly, tried it several times, doesn't work at all, the game freezes just when the maps starts and a windows message comes up saying something like "Memory error at xxxxxxxxxxxx" :\

Memory errors are something else.

I never had memory errors on any on the systems tested with the map. Check if Valve have some tips to resolve this issue.
www.steampowered.com the forums could help you.

Most of the HL2*campaign maps were bigger and more demanding than Revolters so if you played HL2 without a prob, you should be good for this map.

It would have been SO Much easier if you'd just zipped them with the right paths. Then we could just extract the whole thing to hl2dm/ and be done with it.

Anyway, I'm off to play! :)
I played it with a friend, and I think it shure will be a lot of fun with more players.
But right now, there are only few servers running it, and all with ping 400+ ;(.

Nevertheless, keep up the good work. Hope you'll do more great maps for HL2DM :thumbs:
looking good, dl it when I get a chance ...any chance of the inclusion of classes?

btw Kageprototype ...love your sig ...made me LoL :laugh:
Wang tang, the map was just released tonight. People living far (high ping) are the only ones able to host right since they don't sleep! Patience and you will play on a fast server.

Varsity: I know, but people freak when they see the windows "overwrite folder and contents if they already exist" message. I've had the experience before! :)

CptStern: well, captain, we're talking about a map here. Can't do this within a map. That'd be great though, I agree.

I was playing on a server with MoonQuake on it and it played flawlessly with the 8 person limit on the game at the time. This is an excellent map, and I had a lot of fun playing on this map. It gives objectives and teamplay to Half Life deathmatch, making it much more interesting and fun.
I have the best strategy ever for the resistance on this map ...

Rush the closed combine doors, jumping over the gate. Hide in the corners where the doors are. When they open the combine usually just rush out and will probably miss you completely. Then you can just rush in and grab Alyx (This only works if they dont see you, maybe 50% of the time) If it doesnt help you win outright, it at leat gets the team off to a good start.

Great map btw, even if it lags( but then all HL2DM games lag for me)
For those would like to run the map on their server with auto-download on, you need a .res file

Create a text file called obj_mq_revolters.res and put it in the maps folder with the BSP file. The contents of the file should be this:
"materials/particle/rain.vmt" "file"
"materials/particle/rain.vtf" "file"

RedKetchup said:
For those would like to run the map on their server with auto-download on, you need a .res file

Create a text file called obj_mq_revolters.res and put it in the maps folder with the BSP file. The contents of the file should be this:
"materials/particle/rain.vmt" "file"
"materials/particle/rain.vtf" "file"


this info should be included in the zip! hint hint
MoonQuake i kneel before your map making greatness, map like these will be the reason ill play HL2DM. (please god make more, WE NEED MORE!) now all i have to do is wait for server admins to start loading this baby and were in business. Killing and dying feels better when you have an objective other than 'im going to be number one on the point board'
MoonQuake you may need to fix the problem about the explosive barrels spawning. They seem to spawn instantly so when a barrel explodes on the wall it starts a chain reaction of a million exploding barrels. You probably need a longer timer on their spawn time or a reduction in their amount.

btw Turkish good job on the last game, you almost got Alyx out. I was on the Combine side btw.
holy moly...this map has a major major flaw! The barrels on top of the Precinct 15 sector door seem to start respawning faster and faster until it's instantly. Then if you blow them up it causings a chain reaction and barrels just continuously explode making it unplayable.

Also it seems kind of easy to destroy the ammo truck and computer room.

ahh..rando..you beat me too it lol...ggz
ya like people have said the barrels exploding on the wall it slows the whole game down but its kinda funny cause you have to risk youre life just to get to the enemy's side lol,

thanks for the props Rando, i had like max health and armor thought i could make it but you guys finished me off just before i could hit the turn and run for it.
Sybot: tried that and yes it works well sometimes... it will not anymore! :)

Red Ketchup: thanks for tip! Admins need .res files for people to get the rain properly. The ZIP has been changed. You get the props in the Readme file! :)

Riggz: done

TheAmazingRando: let's play this one then we'll see after! ;)

Turkish81: that's the feeling I had, HL2DM needed something more than just shoot shoot shoot. This is my effort to help HL2DM live even longer.

Took note of the barrels prob!
Also noticed at the beginning of the round, sometimes people die because they spawn at the same location as another rebel. I didn't see it happen as the round progressed..only at the start. Didn't notice it on the combine side either.
Im sorry man this map is WAY too laggy online. I haven't seen lag like this since I tried playing BF1942: DC on a 56k modem
Sounds like an awesome map, too bad there's no server running it :(
Is there any way you could increase weapon damage? Not realistic of course, but I hate putting in a full clip into someone and chasing them around, and having to reload. Or amybe an alternative version where damage is greatly increased for guns
There are quite a few suit chargers in the map so that's why people aren't that easy to kill.

Charge yourself up before going to the battle and you'll be as hard to beat as they are.

Riggz: this problem is a lot lot less recurent now compared to earlier version of the map. Unfortunately, I have no control over where the server will spawn everyone. There are 16 spawn points but it seems the server sometimes likes to spawn 2 players at the same spot. I investigated a lot on this, but I will further more.

Crazy: I don't know neither. Well, the map's been released only 2 days ago so time will help for sure. But we definately need more servers or else people won't be interested in making maps that aren't played online...

I see..well it's not that big of a problem.

Server running it 24/7 = HL2Files.com Official TDM Revolters Server #1