It's a lot pinker than I expected. I actually flinched.
My advice; squint when you click that link.
Que-Ever said:
It's a lot pinker than I expected. I actually flinched.
My advice; squint when you click that link.
Dear God I think I just got Cataracts!
heh...it's fun to read the reviews...very, very...hmm...something :o
Well, mission accomplished for them. The site couldn't possibly be any more girly than it is.
Que-Ever said:
It's a lot pinker than I expected. I actually flinched.
My advice; squint when you click that link.

It's not bright pink or anything o_O. It's pretty dark pink.
Que-Ever said:
It's a lot pinker than I expected. I actually flinched.
My advice; squint when you click that link.

Thank you. Now I am only half blind.

mindless_moder said:
they dont have a forum :(

The entire internet cannot hold the amount of storage required for a chat forum full of women. Luckily this one only has a couple.

Sorry ladies, just joking around <winks>
Que-Ever said:
It's a lot pinker than I expected. I actually flinched.
My advice; squint when you click that link.

Lot of hyperbole. :p

I know a few people who've put up with a site being much, much, worse than that, and still went on it regularly for weeks.
SimonomiS said:
Lot of hyperbole. :p

I know a few people who've put up with a site being much, much, worse than that, and still went on it regularly for weeks.

We put up with HL2.net

I don't think enough women play these games to actually establish a site, which is why I find this funny. :)
UltimaApocalyspe said:
I don't think enough women play these games to actually establish a site, which is why I find this funny. :)

You'd be surprised how many women gamers there are out there. I've known quite a few in my MMORPG days. People i've talked to and played with in my guild on teamspeak, and other guilds too.

They're out there.

*cue x-files music*
Raziaar said:
You'd be surprised how many women gamers there are out there. I've known quite a few in my MMORPG days. People i've talked to and played with in my guild on teamspeak, and other guilds too.

They're out there.

*cue x-files music*

Are you even sure that women designed and made the site?
Nat Turner said:
Are you even sure that women designed and made the site?

I have no idea about that site. I'm talking about women gamers in general. I'm sure female gamers don't flock around to certain websites.
reading the site for half an hour made me eyes bleed, considering the color....
From their PDF "press release":
With several new writers working on GrrlGamer.com, new advertisers, affiliates, and an invigorated presence in a market that GrrlGamer.com defined many years ago; the re-launch looks to be the next big thing in gaming for women & girls.

What a load of shit. "The next big thing in gaming" is not some two-bit pink-ass shitty website of ultra-affeminate yammering about how "fabulous" their site is and how important they are.

The last thing female gamers need is a site waving a moronic banner in their names. They want to divide the community and turn girls into some internet freakshow.

If people want girls to get into IT & games, then they need to stop supporting sites like these.

What a stupid, stupid site.
I feel embarassed to be a female.
So, from what i think your both saying is, women should be treated the same as guys i think?
great, i thought women were trying to get rid of the "pinkish rediculous" color scemes of "My Little Pony and Barbie".
This site kinda ruins that attempt.
They should include a forum. They'll have 30k posts within the hour. :)
Argh! My stereotype detector just exploded!
ktimekiller said:
So, from what i think your both saying is, women should be treated the same as guys i think?

I've been saying that for so many, many years...
SimonomiS said:
Lot of hyperbole. :p

I know a few people who've put up with a site being much, much, worse than that, and still went on it regularly for weeks.

It sure was fabulous Fabulous!
Well, I know many girls that play MOMRPGs but I know none that play games such as COD and HL2.

Although funny story....I heard a girl screaming FAG FAG FAG in CS.

And I have no idea why girls don't play games as much as we do, it seems they are obsessed with....other things.
UltimaApocalypse said:
Although funny story....I heard a girl screaming FAG FAG FAG in CS.
You sure it wasn't just a 12 year old kid who sounded like a girl?

Pink is great, but - and this is important - ONLY IN MODERATION. I know this from experience.
first of all, that site makes me kind of sick to my stomach. we don't have a site called testosteronegamersunite filled with football, beer, and hot chicks. we have normal gaming sites. they should too.
rofl, how amusing would it be if we all signed up under girly names and start posting :D