Hellboy 2: The Golden Army


Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
I really liked it.

But what the hell were they thinking putting it up the weekend before The Dark Knight? They had to be expecting a huge drop. FFS it was beat out in it's second week by Mamma Mia and HANCOCK.

But anyway, did anyone else really enjoy it?
Your mom's titties.

But seriously, this film put HB to shame.
It's another example of a superhero movie concentrating way to hard on attempts to make you smirk rather than deliver a good superhero movie.

The acting was shit in this one, I don't know what happened, it's like they got a ton of cool monsters, a ton of cool effects, and then they just forgot about the dialogue and threw in whatever they could at the last minute.

For example, the love stories. I have no problem with a comic book-esque love story, but this was just TERRIBLE. Especially with the Dialogue between Abe and the Princess, what was that?
And Liz, she was fine in the first film but them just became terrible. That hokey love conflict between her and HB was so poorly done, even for a comic book movie.

Also, they ruined Little HB, he was damn cute in the comics, then that introduction with him in the beginning? What the ****?? That was so contrived and rushed, "Ahaha But it is not real right?" "Oh I dont know son!" "Oh but really Dad!" "Oh son you are sure to find out one dayyy!"
I actually agree with you on some points. The love between Abe and Nuala seemed rushed and he seemed to not care after she

And the beginning made Hellboy annoying, yes. But I loved the Troll Market, and Wink was bad ass I thought. And any movie that has the Spawn of Satan and his humanoid fish of a friend singing "Can't Smile Without You" is one I can't pass up.

I really liked the Forest God. What he became after HB killed him was really beautiful.

The Tooth Fairies were very cool.

I liked Kraus. I didn't at first, but he grew on me and It was very cool to watch him possess a Golden Soldier and wreck all the other ones.

I liked the good things much more than I disliked the bad things. I guess we will have to agree to disagree on this one, ZT.
Well I will agree on what you said, I loved all the monsters, and Krauss, and the parts that had action in them.

The drunk scene was good I will admit.
They should make a Lobster Johnson movie. Yeah. Nazis n' shit.
Yeah I agree that there was a whole lot of great monsters and action scenes but not a real fan of the "bawww" moments.
They should make a Lobster Johnson movie. Yeah. Nazis n' shit.

If they do a third Del Toro has stated he want Lobster Johnson in there. And he want Bruce Campbell to play him.

This is something like the third thread this movie has spawned, but I'll throw my opinion out there for the record. I thought it was fantastic, even if I see why some people won't like it. Although I do have to say that some of the criticisms I've seen here are new to me, and nothing I actually noticed in the theater.

I'd encourage anyone curious about it to give it a watch. An 88% rating on Rotten Tomatoes is worth at least that much. Even if you don't care for it, the price of the ticket is still encouragement for studios to take chances on weird summer films.
Yeah, I read about that. Bruce Campbell would be so perfect. The only real facial feature of The Lobster is the chin and.... well, I can't think of a more perfect chin then Campbells. :LOL:
As long as we're doing silly photoshops, it would be more like:
Hellboy 3 can't come soon enough.
At first I was like "Naw, Cambell isn't right", but then I thought more about it, that would be pretty damn sweet.