MrBadger attempted a coup and killed Munro, however he was then over thrown by Rec who now runs the place. During the hostilities, the mods took sides and there was a great battle, call it, Clash of the Titans[(C)Copywrite 2003 FarrowLeSparrow]. Stone was wrapped up in paper and died. Fenric just couldnt be so heartless as to kill someone, and was killed himself when Abom knifed him in the back just after agreeing not to harm him. Sgt Igneri rallied up support for Badger amoung the forumites, however due to their distinct lack of power, they simply acted as fodder while Chris_D attempted to take out Zerimski. Unfortunately, he tripped over a rock strangely wrapped in paper and rolled off a cliff. Sidewinderx134 took at jump at zerimski but was eaten by that weird thing D33 has as an avatar. Ghost valkyrie, appeared from nowhere and shot Zerimski, but was then kiled by some boiling tomato soup that rained down on him, just at the same time Hot Soup was peeing over the side of a wall. Several mods just sat there motionless, possibly to hide, possibly because they were innactive.
While this was going on, i decided to "liberate" some of the gold Munro has been hiding, however Starmonkey had already had that and moved to the bahamas. The only thing left was a potatoe which screamed at me when i tried to eat it. I then left for the only safe place, ironically, the Arena which was abbandoned many years ago.
Anyway, its all good now Good to see you are back.
Applause to Farrow for MAKING THAT UP. Wink, wink. Of course that would never happen, it's all a lie, heh. At least he didn't mention my part in the whole mess, not that there was a mess, nothing at all. Move along, nothing to see here. :cheese:
Yes, our great leaders promote this sort of fiction as examples of impossiblity.
All Hail Rec, May he live 10,000 years, our great leader and overlord...perhaps not so great and overlordy as Munro, may he live 10,000 years, but also at the same time not less than any being...My head hurts