Hello, I'm new to the forums



Just wanted to *wave* hello I'm new, Wasn't it a disappointment to hear half life was delayed :dork:
/me waves to Assassiness

Hello, and welcome. :)
Ya it sucked about the delay but if they need the time then they should get the time.
You are a Gordon-wanna-be now.

You are one of the Soldiers to defeat EVIL!!!

Is that BloodRayne I see in that avy?
Originally posted by Assassiness
Just wanted to *wave* hello I'm new, Wasn't it a disappointment to hear half life was delayed :dork:

its not delayed
i swear it
Ah owskie, how big your smile would be if it did actually come out on the 30th:D

Welcome to the forums and have fun!

Your now one of us.....
Welcome to the forums Assassiness, and enjoy your headcrab status while it lasts!

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Tip to new member: Do NOT draw attention to yourself, results are terrible.*

*Results may vary.