Hello People!


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Hey, Im making a fresh start on HL2.net
So this is my new acount, i was dark8master89 since its such a crap name i made a new acount. So Hi people how you guys doing?
Fine, thanks for asking. What's wrong with your old name? What's cool about your new name? Why don't you have a better video card, given your system? :rolling:
You are re-welcomed!

But creating multiple accounts is is not good. What you should have done was asked an Admin to have your name changed. :)
Welcome, but you might have wanted to merely ask an administrator to change your name instead of making a new account, since duplicate accounts are against the rules.

Not that I'm the best person to say this, given that this is my fifth account (I didn't know admins could change names :E)
Welcome again, i'm sure you'll be ok as you didn't know, as long as you stick with that account, admins can delete your old one. Stay outta trouble from now on! *shakes fist* ;)
damn i didnt know that was possable about changing the names! And thanks for the re-welcomes :) and my old name meh its old needs updating :) and Jon is my name so i just added z0r at the end =]

lmao and the card well blame HP! =[ gave me x600 well the lady in the shop said it was good!
=] Hey Its Kyle My Best M8 =]

p.s Kyle has 1337 box0r!
Yeah we have msn ta, was replying to him on here though as msn was f***** at the time, just shh and chill :rolling:
Ennui said:
Not that I'm the best person to say this, given that this is my fifth account (I didn't know admins could change names )
