Hello, today I bring you the ultimate Half-life pc, ok so its not just for half life.

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king John I

Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
I just thought you all should know, well actually i just like to brag, and brag i shall!!! For in 5 days i shall have power beneath my fingertips matched by no other! this power, is the power of the ultimate pc! Muahahahha

As many of you know, well... as I know, i am currently using a shitty laptop which specs reach these almightly levels
-1.3 GHz of pure centrino POWER
-256kb of dangerously POWERFUL ram
-32mb of unamed video card POWER, its unamed becuase its not a real video card

well anyway, lets skip this entertaining banter and get on with the important stuff, my new pc (its a precision {insirt number here} and as you should know dell precisions are made to a far higher quality than dell dimensions)

-P4 3.2 GHZ (i couldn't get the 3.6 i wanted but hey, the rest is good)
-3 GB of DDR2 ram, yes thats right 3gb of DDR2 ram
-ATI Radeon X800 XT ( YES, YOU DID READ THIS CORRECTLY, THATS THE BEST VIDEO CARD OUT AT THE MOMENT, and to quote gabe, it runs HL2 30% better than the best Nvidea couterpart)
-5.1 surround sound
-nice big moniter
-variuos stuff
-windows xp professional, shame on you whoever dares to use xp home, bleh!)

now just pause a minuit to soak it in, ready? ok. Now i bet you all think that i must be rolling in cash/money/dough/mulah/cheese but heres the good part,

-its only £850!!! (english money)

Hahahahha, no joke!!!

try making a pc like that on the dell website, make sure you choose to customise a precision not a dimension and you get to about £3000-£4000

well, my typing fingers are getting tired but i feel better about myself now.

when it ships in 5 days i'll buy Far Cry, doom3 (maybe, the AI sucks), and of course, every fan boys favorite game Half-life 2.


wow. Good job on building yourself a low cost 1337 box...
thanks, its all my dads fault really, him and his huge (around 70% company discounts)

(yeah i didn't mention hard drive space because its a measly 120gb, well at least another 120gb hard drive is either free for me or around £50 so i'm not that worried.
so how much space do you have?
you didn't get the 3.4 P4? Why not? And really, why not 64-bit when HL2 will be optimized for it? That means you might be outperformed by my AMD64 3000+ when the correct patch is released.

The most impressive is the x800 XT, although it seems everybody who wants to be anybody has one these days. 3 GB of ram won't ever be used unless you run HL2 and D3 twice each at one time.

Otherwise nice.. :D
yeah, its a bitch i couldn't get a 3.6 but hey when its a third of the price you can argue, besides i think its the extreme edition P4.

i would have got a lovely AMD64 but then i would be getting a full price computer, and as for the ram, i worked out it was like an extra £25 for another gb so i thought i'd max it out.
Bleh freak...

Your laptop is shitty? How about this:

A 5 year old AMD Athlon 900 mghz. And thats on a normal computer. And thats my computer..
Why are you getting 3gb. You cant get 3gb's to run in dual channel and not a single application is going to support it. If your so intent on getting a lot of ram why dont you get 2x1024mb sticks from OCZ with 3-3-3-7 timings. That way you will get the benfit of dual channel and it will also cost a lot less. I dont know if they make any dual channel DDR ram with 3gb. And if you were to get 3gbs of dual channel ram you would need atleast 6dimms and I dont know of any motherboard that has that many. Of coarse you could get away with 3gb's of ram but it wont be dual channel you would just need 3x1024 sticks.
There are motherboards that have two pairs of Dual Channel slots (you could get 3GB by using a pair of 1GB's and a pair of 512MB's)...
Completly forgot abolut 2+1gb's
2+1=3 (4dimms full). :laugh:
Because his dad can't get a sweet discount on it.

Lucky SOB :p
king John I said:
I just thought you all should know, well actually i just like to brag, and brag i shall!!! For in 5 days i shall have power beneath my fingertips matched by no other! this power, is the power of the ultimate pc! Muahahahha

As many of you know, well... as I know, i am currently using a shitty laptop which specs reach these almightly levels
-1.3 GHz of pure centrino POWER
-256kb of dangerously POWERFUL ram
-32mb of unamed video card POWER, its unamed becuase its not a real video card

well anyway, lets skip this entertaining banter and get on with the important stuff, my new pc (its a precision {insirt number here} and as you should know dell precisions are made to a far higher quality than dell dimensions)

-P4 3.2 GHZ (i couldn't get the 3.6 i wanted but hey, the rest is good)
-3 GB of DDR2 ram, yes thats right 3gb of DDR2 ram
-ATI Radeon X800 XT ( YES, YOU DID READ THIS CORRECTLY, THATS THE BEST VIDEO CARD OUT AT THE MOMENT, and to quote gabe, it runs HL2 30% better than the best Nvidea couterpart)
-5.1 surround sound
-nice big moniter
-variuos stuff
-windows xp professional, shame on you whoever dares to use xp home, bleh!)

now just pause a minuit to soak it in, ready? ok. Now i bet you all think that i must be rolling in cash/money/dough/mulah/cheese but heres the good part,

-its only £850!!! (english money)

Hahahahha, no joke!!!

try making a pc like that on the dell website, make sure you choose to customise a precision not a dimension and you get to about £3000-£4000

well, my typing fingers are getting tired but i feel better about myself now.

when it ships in 5 days i'll buy Far Cry, doom3 (maybe, the AI sucks), and of course, every fan boys favorite game Half-life 2.



Daymm man I live your computer..
but 3 gigs of ram is wayy too much i think.
my computer is fine, it runs doom 3 on high with 800x600 =D but the only gmae i care about is hl2 and that game will run on my comp at 1024 x 768 hopefully

AMD Athalon 2600+
768 ram
ATI Radeon 9600 XT

I dont think i will have to upgrade till games come out with the unreal 3 engine.
you all say i have too much ram, but as i said that gigabyte extra from 2gb to 3gb only cost an extra £25, so i thought i may aswell.

yep your right, its 2x1gb + 2x512

and as i think i said i couldn't get a 64 bit processor. Eventually i might upgrade, but only once 64 bit processors become a nesscesaty and thats years away. And what is failed to notice here is that its a precision desktop not a dimension, which gives it a bit more power.

from dell.co.uk:

"Intel 925X chipset and Intel processors - delivering the fastest throughput for complex numerical calculations such as design, animation and analysis
DDR2 memory with ECC support - supporting the bandwidth of the processor and other components to ensure high amounts of data can be processed
PCI Express technology - providing a graphics interface with 4 times the bandwidth of AGP 8X and supporting high performance I/O interfaces
Integrated Serial ATA with RAID - delivering local storage performance and data security as a standard part of the system"

basically its made to not break down as much as a normal desktop becuase its designed to run buisness applications.

Hhahaha, we'll see. I live in the uk so that rules out a lot of people!

the price for my dad was £1475, but he only chraged me 60% so yeah.

And other that my dads a moody sod.
how about letting your favourite staff member use that discount? :D
Well, closing this cause it's just an e-penis thread.

But I feel I should direct you to the thread about too much ram slowing you're computer down. There's no way you're gonna use 3GB DDR2 ram, and it will in-turn just slow your computer down.

AFAIK, the x800XT (PCI-E version) will porbaly delay the ship date of your comp...
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