
I woke up a minute ago with serious cramps in my belly and I just pinched a loaf the size of a bus. Damn.
either I'm severly constipated or I eat too much. Or not enough.

I haven't shat in nearly three days too.
Oh, I gotta make this revelent to the OP's welcoming thread right? Don't spend too much time here or you'll forget how to swallow. Or eat. Or do anything.

It's that bad.
You should get that looked at. With a magnifying glass and some sunlight.
No. My colon needs to be looked at with a magnifying glass and sunlight. Smart thinking too.

I can perform surgery on myself, and then examine and cauterize the incision all at the same time! You a genius Willie. Thanks.
Just make sure you do a handstand at an angle with the magnifying glass taped somewhere around your asshole and aimed directly at the anus. Don't want to fry your second dick.
Just make sure you do a handstand at an angle with the magnifying glass taped somewhere around your asshole and aimed directly at the anus. Don't want to fry your second dick.
Wait, I have two dicks?

Is the first one located on top of my shoulders? Hahahahaa. Good one.
No, it's located in your anus.

Damn. You raped me so fast I didn't even know which direction you were pointing.
You dirty f**king fudge packer you. Stay away from me!

Another lesson to the OP:
Stay away from Willie. He likes chocolate.

In fact, don't even visit the Off-Topic forums at all if you value being mentally sane.
Just stick with the HL stuff. In the suburbs where it's safe.

The Off-Topic forums are the projects. Where the crack-heads, pedos, homos, sodomites, sociopathic trolls, etc. hang out.
This is a high crime area infested with not only the abformentioned types, but also corrupt mod police that'll take bribes for anything.
This is truly great! I get to see the real side of hl2.net life! and all i gotta say is.........

WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE! *Runs away screaming like a little girl*

I'll do it.

Megleesto Virtigo!

(I obviously don't know how to spell it...)
**** you all and suck my big hairy dick. ><

... :D

I love you guys, seriously. Who else could make me come so far?

I didn't mean that as dirty as it sounded...