


Hey im new around here just thought i'd poke my head around the corner, dunno what else to say really but im marik etc..

Thanks Marik :p
As long as you dont poke your head around any of my corners I dont mind.
Anyways welcome ;)
WElcome Marik

Sry, my net went down, bad timing.... :D
Hey guy!! Welcome to the forums :)
NO! This isn't happening. For the love of god NO!
Are we missing something? :dozey: Presumably so...

so what is so horrible?

I need information, I'm afraid to welcome you...
lol, you people need to stop by IRC more.. :)
Marik is notorious there!
Shuzer said:
lol, you people need to stop by IRC more.. :)
Marik is notorious there!
Bill gates notorious? or rubber tire notorious?
Shuzer said:
lol, you people need to stop by IRC more.. :)
Marik is notorious there!

Oh hae, i know marik, he lives in that list with all the people in it on IRC, cool.
PPl, I advised Marik to join here kase I thought this was one of the most n00b-friendly communities I've ever seen.

Please give him a warm welcome. Your conduct Onions, as a mod, is unaceptable.

The guy wants to end with the torment in IRC bu learning a few things and become a l33t.
Hell, not this guy, the oh so famous i-rox bitch, here?
Offtopic, nothing to do with the thread:

Btw wheres qui gone? he hasn't updated in a few days.

im already being abused from earlier in the thread only been on here for a while :/
Because most of the "hello" threads have been from people who haven't posted since, and that it would be cool to have more active members.
Look at the links in white writing at the top, one of them is called "New posts", It searches for the newest posts since youre last visit in every forum. Thats what I use. I just pic one that I find interesting and post in it. Thats how I found this one too.
ahhh cool, thanks very much

gonna go bed now got school in the morning, bye :)
Gnite, I guess i'll go to bed too in a min.