

Aug 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, I just got an A4 Intuos3 and I'm trying to used to it. I really just needed to actually get used to drawing with the pen thingy so I traced an image.

Its not the best in the world. But I quite like it. Its hard to really be proud about it though since it was not my work.

Here you are anyway, I think you can guess which is the original :D


Awsome :thumbs:

Hellsing is the best out there!! fo' shizzle!
i like it.
i think the art is awesome but i wasnt that big of a fan of hellsing.... i still own it though, and watch it frequently
Fênnrïck, I think his image is based off the anime.

Could be wrong though.
CyberSh33p said:
Fênnrïck, I think his image is based off the anime.

Could be wrong though.

Alexander is an enemy of Arucard in the Hellsing anime series. This is who the picture is of.

SnowBall said:
Hellsing was pwn. One of the best no doubt.

Hellsing is good don't get me wrong. But its pritty much owned by Trigun and GunGrave
Heh damn, at first I thought the first pic was yours from the original below.. I guess I should pay more attention :). Looks good though :)
The Dark Elf said:
Heh damn, at first I thought the first pic was yours from the original below.. I guess I should pay more attention :). Looks good though :)

I was wondering why everyone was saying it was good... LOL!