help connecting lights to an object



title pretty much says it all.. i need to know how to fix a light to a brush or a brush tied to an entity.. what im actualy trying to do is fix lights to the corners of my elevator (wich is a brush tied to a func_door) so when the elevator goes up the lights go with it, right now the elevator just goes through the lights and theyr still.. is there some sort of output or sosmething i need to do? :)
use light_dynamic, give your func_door a name, and parent the light_dynamic to the func_door. Normal lights can't move with entities. But be aware that light_dynamic is an expensive light to use, too many could slow things down.
hmm.. thanks :).. how many would you suggest using? i was planning on putting one on each corner of 4 elevators but that sounds like to much eh?.. oh well :p

also, is there a way to make a texture on ONE face of a brush that is able to be seen through and shot through? i wanna make a "secret" room where you can go in and see & shoot people from that side, but from the other side you just see the normal texture and you cant shoot through it.. is this even possible xD
ONE face of a brush that is able to be seen through and shot through?
Translucent yes; nonsolid questionable.

The Texture Application Tool Icon is immediately below the Brush Tool Icon; you can select a texture and right-click a brush face to change just that face. Any translucent material will work (though for best results, the brush should be a func_detail entity as well); if you want to try a nonsolid-to-bullets material, search for "grate", as a few of them let bullets through.
awesome! thanks raeven.. (btw.. ur tutorials on editlife helped me more then anything.. :))