Help. Custom Pc Won't Start.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bvlgari
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I justput all the parts together on my custom pc and when I try to turn it on it just flickers once and then nothing. When I disconnect the power supply and connect it again it, again flickers only once, and then nothing. Here is exatcly what I have in the pc:

amd athlon 64 x2 dual-core 6000+
geforce 6100sm-m motherboard
a-data ddr2 800 2gb (1gb x 2)
Maxtor sata 250gb

Do you guys have any idea? if you need pics let me know of exactly what and Ill get them for you.
I can't help you, but I noticed your motherboard...what voltage does the RAM run at?
These them? Then they run at the standard 1.8v for DDR2. Try it with 1 stick. Try different slots. Shut the power supply switch off for 20seconds and back on again. Are all the things completely connected? Press the video card in the slot. Maybe take it out and back in to make sure things are connected and not just half way.

Both motherboard power plugs connected? CPU fan wire connected to the correct place on the board labeled CPU_FAN?
ok, i think i narrowed down what the problem is. I think its PANEL1. I think I improperly connected the case's front panel wires.
It can be a bit tricky connecting those wires. Most cases have the HDD light, Pwr_switch and Pwr_LED etc as paired wires and not 1 big connector. With the power and reset switch it doesn't matter as much but if you want the LEDs to work you need to make sure the + and - are the correct orientation. I don't see why that would be the issue though. Assuming the PC turns on for a short time (you said flickers) and shuts off.

Technically you could remove all those wires and just use a screwdriver to short the proper pins (pwr_switch) and your PC would turn on.
I switched from 110 to 220 on the back of the power supply, and it turned on. but immediatlly (like 5 seconds) I started smelling that "burnt smell." I quickly pulled the power cord out of the wall. what now?
OMg Im having the same problem I think I also scrwed upt the panel wiring.
What do you mean by using a screw driver?
I switched from 110 to 220 on the back of the power supply, and it turned on. but immediatlly (like 5 seconds) I started smelling that "burnt smell." I quickly pulled the power cord out of the wall. what now?

I switched from 110 to 220 on the back of the power supply, and it turned on. but immediatlly (like 5 seconds) I started smelling that "burnt smell." I quickly pulled the power cord out of the wall. what now?

Give it to someone that can figure out what you toasted and re-buy it :laugh:
Power supply and / or motherboard are probably fried. RMA them both as defective and hope they don't notice! :p
Well you don't mess with the red thing. Red button = nuke launch
You just made it run at 220volts instead of 110 (which is the US standard).

Not sure where to start now...
Ouch. I messed with the red bugger on my old PSU and fried it too... not fun :(

As much as I'm usually against idiot-proof labels, they really need to chuck a warning on there. Alot of people who don't know better seem to resort to that when they have PSU related problems. The attractive red colouring doesn't help at all either...

Anyway, as far as your options, you're likely going to have to replace the PSU, and then I'd suggest taking it in to someone who knows what they're doing. No offense meant by that, but sometimes it's better to admit defeat and leave it to a pro instead.
I won't learn until I try.

I replaced the power supply with a much better one. I tried installing vista on the Maxtor 250 gb drive and it took nearly 2 hours. Then it gave me the blue screen and that was it. What I waste of time that was. So I went back to frys and replaced the Maxtor with Seagate pata/100 250gb and everything else went real smooth. The Seagate hard drive installed vista just under 30 minutes. If there is a lesson to be learned its; stay away from Maxtor, and always have quality power supply.

Now the only problem that I have is no sound. I play mp3s and I can't hear anything. My device manager says everything is cool, and I update all the latest drivers, but I still have no sound. Any ideas?