HELP Error 1334 while Installing!



Hey Guys, hopefully u can help me? right I bought my HL2 copy off Amazon thought it was faulty so bought another locally,had both the same error, i says

Error 1334. The File 'hl2.ico1' cannot be installed because the file cannot be found in cabinet file ''. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-Rom, or a problem with this package.

Help? at my wit's end to this problem!


I had this problem, and it did my head in, i have finally have everything installed and launch the game and it seems fine. But i am not sure what i really did, but i will tell you, so you can give it a go.
I launched steam and an update came up so i left it to do it's thing, and then i restarted my pc once it was done, then i loaded steam again and i logged out, and then logged back in, then i went to install HL2 and everything went through fine.

I hope this helps you out, let me know how you get on!!
k thx mate,thought i was going mad! :flame:

just got the updates and gonna try and restart the pc and reinstall it :smoking:
I've also had the same problem. I thought I bought a bad copy of the game! I've taken it back twice, the guy at the shop thinks i'm crazy!
think its going ok, having problems getting into the game with the cd key etc
i'm just unlocking the files off steam, but it says that steam is too busy to process my cd key registration so it'll be doing that later. lol cant w8 to get it activated.
this is bullshit, ive tried 3 times already to load the damn thing, and each time on disk 4 it gives me the same ****ing error. i have even updated steam and tried to re-install it. can someone help? this is seriously pissing me right off.
and whenever i try to register my cd key it says its invalid... wtf.
How are you guys getting on with what i said to try?
Can you believe that before i load mine up i have come to try and help you out, as i know what it feels like to have it sitting there and not being able to us it!!

Did the steam updates do anything?

Also i had to input my cd key after i installed the game, is that the same for you?
I tried this the first time that it installed and got the same thing with my key, so i uninstalled and installed again and it worked first time!

Also look at your key very close as i had a Q in mine which if i didn't look closely it looked like a O.

Please keep us updated!!
Nope steam updates did jack poo here. Still have that error 1334
I'm also having the error. Already took the first copy of the game back thinking it was a cd error.

I did the stream update thing.

The first few installation attempts were giving me the error on disk one.

After the stream update, I'm getting the error on disk four.

Obviously this is not a cd issue.

Looking for help, work-arounds, etc. I'd love to play my game, I'm not in the short-term loan business. :LOL:
tip!:Be sure install counterstrike source or the install will fail
mark :sniper: :sniper:
Oh man, be happy you it isn't the 1337 error. THAT would be give you problems.