Help Get Portal 2 Released Early - OVERCLOCK HAS BEGUN, Release Incoming!

Couldn't you just- Open game, tape down spacebar to keyboard, walk away?


"Give me a Y, give me a-"

"Hey all I have to type is Y"

"Hey Marge, I just tripled my productivity"

And Steam needs to record you actually playing the game – just leaving something
idling in the background does not contribute.

But what does that mean in real terms, playtime of 5 minute or 1 hour?

Yay, instead of playing Tuesday dinner time, I get to play before breakfast, how it should be

[edit]I've refreshed several times and the "hours ahead of schedule seems to be going in the opposite direction, what gives?

In other news, Portal 2 scores 94% and editor's choice in PCGAMER
I hate marketing so much.

Here you can see the progress:

I find it funny that people are complaining about this. Valve are giving us the opportunity to release the game early, how is that worse than waiting until release day?

They assigned an arbitrary release date since they knew thew would be releasing it early anyway. If they expected for this, are they really releasing it EARLY or are they releasing it right on time?
It's barely being released early. There's still 86 hours left, or 3.6 days. Oh man, we're gonna save, what, a few hours? And all for the cost of a few additional games! Keep those CPUs running, guys!

To those of you saying, "It's just smart marketing, people will get to see what great games these small developers made, Valve is great for doing this, they're so nice to the indie community blah blah blah," god, you people are such suckers. Keep justifying those purchases. Again, I'm not saying any of those games aren't worth the money, but the reason they were purchased is just a low ploy, especially since, according to the current clock, PURCHASING THEM CHANGED NOTHING.

But hey, y'know. Enjoy audiosurf.
Darkside the current ETA is 15 hours ahead of schedule. A half hour ago it was 13 hours. It's growing quite rapidly.
Monday the 18th isn't a big difference from Tuesday the 19th, Rimfire. Let me know when everyone who purchased The Ball bring it down to Saturday.
It's barely being released early. There's still 86 hours left, or 3.6 days. Oh man, we're gonna save, what, a few hours? And all for the cost of a few additional games! Keep those CPUs running, guys!

To those of you saying, "It's just smart marketing, people will get to see what great games these small developers made, Valve is great for doing this, they're so nice to the indie community blah blah blah," god, you people are such suckers. Keep justifying those purchases. Again, I'm not saying any of those games aren't worth the money, but the reason they were purchased is just a low ploy, especially since, according to the current clock, PURCHASING THEM CHANGED NOTHING.

But hey, y'know. Enjoy audiosurf.
Nobody's brought the games in order to get Portal 2 early. The Potato Sack was offering the games way before any of this Portal 2 ARG stuff came up (yes, it was always part of it, but the games were on offer before the carrot which you're so enraged about was revealed.)

What's your problem with them doing a media stunt to publicise some awesome indie games? Does it offend you that they have a financial incentive for drawing attention to these games?
I'm surprised at all the negativity towards this whole thing.

1 - You don't have to participate - those that choose to participate are helping you out anyway by getting the game in your hands earlier
2 - This gives indie developers of some really solid games a lot more exposure (yes, Valve profits from this too, but I doubt you'll find the indie devs complaining)
3 - You don't even have to buy the whole potato sack to participate. I bought Super Meat Boy and Killing Floor ages ago and I'll be playing them more to help out (especially considering the massive FREE update SMB got recently).
4 - It's not even giving extra weapon unlocks or maps to the people that participate or bought the potato sack - it's just bumping up the release date.

Suckers? Maybe some people are looking for games to fill the big void of games right now. They probably look at some of these games as a way to pass the time, be a part of a fun weekend event AND speed up Portal 2's release.
Actually the potato sack stuff was also offering that TF2 hat, and I am inherently against anything that gives out more of that maligned millinery.

And don't be naive, kid. Once people found out that the Potato Sack was tied to the Portal ARG, and now the countdown, people will be buying the pack for that. Seriously, don't give me that, "Nobody bought it to get Portal 2 early!" I'm sure people were buying Toki Tori for the sheer fun of it.

And no, it doesn't offend me that they would publicise some awesome games. It upsets me that they tie it to some bullshit like, "Hey please buy these games and you'll get this hyped one out earlier!" Why not advertise the games on their own merits if you're going to do it? Hell, why have some kind of arbitrary "reward" in there in the first place? I'm sure all the indie devs are happy, and good for them, really, no sarcasm, but I just do not like marketing ploys like this.
I'm sure people were buying Toki Tori for the sheer fun of it.

I thought about it. :( Even before the potato sack. ;(

And no, it doesn't offend me that they would publicise some awesome games. It upsets me that they tie it to some bullshit like, "Hey please buy these games and you'll get this hyped one out earlier!" Why not advertise the games on their own merits if you're going to do it? Hell, why have some kind of arbitrary "reward" in there in the first place? I'm sure all the indie devs are happy, and good for them, really, no sarcasm, but I just do not like marketing ploys like this.

Eh, im not a fan of it either, but it annoys me about as much as I was when I saw "Pre-order Now!" at the end of the very first, couple second long trailer for Battlefield 3. Which means I'm not very annoyed. Especially since Portal 2 has actually been advertised on the merits of the game already, and a lot. Unlike Battlefield 3.
And no, it doesn't offend me that they would publicise some awesome games. It upsets me that they tie it to some bullshit like, "Hey please buy these games and you'll get this hyped one out earlier!" Why not advertise the games on their own merits if you're going to do it? Hell, why have some kind of arbitrary "reward" in there in the first place? I'm sure all the indie devs are happy, and good for them, really, no sarcasm, but I just do not like marketing ploys like this.
Don't be naive, kid. Tying the PR campaign for Valve's most anticipated game release in years to the indie games achieves more publicity for them than advertising the games on their own merits ever could.

You're mad that some people need a shove from a PR stunt to take a look at indie games. I say, get over it. Though I agree with you about the TF2 hats.
Don't be naive, kid. Tying the PR campaign for Valve's most anticipated game release in years to the indie games achieves more publicity for them than advertising the games on their own merits ever could.
No shit, but it's still a cheap way to go about it. But again I'm sure the developers themselves don't care, they're making loadsamoney. But goddamnit, somebody's gotta be mad about this, and I'm gonna be "that guy."
TBH I think the TF2 team just like being part of stuff :P
Defense Grid is actually kind of fun. Plus you can earn 3 potatoes easy. (6 all together, but that is hard)
If anything these games are holding people over until the best game of the month arrives.....amirite?
I've followed the ARG from the start, it's been a brilliant god. I've met a ton of new people through the IRC, some really clever and interesting people from other communities I wouldn't usually speak to. I'm so glad to have been a part of it, it's been brilliantly put together and one of the best games Valve have ever made! It's been quite a difficult commitment to keep up with the ARG and I know for a bunch of people it completely passed them by (and don't really know what is going on now).

Owning the potato sack games isn't a huge investment. Also you don't need to own all of them to take part...Toki Tori & Rush are £1.79 for example. In fact you don't even need any of the games to have been part of the experience in IRC - as many of the images / files etc. were uploaded to the wiki. The indie devs I hope have made some money from this but more importantly a whole load of people have become more aware of indie devs on Steam, got behind them and actually played these titles (through force really :P) to see what they are all about. I've heard a lot of people who discovered games like DG or TWEOTA through the ARG and are now playing them because they like them. Imagine if Valve had put together a pack of games consisting of Black Ops, Shogun 2, Crysis 2 & Dead Space 2? $150+ and extra publicity for established devs with plenty of coverage as it is! I would vomit.

It's also worth mentioning a lot of these games brought out brilliant DLC for this ARG. Amnesia has a whole separate side story, The Ball DLC is basically Portal 2 in UDK, Cogs has a bunch of new challenges...and there is loads more in the other games. No extra cost obviously.

I never expected Portal 2 to come out early, this is a nice added bonus to a great experience I've had playing and helping with the ARG. Nearly all the people are loving it, the few who don't like it seem to be the same who lost the thread early on or never got it.

Anyway - TWEOTA is done already. Obviously Valve won't let this make Portal 2 unlock 5 minutes early, it would make the ARG look silly. Expect some more developments or story twists from this part of the ARG, which will mean it will unlock either Sunday or Monday.
I don't think the prices for any of the potato sack games are ridiculous... Maybe this situation is ridiculous, but not the deals for all of those games, some of which are very good, especially for the price they regularly are, let alone the price right now.

By "ridiculous" I was meaning "extremely low".
The next person to deploy "kid" in such a condescending, wankerish manner is going to get an instant ban. Get over yourself Darkside.

Which is entirely beside the point.

What're you talking about now?
I don't understand the hate for a simple PR stunt. Also, this is for a just cause because, as a small indie company, you could make the best game in the world but never sell like EA or Ubi or Valve or whatever. Indie developers are always in need of visibility because their games are often seen as "crappy indie games", despite the merits, and they just don't have money for proper advertising campaigns.
To me, this stunt by Valve is sort of a charity, and an act of love for beautiful indie games. Valve is to commended.
Well whatever Valve is trying with this PR stunt , it is definetly working .
Anyway - TWEOTA is done already. Obviously Valve won't let this make Portal 2 unlock 5 minutes early, it would make the ARG look silly. Expect some more developments or story twists from this part of the ARG, which will mean it will unlock either Sunday or Monday.
This indeed. I fully expect them to make sure it releases early.
Well, Zavvi are claiming that my boxed copy order cannot be cancelled 'as it is being prepared for dispatch'. I will believe this when I see it, but it would be interesting if they'd stepped up the retail release as a response to Valve's shenanigans.

Seriously, **** UK street dates. Why the **** does the high street get a say about anything these days?
I thought Zavvi went out of business? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
They've operated as an online business ever since, owned by the same group as Sendit. They're not brilliant (terrible delivery times) but they sometimes have better prices (Amazon price matched them for Portal 2 shortly after I preordered. Couldn't be bothered to change).
Just bought 1...2....3...Kick It! its looks just like AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity because it has the same creators I think but in like 10 seconds it'll finish downloading and I'll give it a whirl. $5 is $5 ya know
If anyone bought the Potato Pack and wants to gift me any game, I won't deny it. :D

Also, I think Valve did a fantastic job on this. From day 1, if you didn't know it was just a gigantic ad campaign, then gtfo. Regardless of it was or not, it was an amazingly immersing one at that. I only had 3 of the PP games, so I couldn't really get fully involved, and I wasn't down for shelling out that money for the whole pack. Even so, I kept up with the ARG and the Wiki, and it just made me say wow every time something new came about or some new cryptic message sprung forth.

It looks like we'd be better suited if everyone concentrated on one game at a time, to get a Computations Complete on each game, rather than everyone signing on/off each other game, all spread-out-like. Someone should alert the internets to start up just Audiosurf or something, and stop running the others until Audiosurf is complete.
Isn't it the case that the maximum time that will be shaved off the total is something like 10 hours? In order to get that, every game would have to be done to 100% 10 hours before the release date. Which is on Tuesday. Can't see it happening.
It looks like we'd be better suited if everyone concentrated on one game at a time, to get a Computations Complete on each game, rather than everyone signing on/off each other game, all spread-out-like. Someone should alert the internets to start up just Audiosurf or something, and stop running the others until Audiosurf is complete.
They're already doing that Krynn.

Priority list as agreed by community is:
  1. [strike]The Wonderful End of the World[/strike]
  2. 123 Kick It!
  3. AaAaAA!!!
  4. RUSH
  6. Toki Tori
  7. Cogs
  8. The Ball
  9. Audiosurf
  10. Amnesia
  11. Super Meat Boy
  12. Defense Grid: The Awakening
  13. Killing Floor
Isn't it the case that the maximum time that will be shaved off the total is something like 10 hours? In order to get that, every game would have to be done to 100% 10 hours before the release date. Which is on Tuesday. Can't see it happening.

It's almost not even worth it.
It took eleven hours for people playing The Wonderful End of the World to shave off fifty minutes from the original release? Oh boy, I can't wait until 1... 2... 3... Kick It! is done.
Still wondering if Valve will release something to boost our "score" in the next 24 hours or so. If Portal 2 isn't released at least 24 hours earlier than it is supposed to, this whole thing will look very lame; it would be talked about years later in negative light, for example, "Yeah, lets not forget the Portal 2 ARG, when Valve convinced everyone to buy a bunch of indie games to get Portal 2 released 5 hours early".

I still think the idea is great, but from how it's going it doesn't seem well executed. I think Valve should have started this a few days earlier.
It took eleven hours for people playing The Wonderful End of the World to shave off fifty minutes from the original release? Oh boy, I can't wait until 1... 2... 3... Kick It! is done.

Kick It finished. We only got 40 minutes this time. Anything short of early Sunday is totally useless for me, since I won't have the time to play until next weekend. And at this rate, it looks like it'll be released some time in the very early morning on Tuesday instead of the somewhat-later morning.

Perhaps the other games (the ones with more copies sold) will remove more time, but they're also going to take a lot longer. Killing Floor has had 5-6k players since this started and it's still very nearly in last place.
Ya if it doesn't even make it to a weekend release, the entire thing will have been pretty stupid.
That's the thing, the difference in release dates is negligible. The whole thing reads like, "These games are really great, you guys, and to show you just how great they are we not only want you to purchase them but if you spend hours upon hours playing them, you push Portal's release date back a teeny tiny bit!" This was just a completely unnecessary thing; in the end you're only getting a few hours at best shaved off.

The next person to deploy "kid" in such a condescending, wankerish manner is going to get an instant ban. Get over yourself Darkside.
Haha, you act like I haven't been saying condescending, wankerish things on the board for the past 8 years. I didn't know that "kid," out of all of them, would be the INSTANT BAN WARNING, BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOUNG MAN. Newsflash, the operative condescending word in my post was "naive," not kid. Kid is slang. Not that I actually give a shit about justifying what I wrote, but just so you know, you read more into that word than I put in. I guess that says more about you having a sore spot than it says about me talking down to people.
Haha, you act like I haven't been saying condescending, wankerish things on the board for the past 8 years. I didn't know that "kid," out of all of them, would be the INSTANT BAN WARNING, BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH YOUNG MAN. Newsflash, the operative condescending word in my post was "naive," not kid. Kid is slang. Not that I actually give a shit about justifying what I wrote, but just so you know, you read more into that word than I put in. I guess that says more about you having a sore spot than it says about me talking down to people.

For a man who says he doesn't give a shit, despite knowing it's his phrasing and not the word use, you sure aren't good at letting it slide - you had to edit your post with the sole purpose of replying to me. Speaking of sore spots?