Help Guys! Should I Return To WoW?

Should I Go Back To WoW?

  • Go back you fool! WoW and the BC rocks!

    Votes: 6 9.4%
  • No! Dont do it! Save yourself!

    Votes: 41 64.1%
  • Go back for a while, get the BC and see how it goes.

    Votes: 4 6.3%
  • Why are you bothering us with this pityness?

    Votes: 13 20.3%

  • Total voters


Space Core
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Right, WoW has been that little scratch on the roof of my mouth that would heal if only i would stop tonguing it.

Basically i quit playing almost a year ago due to being at Uni where the ports are blocked so i couldnt connect. Which is a good thing because i could get work done...except ive had plenty of opportunities to play this year due to the first 2 years being a bit...slack when it comes to getting work. So i had ALOT of spare time sitting around etc.

Anywho, im back home now and can connect. Will also be able to connect when i go back in early sep to my new house which has unrestricted bband. the BC worth it? Should i go back? Im on lvl60 as a Pally and have run BWL to death as with Ahn Qiraj (bigger part), so im pretty stocked on epics that pallys shouldnt have (mwaha). Im only mentioning my gear because raiding took so much of my time...and im scared of becoming raid-addicted again. Is raiding a necessity in the Outlands?

So, if you guys could give me some support as to going back or not, id appreciate it. I just want a game to loose myself in again, and WoW certainly helped over the past 2 or 3 years ive played.

Aha i sound like a junkie looking for his next fix...
If your asking for advice then you clearly shouldn't go back to it. :|

+ Points for the Fight Club quote, there is hope for you.
BC is more of the same. Once you hit 70 it turns into an even bigger grind, with every pattern above 350 (max 375) or so costing insane amounts of mats, about 20 different factions to grind rep with, and raids being the same as always.

But then, I'm still playing.

So, yes. But only if your life is as hollow and meaningless as mine :) (these woooooooounds...)
And im guessing that everyone that is saying no hasnt played WoW?
...why would you guess that? Almost everyone that owns a PC has played WoW, I personally played it for a year before I realized how shit-boring it was
I dun played wow but it broke up a community I was in. DUN DO EET
Don't do it.

Blizzard did attempt to cut down on the insane amount of playtime required to obtain the best items, and did succeed to some degree, but there's still a huge grind aspect to the game.

The reason I don't play anymore, is because I was so immersed in the game, and felt such an obligation to play on behalf of my guildmates/friends, that I did not want to do anything else in real-life, regardless of the time it would take to get it done. Anytime I was out somewhere, all I could think about was getting home to play. If I was home and playing, since there is no pause button, I did not want to do anything else, and was annoyed if anyone else pulled me away from the computer for any amount of time.

I still don't really have much of a life, post-WoW, aside from work, but if something needs to be done, I will do it. If my sister asks me to drive her friends downtown on the weekend, I won't hesitate to say yes. If my mom asks me to come over to watch a movie with my sister and her, I'll most likely go. I'm usually the one who initiates things for my friends and I to do, such as golfing or seeing a movie/whatever else.

Normally, when I played WoW, I'd blow people off constantly, or procrastinate to the point that it never ends up happening.

But, the question remains; are you this type of person? Would you be raiding all hours of the night, losing out on sleep? Would you be busy raiding or pvping, and blow people off who ask you to do something that you would otherwise enjoy doing?

If yes...well, consider not returning to WoW, even if it does mean a lot of nights trolling Internet forums or playing other, less immersive, games. The thing I love about doing anything on the computer other than WoW, is that if I decide to leave and go do something, whatever I am doing will be there when I get back. The posts to a topic I am reading will be there when I return to it, and maybe new posts. The game I am playing will be there when I get back to it, as long as I save.
Baal said:

That is how I got to at one point, then I stopped raiding. I took a six month break from it and I've come back, I only play casually, and never pass up a social event over WoW.

WoW is not for the weak, I will tell you that. If you have willpower then go ahead and play it.
I played WoW for a little while, and, really, don't go back to it. Break the addiction!
I would never give up my sleep. Not even if someone committed trickery on me using a mouse trap with cheese and a anvil hanging from the ceiling tied to a piece of rope.
WoW is like an addiction to drugs. It's possible to quit, but eventually it will call your name again, and more likely than not you will answer the call. For the most part people get so addicted to it and spend so much time on it that it begins to impact other aspects of their lives in a negative way. A perfect example of this is my brother, a WoW fanatic.
I watched a special about how it makes kids kill themselves... it was video games all along...
A lot of people in my group play it, we go over for LANs and shit and I can't say I pass up social events or my education for it.

Just monitor yourself.
WoW is like an addiction to drugs. It's possible to quit, but eventually it will call your name again, and more likely than not you will answer the call. For the most part people get so addicted to it and spend so much time on it that it begins to impact other aspects of their lives in a negative way. A perfect example of this is my brother, a WoW fanatic.

I'm WoW-less going on four months. I shall never go back.
My friend only quit because his parents literally stole his computer, disassembled it, and hid it.
Yeah i only 'quit' because i couldnt connect due to restrictions at Uni.

Im currently downloading the BC client and will use a free 10 day pass just to see how it goes. I have no intention of carrying on when i go back to Uni in Sep, as i KNOW my life will be taken over by it and i wont get ANYTHING done, and my 2nd year is important workwise.

At the same time i cant see how you can play it casually, as youve always got that 'i want that item' in the back of your head, which drives you into raids lasting 7 hours and going to bed at 1am etc...

Grrr i dont know what i miss about it though.
I'm WoW-less going on four months. I shall never go back.

Good! You broke the cycle.

I don't get my brother. His best friend comes over yesterday, and he ends up hanging out with me because my brother wants to play WoW, which he can do any time, instead of hanging out with his best friend who he rarely gets to see. I feel sorry for his friend, who feels like he might as well not even come over. When I tell my brother that he needs to get his fukking ass up and off that damned computer and be with his friend, he gets really defensive and mean, and he's not a mean guy. He's such a dick when people tell him he needs to take it easy on the WoW. It's like he's an addict.
Well i play with a mate mine, just questing about, doing dungeons and shit, we'd play it a lot for say a month, get bored and then not go on it for a month. I admit, i love doing a dungeon and getting cool items from it, or completely an incredibly hard quest, but after about three hours max, im usually done with it and i come off for the day.

Anyway its up to you, im currently enjoying it, but if it means you become hooked on it and a social life is destroyed, i would definately stay clear, good job i dont get addicted to game anymore xD
I'm proud to say that I've never played or even seen anyone play WoW.