help,I got ****ed.

Question: how old are you?

Another question: what exactly is "a man" in your dad's eyes? You work and pay for your own things. You're earning money that you spend on what you like to do. That's what an adult does. At least you're not mooching; have you ever asked your dad to consider that? He probably spends money on his hobbies.

You also said you work out and run track so on the physical side you're not a bum either. You should really ask your dad what he expects of you. And immediately AFTER that you need to tell HIM that he has some serious anger management issues and that stomping and breaking other people's property isn't a "manly" thing to do, it's childish. Seriously, only children do things like that. You need to stand up for yourself and tell him that, verbatim if possible. At best you'll make him realize what a royal jerk he was and gain his respect. At worse he'll stomp on you too, but at least you'll have some dignity to say you told him off.

Seriously dude, take my advice. Your dad needs to know that is NOT cool and that's NOT what adults in this world should be doing. They're supposed to be examples of behavior for their children, not computer-stomping neanderthals.


What say you Candy art?
Break something that is of proportional monetary value in relation to his income as your pc is to your income. Here's hoping that he makes 6 figures and owns a bmw.
You need to prove to him that you ARE a man already. You need to not take that sort of shit from people. He probably figures you're a pussy and wont do anything about it. You're proving him right.

I suggest you break something he uses a lot and tell him to stop using it so much.

Slash his tires and tell him to ride a bike or walk more often. Ruin his bed (i suggest fire) and tell him to stop sleeping so much. If he has a hobby, break some of his shit and tell him "thats how it feels"

Pick something that will show him you have a spine, and show him how it feels to have something valuable destroyed for no good reason. He will probably be pissed at first, but he will have more respect for you and your shit.
Unlikely. When was the last time you broke someone's possession and they've said, "I'm fvcking pissed off that you did that, but I respect you for it." If anything it'll just exacerbate the situation, and it's not going to make his dad see the error in his ways. In fact he probably won't even see the correlation of his action influencing Candy's reaction (breaking one of his dad's things); more likely he'll see it as just one-upmanship.

The whole idea is petty anyway. "I break something of yours for breaking something of mine." Again, childish. I remember when I was younger a 'friend' of mine broke my favorite Lego spaceship, so I broke one of his things to show him how it felt. He didn't say, "Wow, I understand"; we just started fighting and I ended up having to beat the shit out of him and throw him out of my house by the collar. THIS IS NOT ADULT BEHAVIOR.

Candy Art you need to break it down for your dad in words. Don't try to retaliate or do anything to "get him back." Just explain it to him like I said. It'll turn out better.
Gah... way to ruin it. I just wanted to see him do something to his dad for fun.

Plus if he did break something of his dad's... his dad probably wouldnt buy him a new PC. I would have lol'd and Candy wouldnt get a new PC and probably get a life where is isnt addicted to the computer.
Make you a man? I know what you mean. My mum tore up my beano comic when I was young. I immediatly grew pubes and went out and got laid.
Make you a man? I know what you mean. My mum tore up my beano comic when I was young. I immediatly grew pubes and went out and got laid.

so in conclusion, the key to becoming a man is lose something you cherish. very interesting, we shall experiment!!!! whos got kids?
What Darkside said - destroying your property worth one thousand dollars is, y'know, illegal, and totally shitty.

I'd also advise finding something to do when you're not using the sound like without it you're completely desolate. Go and meet and talk to people or something. It'llprobably be healthy, in more than just the narrow sense that exercise is.
Is it henry?

Anyway, we need to know the background of this.
the background of this is that the guy is just ****ing with us
call it bs
either break his shit or sue his ass
Right, now this can be locked.
I already told him that it wasn't the right thing to do.He said since Im living in his house and for "free" I must live by his rules.I pay my I-net and most of my food.And screw you people that think Im Henry.
Just report it to the police. Either way, whining on the internet won't help. We can't do anything
lol, Solaris, that's awesome, especially when you take the thread title out of context :P
I would love if my parents came into my room and basically killed my computer. Then I would be forced to get outside more. Not that I don't get outside enough, all yesterday I was outside(Basketball, Football, Biked 15 miles). Simply I would have more motiviation.

I'm actually in the process of trying to sell my computer and all my games.

I'm going to go with your dad on this one. You are addicted. Plus get over it man. Your computers gone so get over it and stop whining. Computers should not be your life! There is other stuff to do. Shoot some hoops, get good at juggling a soccer ball, get good at curving soccer balls, go shopping, get a bunch of people and play basketball/soccer/football/baseball.

I made on small comment then a whole bunch others accusing this guy of being Henry! :D
the point isn't the fact that he's addicted. It's that his dad ****ed up some expensive equipment, and that's not nice
exactly...if he would have just taken the Tower away it would have been no big deal...
Seriously now though. Your response should depend on how expensive a computer he is going to be buying you now. If he spends more than you did on it... then let it go, because you're coming out on top anyways. If he spend the same amount, let it go, because the same amount of money now will buy you better stuff than the same amount did back when you got it.

If he spends less... then you have a problem and need to talk to him about it.
I'm going to go with your dad on this one. You are addicted. Plus get over it man. Your computers gone so get over it and stop whining. Computers should not be your life! There is other stuff to do. Shoot some hoops, get good at juggling a soccer ball, get good at curving soccer balls, go shopping, get a bunch of people and play basketball/soccer/football/baseball.
Exactly. Round up your friends, play some outdoor games. Hell, if you want, you can go paintballing / airsofting. Real life CSS! \:D/

And if your dad keeps up this bullshit, put away a sum (100 bucks?) per month and give it to him as rent for your room. Then you can do whatever the **** you like in there.
Seriously dude, take my advice. Your dad needs to know that is NOT cool and that's NOT what adults in this world should be doing. They're supposed to be examples of behavior for their children, not computer-stomping neanderthals.

Yea, I agree with that.

But suppose what he's giving us is'int the whole truth -- what could've warranted such an extreme reaction?

One of its own. >:}
either break his shit or sue his ass
Right, now this can be locked.

Alright dude, it's not very nice when you go into someone elses thread and go "LOL LOCK'D PLZ LTHX LOL LOCK DIZ PLKZ LOL LOCKING MASTERIAL OMFG" and it just ruins everyone's fun.
If you want something done...use the lil report button!
Just ask him to pay more for it than it was. It's like a free computer upgrade.
Solution to all your problems: move out. Move out AFTER he buys your new computer. Then you'll never have to worry about coming home to a squashed PC.

I really hate that "You live in my house by my rules" BS.
I know wht you can do

find something that you dad loves(lets say....what will love a troglodite american dad? clubs!) well find something that you dad love and use a lot and them smash that
and if your father ask what the hell are you doing just reply "whats wrong dad? I am heloing you to become a man too,cuz you are like too adicted to this soo lets smash it" and trow it into a chimney
What's wrong with parents these days?
I dont have any of that my house my rules BS in my home, there's no need for my parents to have totalitarian authority over me because I never act like bastard, it's called mutual respect.
What's wrong with parents these days?
I dont have any of that my house my rules BS in my home, there's no need for my parents to have totalitarian authority over me because I never act like bastard, it's called mutual respect.

indeed kids are just becoming dumber
What's wrong with parents these days?
I dont have any of that my house my rules BS in my home, there's no need for my parents to have totalitarian authority over me because I never act like bastard, it's called mutual respect.

Same here. My parents have never said that to me. But then again, we have never had problems with each other before. I dont even remember ever having a fight with them in my entire life.

I guess some people's personalities just dont match up... even within familys.
I've wondered when this would happen.
Heh, Sucks 2 b u.