help... I suck at half life 2...



I'm stuck at a part, but think it might be because of a bug...

My save file is called "water hazard", and i'm at a part where I came out of a sewer filled with green radiation water (yeah i jumped across all the radiation) Then I make a left and see 3 sunken boats with a blue sunken boat at the end. I keep going left from where the blue boat is, and end up at a place where I see a massive broken sewer pipe, then after that a series of broken sewer pipes which I assume i'm supposed to go through... but there is a river of green radiation water that I cannot pass.

I looked through some walk through's and they keep saying i'm supposed to have an "air boat" by this time... but for some reason I don't have one, but made it pertty far through water hazard. Is this a glitch, or do I just suck?
Have you gotten past the part where headcrab cannisters are being fired at you? Not long after that part you meet a woman at a way-station. she gives you the air boat. If your past that you must have gone to far somehow.
Have you gotten past the part where headcrab cannisters are being fired at you? Not long after that part you meet a woman at a way-station. she gives you the air boat. If your past that you must have gone to far somehow.

Yeah, I past the part where the canisters shoot out the head crabs. >_< I'm a bit past that part where you blow up the beams behind the fence that breaks down the dam.

I guess I'll start over. Heh, the whole time I was thinking to myself, "damn this game is pertty damn tough!"...
right after the part with the canisters, there is a walkway to ur left, in the garage like area theres a citizen filling ur airboat up with gas, u made a right turn and just ran along the ground a ways until u got the the huge metal door and then held the valve crank to open the door, how u made it as far as u did is beyond me, u should of died in the hazerdous water, unless ur using sv_cheats or something. but yea u need to backtrack a long ways, or just load up water hazard in the new game menu.
right after the part with the canisters, there is a walkway to ur left, in the garage like area theres a citizen filling ur airboat up with gas, u made a right turn and just ran along the ground a ways until u got the the huge metal door and then held the valve crank to open the door, how u made it as far as u did is beyond me, u should of died in the hazerdous water, unless ur using sv_cheats or something. but yea u need to backtrack a long ways, or just load up water hazard in the new game menu.

Haha, I don't know how I made it so far either.
No cheats just pure determination.
I found some funky glitch in the game in the water hazard level near the puzzle where you have to put the blue containers underwater to lift the ramp. Basically instead of lifting the ramp up all the way, I grabbed 2 blue containers and stacked them on the wall, between the sewer exit(where you find the two blue containers) and the green radiation water. I then jumped up on the roof, but I quickly found you weren't really supposed to go up there because the rooftop was "invisible", I ran towards the bridge (away from the green radiation water). Jumped the little fence and landed onto the mountain side w/ trees. I kept going past the dam over there and jumped down... This let me get past the first long stretch of green radiation water. :) The other stretches of green radiation water I found thereafter I literally jumped across. haha.

The part I'm at now though, I realllllly need the air boat. ;(
Start a new game and select the latest chapter that is unlocked for you...
Haha, I don't know how I made it so far either.
No cheats just pure determination.
I found some funky glitch in the game in the water hazard level near the puzzle where you have to put the blue containers underwater to lift the ramp. Basically instead of lifting the ramp up all the way, I grabbed 2 blue containers and stacked them on the wall, between the sewer exit(where you find the two blue containers) and the green radiation water. I then jumped up on the roof, but I quickly found you weren't really supposed to go up there because the rooftop was "invisible", I ran towards the bridge (away from the green radiation water). Jumped the little fence and landed onto the mountain side w/ trees. I kept going past the dam over there and jumped down... This let me get past the first long stretch of green radiation water. :) The other stretches of green radiation water I found thereafter I literally jumped across. haha.

The part I'm at now though, I realllllly need the air boat. ;(

thats the coolest thing about HL2, is theres multiple ways to do things, but then u reach a point where ur stuck without something, but i think its freaking awesome u used the physics to get passed that part!
Cusco, I did the same thing, except I got the airboat but I got stuck at one of the puzzles and left it behind. I went most of the way by foot (or paddling) until I got stuck at a point when I really needed the airboat to proceed.

Believe me, get the airboat and travel that way, it's much more fun! :)
heres what you should do, you forgot to pick up a hovercraft. so create one!

go to the console.

sv_cheats 1

press enter then type

impulse 83

press enter

and it should create an airboat for you!!

oh and then sv_cheats 0 again ;)
heres what you should do, you forgot to pick up a hovercraft. so create one!

go to the console.

sv_cheats 1

press enter then type

impulse 83

press enter

and it should create an airboat for you!!

oh and then sv_cheats 0 again ;)

Cheating is not a way to solve a problem...
It makes the game meaningless.
I actually beat the whole game without any vehicles. I just used the up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A Cheat. It was hard to do that because I actually swam the whole way through the cement pipes. My thumbs were shaking after that!
Cheating is not a way to solve a problem...
It makes the game meaningless.

Personally I think he deserves to get a cheated boat considering he got like 1/3 of the way through the boat level without one!!!
Better start a new game from Water Hazard. Sure, you can create the boat through console, but it's better to restart just to get the true experience.

I believe that people have done most, if not the entire, chapter without the airboat to show it's possible, though.
I like the air boat... dose any one know how to spawn the air boat with the gun on it cuz i hate useing the jeep...
Ok, I started over and got the air boat... man I can't believe I missed out on such a fun vehicle.

So far I've reached nova prospekt, I'm pertty happy that I got through ravenhold as it was a freaky level!

thanks all. :)
Cheating is not a way to solve a problem...
It makes the game meaningless.

You prefer wasting time doing something over again when all it takes is a few presses of buttons to fix the problem and make next to NO impact on what you're doing?
if you use a spawned airboat, you can't get the gun attached to it for some reason.