Help me Blow $5000

dude, if your 15, and you have 5k, i would find someone reliable, a friend perhaps, and buy an old honda.

then you can put all sorts of bumper stickers on the back, and line up an army of bobble heads on the back seats, and get some fuzzy dice,

... o yea... *drools*
I'll build u 4 computers at 1000k each and we can make them into a cluster and feel all sexy and stuff and get 400fps in hl2. The other grand goes to me for all my hard work.
lmao, nah u can easily spend 5000 on a computer, when u think about it.
but yeah, that car thing, weeeoooo
spend 1000 on computer, rest on car, and have fun, play hl2 with great FPS, then go pick up chicks in the car, "cause once ur 16, any car is a great car ^.^"
Originally posted by Ender01
save it, buy a car.

yes, don't blow $5000 on a computer. you can get a really nice one (built yourself) for under $2000. over the summer, i bought the following:

19" viewsonic monitor - $250
p4 2.4c, abit ic7 mobo, 1gig corsair ram, cd burner - $600
antec case/power supply - $150

already had a gf4 ti4200 and hard drives of course so i spent about $1000...just under in fact...without video card.

so for about $1400 you should be able to get roughly the same system and a radeon 9800 pro and whatever hard drive...quite a rig...should run hl2 quite nicely. if you want to go higher, you could get a faster p4, etc...but you still shouldn't have to spend more than $2000

then you can save a bit more and get a GREAT used car for $3000-4000
any more than $2000 for a computer and you're getting ripped off
Originally posted by Rambo
Ok, i have come to the conclusion that im going to build my own pc. I have 5k and i dont even know where 2 start on this.

Im 15 and i cant build a pc by myself, and i was gonna order a pre-built pc from like voodoo but i figured i could save more $$ and even get a cooler looking case.

So guys help me blow $5000.

P.S. Anyone know when Prescott (suppose to be 64bit i think) is coming out?

Thx in adv.

$2000 got me a pretty damn good Alienware, I suggest checking them out. Then spend the other 3000$ on multiple copies of HL2 :P