Help me confirm a hypothesis: girls and alcohol


Aug 6, 2004
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The prettier they are the less they are drunk at parties.

What are the different levels of alcohol intoxication in women?

Non drunk->Stands in a less crowded area of the dance floor just slightly moving her hips to the rhythm. Usually surrounded by friends.

Slightly drunk-> This time they dance around more, like moving their bodies, but still remain within their friend circle. Invites usually end in utter failure.

Moderately drunk->They change positions even wander around a bit and they are not necessarily with their friends. They do dance if asked to, maybe even rub butts, but are not yet ready to go mouth to mouth.

Heavily drunk->They are all over the place, butt rubbing is a must and if you persist a bit, they're very likely to allow you to "tongue" her.
If the girl is particularly adventurous and you have a place near by, you can get her in bed.

Way too drunk->Girl generally keeps to herself or at the toilet puking or just sleeping, she avoids physical contact and wants her friends to take her home.

Problem is that pretty girls don't seem to go beyond the second level. They are either with their boyfriends or just don't hang around with too many guys. If they kiss it's most likely her boyfriend, no way do they just pick random guys. It's the less pretty ones that are more generous.
Seems like they want to adhere to some kind of standards. Such a shame really.

Do you agree with the hypothesis or are girls elsewhere different in this regard?

And if you're i'm not drunk now...but was a few hours ago. Just one advice, the best solution to hangovers is to ****ing eat a lot...the more fatty the food the better if you didn't know that already. Compared to how much we drank last night i feel wonderful. No vomiting and my
Anyway, this thread is about girls and alcohol not me.
I'm back.
The best weapon against hangovers is water. Fat 'n food will help but water is the answer.
Also girls don't have to be drunk to be able to kiss them. The trick is to separate them from their friends (there are a lot of ways of doing this, kidnapping is illegal)... once you're talking to her one on one, just wait for an awkward silence and eye contact lasting about three seconds, then stick your tongue in.

edit: so pretty girls are kissable, even when they have random friends hanging around... the ugly ones are a thousand times better in bed, are horny, and want you alot more. Im just saying both are do-able.
I'm back.
The best weapon against hangovers is water. Fat 'n food will help but water is the answer.
Also girls don't have to be drunk to be able to kiss them. The trick is to separate them from their friends (there are a lot of ways of doing this, kidnapping is illegal)... once you're talking to her one on one, just wait for an awkward silence and eye contact lasting about three seconds, then stick your tongue in.

edit: so pretty girls are kissable, even when they have random friends hanging around... the ugly ones are a thousand times better in bed, are horny, and want you alot more. Im just saying both are do-able.

I would somewhat agree with you, but separating the girl is not that easy especially if she's not used to the surroundings or if her friends entertain her.

What's the slang word for french kiss? Because kiss reminds me of


wheres in reality it's more like

the ugly ones are a thousand times better in bed, are horny, and want you alot more.

This is important to know and remember for your lifetime.

Also pretty girls get drunk. I dunno where you are but where I come from, the only people that don't drink are the recluses that are lame to begin with. One of the hottest girls I can remember from college used to get hammered every weekend and get wild. If only she didn't have a boyfriend for most of the time I knew her.
I would somewhat agree with you, but separating the girl is not that easy especially if she's not used to the surroundings or if her friends entertain her.
one way is to "open" the group by asking the group as a whole something... while ignoring her (maybe even making some jokes about her, bassicly acting cocky) then once the group likes you, approuch her (which she'll love because you are now giving her attention) and asking if she would like to get a drink, or have a smoke, whatever it takes to get her in a more private spot, then start chatting her up...
some of the cute ones are stuck up ****s but most of the time, if you give them reason, they'll get hammered like everybody else...

some of the cute ones are stuck up ****s but most of the time, if you give them reason, they'll get hammered like everybody else...

Most pretty ones are being hit on day after day after day... cant really blame them for acting like bitches, but once they see that you are "worth more" (being intelligent and funny etc) they'll lower their bitch shield and turn out to be pretty insecure girls... most of the times. There are ofcourse real bitches that simply deserve some aids.
one way is to "open" the group by asking the group as a whole something... while ignoring her (maybe even making some jokes about her, bassicly acting cocky) then once the group likes you, approuch her (which she'll love because you are now giving her attention) and asking if she would like to get a drink, or have a smoke, whatever it takes to get her in a more private spot, then start chatting her up...

That's some wise words there my friend. I'll try it on occasion.

some of the cute ones are stuck up ****s but most of the time, if you give them reason, they'll get hammered like everybody else...


I don't generally like to call women sluts, because in all honesty the get more than i do. :E

It has a very jealous side to it.
The prettier they are the less they are drunk at parties.

What are the different levels of alcohol intoxication in women?

Non drunk->Stands in a less crowded area of the dance floor just slightly moving her hips to the rhythm. Usually surrounded by friends.

Slightly drunk-> This time they dance around more, like moving their bodies, but still remain within their friend circle. Invites usually end in utter failure.

Moderately drunk->They change positions even wander around a bit and they are not necessarily with their friends. They do dance if asked to, maybe even rub butts, but are not yet ready to go mouth to mouth.

Heavily drunk->They are all over the place, butt rubbing is a must and if you persist a bit, they're very likely to allow you to "tongue" her.
If the girl is particularly adventurous and you have a place near by, you can get her in bed.

Way too drunk->Girl generally keeps to herself or at the toilet puking or just sleeping, she avoids physical contact and wants her friends to take her home.

Problem is that pretty girls don't seem to go beyond the second level. They are either with their boyfriends or just don't hang around with too many guys. If they kiss it's most likely her boyfriend, no way do they just pick random guys. It's the less pretty ones that are more generous.
Seems like they want to adhere to some kind of standards. Such a shame really.

Do you agree with the hypothesis or are girls elsewhere different in this regard?

And if you're i'm not drunk now...but was a few hours ago. Just one advice, the best solution to hangovers is to ****ing eat a lot...the more fatty the food the better if you didn't know that already. Compared to how much we drank last night i feel wonderful. No vomiting and my
Anyway, this thread is about girls and alcohol not me.

so what you're saying in essence is that you're sick of ****ing ugly drunk chicks and want to move on to ****ing drunk pretty girls? but you're pretty much ignoring the obvious; ugly guys seem better looking when you're drunk. Pretty girls have more options than ugly girls. ugly girls take what they can get

jk :)
so what you're saying in essence is that you're sick of ****ing ugly drunk chicks and want to move on to ****ing drunk pretty girls? but you're pretty much ignoring the obvious; ugly guys seem better looking when you're drunk. Pretty girls have more options than ugly girls. ugly girls take what they can get

jk :)

Ok i admit...i had one or two cases where i'd wish i could just forget. But in average, i get average ones :eek:
Ur hanging out with the wrong girls jvergena
there's nothing wrong with having sex with the occasional bushpig. however dfont make it a habit and make sure there's quality in there somewhere
Im personally sick of the fat girls. They've been fun, but they just do it for me anymore.
Maybe just a side story to the thread. At this party yesterday i talked to this chick who was 22 and she said she likes 30+ men. I was like GTFO bitch, i asked why...she told me because older men satisfy her better. I told her that <25 men are at the height of their power and the problem is just that she didn't find the right one.
I think her cover was BS, she probably likes the money and stuff...suck dick and die bitch. However she was quite pretty.
the last time I was way too drunk at a club I started dancing like a ballerina because it "felt right"

I feel lucky that my boyfriend didn't just leave me there to do my ****ing pirouettes alone

because that is unquestionably what I deserved

Have you ever considered swinging ? :LOL:

Ok joke aside...why did it "feel right", eh? Is it because you wanted guys to look at you. All women like cock and probably the more the merrier, just that they are really shy about it and act bitchy.
Im personally sick of the fat girls. They've been fun, but they just do it for me anymore.

well to be fair you're kinda fighting the odds:

That's the finding of the latest Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, which shows that 63.1% of adults in the U.S. were either overweight or obese in 2009

embrace the fatties
it felt right because otherwise I would have been dancing like an idiot (read: white people) like everyone else and instead I had to be a complete ****ing special snowflake (read: idiot)

also I was wearing this dress that fanned out really pretty like when I twirled and I liked that

oh god

Hmm...i don't know if i believe that. Basic disco dancing is not that hard to do.

But that you agree with me that if given the chance most is not all women would want multiple men simultaneously? The evidence is too tempting for it not to be true.

The problem is that girls that act like that are stigmatized as sluts and thus this behavior is looked down upon. In other circumstances i'm sure the picture would be quite different.
well to be fair you're kinda fighting the odds:

embrace the fatties


I'd totally do this...the right one i mean.

This one

Nah...i'd probably have to be dead drunk and even then.
Not to insult plump ladies...but obesity can be controlled, 90% it's not a medical condition but just your bad habits. So i feel no guilt in saying things like this.
But that you agree with me that if given the chance most is not all women would want multiple men simultaneously? The evidence is too tempting for it not to be true.
I think girls naturally want 1 man (with the best genes to make them pregnant and give them pretty babies, guard them while she nurtures them etc etc), men however want an infinite amount of woman (to make babies with to spread their seed/genes.) We are made to cheat. No, even better, nature wants us to cheat.

Also random tip on the side: Try not to buy a girl you are hitting on a drink.. you'll look cooler, and they'll do there "best" to win you over and get you to "buy" them a "drink". :naughty:
I think girls naturally want 1 man (with the best genes to make them pregnant and give them pretty babies, guard them while she nurtures them etc etc), men however want an infinite amount of woman (to make babies with to spread their seed/genes.) We are made to cheat. No, even better, nature wants us to cheat.

Also random tip on the side: Try not to buy a girl you are hitting on a drink.. you'll look cooler, and they'll do there "best" to win you over and get you to "buy" them a "drink".

So methods like "Hey hows it goin? wanna drink" are not good? I use them a lot, damn it.
I don't know man, it's a good ice breaker.
but the point is that it looks ****ing stupid

Anyway I dunno I think it's reasonable to assume that most people of either gender are going to appreciate attention when they're out, esp. if they're single. Actually, probably only if they're single? I think if anyone hadn't been too ****ing terrified to approach me that night, I still would've been like "oh god please go away my boyfriend and I are busy being better than you later we are going to get stoned and read Beowulf to each other"

also sluts don't exist

Say what? ...looks stupid? and doing the ballerina on the dance floor while listening to Lady GaGa is not? ...hmm

So you're the nerdy type girl? That's cool, these types are some of the best girlfirends. But from experience those like cock even more, just that they repress is even more.

And yes Dodo, i agree that women want good specimens...but we're far from those simple beginnings. And besides you don't necessarily need to have two or more stable relationships, maybe one fixed one for the serious business and a couple of **** friends. I know some people in open relationships...what i'm talking are note fairy tales. Hell, habits are changing daily.
the last time I was way too drunk at a club I started dancing like a ballerina because it "felt right"

My friend got really drunk once and went on the dance floor doing karate because he "couldnt remember how to dance". I still think you being a drunk ballerina would have been funnier to see though.
So methods like "Hey hows it goin? wanna drink" are not good? I use them a lot, damn it.
I don't know man, it's a good ice breaker.
No, it makes you look like you're buying them a drink so that you can talk to them, which in turn makes you look like a loser that has to buy a drink to get there attention...

My personal favorite opener would be the... "hey can i ask you something?" yes "A friend of mine just broke up with this chick, and she's giving him tons shit for dating other girls..." but what she broke up with him right? "yeah well see [story rolls on to how you or she sees relationships bla bla bla] etc etc...

Its often referred to as "chick crack"... basically talking about "a friend" and his relationship will get any girl, no matter how pretty, wanting to talk to you... they find it interesting.
and probably just as dangerous, I was told that I knocked into people a whole lot but I do not remember this

furthermore jayvurn I don't think it is the case that nerd girls necessarily want cock more than other girls it's just that they tend to be less repressed, that is smarter, and have fewer hangups about sex because they have taken the necessary steps to form an intelligent and healthy stance on their own sexuality

You are correct. But really it goes both ways, since they are out of the "social norms" they can engage in such activities.
No disrespect to your boyfriend, i'm just debating here...but...ehh no scratch that. I don't want to get you in trouble.

What i wanted to say is that even when having sex you don't focus on the guy/girl you're having it with all the time, everytime. Especially if it is a longer relationship.
I don't believe any woman/man who said they never thought of someone else while having sex...i just can't.
And now...what if this would be possible in real life? Having your boyfriend and also having sex with the person you desire at the specific moment...and all that without the social consequences an act like that would bring.
I hardly doubt anyone would decline this option if given. And IMO todays society is moving towards that is less and less tabu.
Maybe just a side story to the thread. At this party yesterday i talked to this chick who was 22 and she said she likes 30+ men. I was like GTFO bitch, i asked why...she told me because older men satisfy her better. I told her that <25 men are at the height of their power and the problem is just that she didn't find the right one.
I think her cover was BS, she probably likes the money and stuff...suck dick and die bitch. However she was quite pretty.

Everything men have to offer (charm, intellect, money, maturity, leadership, experience) get better with age.

Everything women have to offer (T&A) gets worse with age.

I'm exaggerating a bit of course. But you get the idea. Anyways, if you want to pick up at clubs and bars, you gotta learn to chat it up and learn to play the game, or just keep hogging.
In my experience they are talking with their friends or just text messaging. :dozey:

right you've never had sex with a bushpig? they're all prized petunias?

right you've never had sex with a bushpig? they're all prized petunias?


There's some space in between on the bushpig----->prized petunia spectrum. I don't have sex with someone I'm not attracted too, duh.
I think girls naturally want 1 man (with the best genes to make them pregnant and give them pretty babies, guard them while she nurtures them etc etc), men however want an infinite amount of woman (to make babies with to spread their seed/genes.) We are made to cheat. No, even better, nature wants us to cheat.
Girls are designed to have more than one mate - 1 with the nest, and 1 with the best genes.

So if she cheats on you, keep that in mind it's in her program. She won't necessarily be out there looking, but attraction is what it is.

usually helps if your not into her butter face or shes actually 42 when you think shes 24

usually helps if your not into her butter face or shes actually 42 when you think shes 24

I feel awkward when a 40 something hits on me at a bar... sometime I'll be drunk enough not to know better and prolly wake up to some guy my age walking in and questioning my motives.
i'll have to admit though, some 30-40 somethings look better than most 20 year olds i know. they take care of their bodies compared to my generation and although they're vages are more worn out they know how to rock the boat better too
Let me get this wouldn't screw someone like:



Sober i probably would need a lot of persuasion, but drunk...i would have no problem. :stare:
no but what i'm saying is some older chicks look hotter and are more attractive that chicks my age. the 18-24 range chicks are the best catagory, but also the milfs that take care of themselves and workout and have a body of the younger physique. also that lady in the picture looks annoying

but heres what i mean:

no but what i'm saying is some older chicks look hotter and are more attractive that chicks my age. the 18-24 range chicks are the best catagory, but also the milfs that take care of themselves and workout and have a body of the younger physique. also that lady in the picture looks annoying

but heres what i mean:


Body is nice, but the face doesn't convince me.