Help me find a word

Poisonous, black kind or harmless, regular kind?

At Bull - Oh gee your so smart you can't even spell argument properly. I know what all of those words mean and I know your term has been around a long time. I was trying to say that doesn't it mean a child born with no father. Instead I put mother because I was not sure. I am aware I put conceived and it should've been born but alas it doesn't matter because you can be both born and conceived with no father or mother. Therefore I win, you lose.

I'm pretty sure you can't be born without a mother... you do realize that "test tubes babies" aren't fully grown in test tubes right? they're simply artificially fertilized then put back into the uterus...and then born...y' a mother...

in other words you only win at being a retard...
This thread has no relevance to human life whatsoever.

Go to the favorite color thread. Atleast it has SOME relevance.
Poisonous, black kind or harmless, regular kind?

At Bull - Oh gee your so smart you can't even spell argument properly. I know what all of those words mean and I know your term has been around a long time. I was trying to say that doesn't it mean a child born with no father. Instead I put mother because I was not sure. I am aware I put conceived and it should've been born but alas it doesn't matter because you can be both born and conceived with no father or mother. Therefore I win, you lose.

7. of abnormal or irregular shape or size; of unusual make or proportions


Tentacle Vagina
Only in can threads about bastards turn into threads about tentacle rape
Poisonous, black kind or harmless, regular kind?

At Bull - Oh gee your so smart you can't even spell argument properly. I know what all of those words mean and I know your term has been around a long time. I was trying to say that doesn't it mean a child born with no father. Instead I put mother because I was not sure. I am aware I put conceived and it should've been born but alas it doesn't matter because you can be both born and conceived with no father or mother. Therefore I win, you lose.

Hey listen, we all have the ability to copy someone's post and spell check it in word document.
Now just because you found a misspelling doesn't mean your going to get the gold star, it has nothing to do with the conversation.

(I'd much rather misspell a word than 1. make up my own definition for a word OR 2. try and use a big word that I don't know what it means)

Now seriously guys, nothings wrong with 8 tentacles coming out of my va-jay-jay and eating up a few people.
bastard or the old term base ... edmund from king lear ftw ... cuz im cool and read* shakespeare like that

*listen to on a taperecorder at school
I was wondering what the word was for a child who was conceived from an unmarried couple.
Its been bugging me
(Please don't turn this in some big political debate, I'm just looking for a simple word)

Are you knghenry?

"What is the word for when you deprive a man of his genitalia?"

"What's a derogatory word for sexual intercourse?"

"What's it called when a gentleman places his testicles in the mouth of a lady?" (the answer is, I'm sure we all know, is 'teabagging').
"What's it called when a gentleman places his testicles in the mouth of a lady?" (the answer is, I'm sure we all know, is 'teabagging').
The answer's "love," mate. That's called love.
Im Henery the 8th i am
Henery the 8th i am i am
I got married to the widow next door
Shed been married 7 times before
and every one was a henery HENERY!
never married a willy or a sam
im the 8th i am im henery
Henery the 8th i am!
Hey listen, we all have the ability to copy someone's post and spell check it in word document.
Now just because you found a misspelling doesn't mean your going to get the gold star, it has nothing to do with the conversation.

(I'd much rather misspell a word than 1. make up my own definition for a word OR 2. try and use a big word that I don't know what it means)

Now seriously guys, nothings wrong with 8 tentacles coming out of my va-jay-jay and eating up a few people.

I never made up a meaning for a word.
I know what all of those words mean, you loser.
Oh and I have known how to spell without using Word for a long time now maybe you should think about it too.
Bull Squid Sally, just accept it. Bastard means born without a mother, I don't care what your new fangled "dictionary" says, test tube babys were clearly invented by the romans and as such clearly predate the word bastard. Illigitimate also means "no mother", as does the word "pie". If you continue your foolish crusade, I will be forced to correct your spelling for a second time!
I never made up a meaning for a word.
I know what all of those words mean, you loser.
Oh and I have known how to spell without using Word for a long time now maybe you should think about it too.

I'm sorry, your arguements are automatically discredited because you resorted to insulting the other person.
She resorted to insulting me first in case you didn't realize. MFW.

Me for Win.