Help me fix my mother issue...


Jul 21, 2006
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A couple days ago my mom found my stash and called me on it. I told her to mind her business (I know, I'm an idiot) and went upstairs. As I was talking to my room, I heard her sigh in anger so I ran downstairs and just blew up at her. :\ I haven't tried talking to her since and I can tell shes giving me the silent treatment. What the hell can I do this fix this? I pretty much said a lot of shit I regret now, but I don't know how to make it up to her.

And whoever recommends flowers and candy will be shot on sight.
Write her a letter explaining that you care about her. She is concerned about you, she loves you. Say you're sorry.
Write her a letter explaining that you care about her. She is concerned about you, she loves you. Say you're sorry.

You think that'll be enough? I don't really want to mention what I said exactly, but it involved her parenting skills. I think calling her a bad mother will require a little more...
A letter will say more than a load of flowers. You obviously care about her, show her through words, whether on a paper or out your mouth.

Everyone says things they regret, tell her you were angry and didn't mean what you said, unless you truly mean it :(

Give her a hug too
Take JFry's advice. Doobies can be a universal cure. Or write a letter like Urinel said.

Hell, just give her a hug and tell her you love her.....

You know what, **** it. Just cockslap her until she submits.
That you're sorry about what you said, she is a good mother, it wasn't her fault.
How bout flowers, candy & a letter.

But I'm really pushing the letter, of if you're good at expressing your feelings face to face, do that. It will probably mean more if you look your mom in the eyes and say, "I'm sorry" and "I Love You".

But yah gotta mean it!
You monster! Good luck fixing that up.



But seriously, thanks for the advice. I'll probably just sit down with her and have a long discussion on what happened.
Apologize for the things you said, but don't go saying things like "I'll never touch that stuff again" unless you truly mean it.
Run away from home and only hang out with people that smoke and use other harder stuff.

OR you can apologize for what u said like the other guys say and promise you will never smoke again.

Oh and then really dont smoke again. ;)
well, theres no quick fix for this - your just going to have a to take time and show that your not a pothead and that she raised you well....
hmmm... did she find it?

...where did ya stash it ya silly foo'!
Guilt trip the hell out of her. Say she raised you wrong, she's a horrible parent, all she has to do is look at you for proof, etc.

It'll get her off your back, and if you're lucky drive her into such an inward depressive state she won't even bother with what you do ever again.
Things will probably never be the same again.
You have to talk to her, you can't just keep putting it off hoping it will get better. She's your mother, she will always love you, you just have to tear down this wall.
get rehabilitated you rude junkie!

well, actually there is few excuse for what you did. you use drugs and insult your mother who probably gave you money so you can throw it up on drugs!

flowers and chocolate just won't cut it, try harder.
Wire Hangers, is that some new american term? Can you explain scientificly what your stash contained cuz im really confused.

First i thought porn, then i thought weed, but now Wire it a joke or??? Im so confused
Wire Hangers, is that some new american term? Can you explain scientificly what your stash contained cuz im really confused.

First i thought porn, then i thought weed, but now Wire it a joke or??? Im so confused

Drugs... It's drugs!
Guilt trip the hell out of her. Say she raised you wrong, she's a horrible parent, all she has to do is look at you for proof, etc.

It'll get her off your back, and if you're lucky drive her into such an inward depressive state she won't even bother with what you do ever again.

Thats pretty much what happened. :\
1. Stop doing drugs.
2. Apologize and promise her you won't do it again, and you regret the things you said.