Help me guys ;)


Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
Okay. I've ordered my new PC (*dances) and I want to know how to transfer my Steam account and all of my games from my old PC to my new PC. That's it really. Thanks for any help man.
You just re-install Steam on your new computer and use the account you were using, you'll have to re-install your games though.
Cheers mate. But are you sure I won't get some kind of message saying "This account is already in use on another computer?" I've got a feeling something like that will happen...
Nope. As long as you aren't logged on to the same account simultaneously you'll have no problem.
Oh cool. Thanks. Simpler than I thought, good stuff.
If you have a USB hard drive that's sufficiently big, it's even simpler. Copy your entire Valve folder over - then copy it back. This skips the game installation step. Steam will ask you to input your password when you run it the first time on your new comp, then it will save and run again as normal.

I think it might be important to keep the file path the same though. So if it's C:\program files\Valve, make sure it goes in that same place on your new computer too. I can't tell you for certain if this step is important or not, but that's the way I have always done it and it has always worked.
Delete (Format Rather) everything except the GFCs
The GFC files are the content of the game but not the registering part, I would believe when reinstalling/re-downloading Steam games that it wouldn't over write it. Just to let you know so you don't download internet chomping stuff again :P

Tried your way Laivasse, doesn't entirely work :/
I had problem with settings, configs etc when I copied steam.
Tried your way Laivasse, doesn't entirely work :/
I had problem with settings, configs etc when I copied steam.
Weird, it's always worked fine for me, although maybe I do lose a few specific settings. Launch parameters? Stuff like that. Maybe it does cause problems with cfg files too? But I don't keep any of them apart from a couple of very sparse autoexecs, so I guess I don't notice.

You're right about the GCF's, keeping those is the key point.