Help me!

Aug 10, 2006
Reaction score
Going on holiday soon. I need a DS game that will last me 2 weeks. I hate advance wars.
Games I already have-
Nintendogs (blurgh)
warioware touched
Brain training (the first one)
Bleach DS 2
new super mario bros.
Castlevania portrait of ruin
resident evil DS
Super mario 64 DS
Animal crossing wild world
mario kart DS

On holiday, I will not have wifi, but dont rule out wifi games.
Oh, I was about to suggest Nintendogs but I notice you already have it.
Advance Wars, force yourself to like it.
cancel the holiday. play a computer game at home.
which one? The PW games don't strike me as games that would last me two straight weeks..

Any of them really. Better starting with the first I suppose. Plus they will last quite a while actually. Each case is quite long.
So you're going on holidays and you want us to recommend a video game for you to play?

Anyway, Advance Wars is the best game on the DS but since you have no taste I'm going to recommend Elite Beat Agents and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney as a runner-up.
Zelda or Yoshi's Touch and Go. The latter you'll either love - it's my fave and most played DS game - or get frustrated with. Don't rule out GBA games either - backwards compatibility is one of the coolest thing about the DS. Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island (not the sequel) both top new Super Mario Bros. and Zelda Minish Cap is excellent. You can probably find these nice and cheap too.
Take a book with yourself, you twat.

I will. I will bring many. I'm a big reader.

Anyway in traditional internet fashion I think I'm going to ignore all of your advice and get castlevania dawn of sorrow. If it's not there, though, I'm going to get a phoenix wright game.
Which one is the longest?

probably castlevania actually. It certainly has more replay value
STOP THE PRESS! Get METEOS! It's a puzzle game similar to Tetris, but it's so superbly addictive and innovative in a way that takes you by complete surprise.

A friend gave me an R4 Revolution with a bunch of ROMS on it, but since I acquired Meteos that has become largely irrelevant. I don't want to be playing anything else on my DS apart from this game.
Actually, throw out the DS and get a decent laptop.
Get a Gameboy(color) off of Ebay, lots of batteries, and Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Zelda: Oracle of Time. Probably last you longer than two weeks.
Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island (not the sequel) both top new Super Mario Bros.
Yoshi's Island DS is still worth seeking out if you can't find these two games, It's really just more of the same with a bigger screen and without as much heart.
Phantom Hourglass is good stuffs.. My personal advice is to acquire an R4 card and get some... uh... homebrew stuff. Yes, homebrew. Not DS roms or anything, I strongly advise you not to get those ever. :3

IGNORING THE R4 CARD TALK how 'bout you try the Phoenix Wright series? Or Elite Beat Agents? Or Osu Takatae Ouendan 1 and 2, or Jump Ultimate Stars?

Rune Factory is not worth your money. Honestly.

Bah I'd suggest an acekard rpg for $80 as it comes with 8gb of nand flash, and sdhc micro sd expansion :)

I've done 2 acekard2's and they work a treat.
I've only played Phoenix Wright 1 and 2 and I 1 is much, much better than 2 for one reason: The music. The music in 1 rocks. The music in 2 is incredibly meh in comparison.
Metroid Prime: Hunters
Forgot to mention I already have this.
Spend time outside?
It'll rain. Kinda defeats the purpose of a holiday, really.
Are you trying to assert something about my grammar/spelling and whatnot? Because considering I've made like 3 posts here and I rarely post I doubt you've seen an accurate enough sample to criticise my use of the English language. Besides, it's irrelevant to this topic.

Thanks for all the help, guys. I'd tell you what I ended up getting, but to be honest, who cares?
Seriously, get The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages. Some goood stuff to be done there. Pretty hard as well.