Help Me Make This Decision!


Sep 22, 2006
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ok I said before my B-day is coming up soon,I was planning on getting the 360....but now I kinda want this
What do you guys think?
Tough call. Same one I am going to have to make next year. Just depends on what you want to play right away. There's not a whole lot out right now that can really justify the purchase of either right now imho. 360 has a couple of games I want, but I can wait until the price drops (or until the big 3 hit). A new GPU will only be cheaper in a few months, so who knows. I guess I'm the wrong person to be commenting because I am torn by similar issues...:x
What do you have in your computer at the moment.

If you've got something semi-decent then I'd wait a while before you buy one of those if I were you. They'll come down in price pretty quickly I bet.
Even an 8800GTS is no guarantee that you'll get great performance. Even if you have a GREAT computer to back it up.
^ Why not?
This will become less of a problem once DX10 becomes standard, but it's an inherent problem with developing games for the PC: You have to make the game work on millions of different hardware configurations, each with different speeds and sets of capabilities. Whereas with a console, the games are developed to make the absolute best use of one single, consistent set of hardware - you have much more time to spend making engine systems work as fast as possible on that one configuration, rather than, say, spending hours and hours working on getting a graphical effect to display properly on every videocard that's been made since 2004.
Don't get a 360 and definitely don't get the 8800.

Get a Wii, several Wiimotes, a few launch titles, and then save $50 for SSB:Brawl in March.

Also, get FFXII for PS2, Company of Heroes and Dawn of War: Dark Crusade for PC.
I also wouldn't get the 8800.

Prices of cards will drop sharper than prices of the Xbox 360. And very few games need that much grunt currently.
What do you have in your computer at the moment.

If you've got something semi-decent then I'd wait a while before you buy one of those if I were you. They'll come down in price pretty quickly I bet.

a 7800GT and a AMD 3500
a 7800GT and a AMD 3500
Your 3500 will be an enormous bottleneck if you pick up the 8800. In order for that card to be worth the price, you'd also need to pick up a new CPU and motherboard, and then probably new RAM and a new PSU...
Being neither PC nor Console fanboy I would still say go with the 360+GoW=Win! Im planing on upgrading my GPU sometime in the near future as well but I wouldnt recommend doing this now or anytime soon.
Your 3500 will be an enormous bottleneck if you pick up the 8800. In order for that card to be worth the price, you'd also need to pick up a new CPU and motherboard, and then probably new RAM and a new PSU...

its a 64 bit AMD...I thought it was still good :(
a 3500'll bottleneck an 8800 regardless of whether its dc or 64, you need a 3800 at least id think
oh...well,I guess I could just save up then..I will have to think about it more though.
it's ridiculous to get an 8800 right now anyway
You current set-up aint too bad though. It'll run most current games on high at a decent res. Just wait it out. Prices will drop and more games will come out to actually make use of the technology.

And the 3500 still aint a bad CPU. Just multi-core CPU's are kicking in now.

I'd say get a console, or a nice monitor/tv. I'd recommend a Wii too :)
Im in pretty much the exact same situation you are 7800gt / 3.0ghz, I vote you get a 360 and hold off untill next year on pc upgrades, thats what ive done & plan on doing.
I recommend the Xbox 360 with its good shooters, but the Wii somewhat moreso because it has Zelda and a bunch of really fun-looking games. Gogo Excite Truck and SMB Banana Blitz?
Wait for directx 10 to actually come out. By then, it'll be cheaper, or there will be a better card out for the same price.
Whatever you end up doing, don't get the 8800 anytime soon. Remember how bad the first-gen of nvidia's dx9 cards ended up being. At least wait till things start using dx10 and nvidia has some competetion.
360 all da way. I also might get the Wii if I dont get a new computer for X-mas.
Get a 360. I love mine, anyways the 8800 is first gen, always stay away from first gen in the video card world
360 is lame... but Gears of War is amazing, I've been watching people play it at work and it's the single best looking console game I've ever seen