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Muslims are terrorists

  • true

    Votes: 12 19.0%
  • false

    Votes: 51 81.0%

  • Total voters
No, it is most certainly yes.

You wouldn't disagree with the statement: People are asleep, would you?
No, you don't read it as, all people are asleep. Just there are an amount of people who are.

Muslims are terrorists. Because there is an amount of muslims, plural, who are.

You have to consider the context of the actual message.

Given the world situation at this moment, their historical background, and the ongoing war, some Muslims can be considered terrorists. The thing is that, unfortunately, Muslims are much more severely observed than other groups of people, due to the context.

You don't go around your daily business hearing, day-to-day, shit like "Old people are senile." "Skaters are emos." "Christians are conformists."

True, some of them are. But you can't link an entire group with a label just because some of them are. It's like saying Islamofascism instead of Islam.

To say "Muslims are terrorists" implies that ALL muslims - and by muslims we understand that we're referring to one of the biggest religious organizations of the world - are terrorists.

People are asleep is not a valid comparison. Who do people consider "people"? (Let's say by people we refer to the entire human race.) Some people, OK. Muslims is a much more restrictive and delineating term, which strictly specifies a group of people, which, given the context, is even more specific.
Why does 'Muslims are terrorists' mean 'all muslims are terrorists' and not 'some Muslims are terrorists'?

Think about this:

"Anyone can be fat, even famous people, super stars are fat, white people are fat, black people are fat, girls are fat boys are fat. Being fat has nothing to do with who you are, but with your lifestyle" - PE Coach

I made that quote up, but it seems pretty natural no?
Radical extremists don't belong to any religion, they're complete nutjobs.

The islamic scriptures and way of life are such that quite a few of them get misled. The wests constant pissing about in the middle eastern affairs arent helping though.
Most modern armys have done worse.

I find it strange how the IRA gets so utterly demonised for this. Yes it was an atrocity, but it was an accident.

The IRA always gave warnings when they blew up civilian targets, civilians only died when they were doing business at military targets, or a warning couldn't be phoned in due to a broken phone or the bomb went off early.

They did their best to minimise civilian casualties whilst still waging an effective war.

My dad had to pick through the pieces of a carbomb once, when he served in Ireland as a peacekeeper. Finding pieces of kids is something that haunts you forever, you know. And watching your best friends get sent home in boxes because of IRA snipers.

-Angry Lawyer
My dad had to pick through the pieces of a carbomb once, when he served in Ireland as a peacekeeper. Finding pieces of kids is something that haunts you forever, you know. And watching your best friends get sent home in boxes because of IRA snipers.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm sure it was awful. All sides endured terrible things.
No, it is most certainly yes.

You wouldn't disagree with the statement: People are asleep, would you?
No, you don't read it as, all people are asleep. Just there are an amount of people who are.

Muslims are terrorists. Because there is an amount of muslims, plural, who are.

'Muslims' implies an entire group of inderviduals, hence any statement solely using "muslims are X" is referring to every member of that group. The people are asleep thing doesn't work in the same way, though I'm not sure I could explain it well enough.

In other words, the statement is wrong. If you disagree, I will urinate through your letterbox :D
'Muslims' implies an entire group of inderviduals, hence any statement solely using "muslims are X" is referring to every member of that group. The people are asleep thing doesn't work in the same way, though I'm not sure I could explain it well enough.

In other words, the statement is wrong. If you disagree, I will urinate through your letterbox :D
No it doesn't.

Muslim is to Muslims as Person is to people.

Understand that, and you'll understand why I voted yes.

I actually agree with both interpretations, it's why we should use quantifiers in our statements like: Some or All.
No it doesn't.

Muslim is to Muslims as Person is to people.

Understand that, and you'll understand why I voted yes.

I actually agree with both interpretations, it's why we should use quantifiers in our statements like: Some or All.


The fact that people voted yes makes me a sad panda ;(
Barring all language complexities, all Muslim individuals are terrorists. I know this because I frequently watch Fox News.
Pssh, it's true. "Muslim" is the Italian translation for "Terrorist"
Why does 'Muslims are terrorists' mean 'all muslims are terrorists' and not 'some Muslims are terrorists'?

Think about this:

"Anyone can be fat, even famous people, super stars are fat, white people are fat, black people are fat, girls are fat boys are fat. Being fat has nothing to do with who you are, but with your lifestyle" - PE Coach

I made that quote up, but it seems pretty natural no?

That's actually a figure of speech.

Gramatically speaking, the coach should have said "some" in front of them all.

X's are Y = All members of subset "X" are Y.

Mountains are tall.

Trees are plants.

People are Humans.

The term "people are asleep" is actually a figure of speech. If you said this in prose, readers would think you were saying, figuratively, that all people were sleeping, or more accurately, unaware of the world around them.
That's actually a figure of speech.

Gramatically speaking, the coach should have said "some" in front of them all.

X's are Y = All members of subset "X" are Y.

Mountains are tall.

Trees are plants.

People are Humans.

The term "people are asleep" is actually a figure of speech. If you said this in prose, readers would think you were saying, figuratively, that all people were sleeping, or more accurately, unaware of the world around them.

^ What he said.
Nyah, Solaris, nyah nyah nyah! :D
Some dogs are brown.

This is another correct statement.

All dogs are brown.

This is not a correct statement.

Dogs are brown.

Much like the following picture, this statement can be either correct or incorrect, depending on the persons perpective. Having no quantifiers, my personal perspective interprets this statement as "Dogs can be brown". Dogs can also be black, or white or grey, but dogs are brown.

By adjusting your mindset slightly, you can understand the statement to be either true or false, as can you understand this to be either an old woman or a young woman:

It is slightly easier with the image to switch between views.

Another example of where this statement might be true:

Birds are blue

One might not understand whether all birds are blue, or some birds are blue. It is as clear as Schr?dinger's cat when you add the next statement:

Other birds might be brown


But not all birds are blue

Moral of the story: Don't forget to quantify!
Wow, we actually have a bloke who studies agumentative perametres on

I'm somewhat impressed :)
That's actually a figure of speech.

Gramatically speaking, the coach should have said "some" in front of them all.

X's are Y = All members of subset "X" are Y.

Mountains are tall.

Trees are plants.

People are Humans.

The term "people are asleep" is actually a figure of speech. If you said this in prose, readers would think you were saying, figuratively, that all people were sleeping, or more accurately, unaware of the world around them.

Aha, but you added an apostrophe to 'X's'