help me plan my new pc/latest upgrade path


May 5, 2004
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ok so I'm thinking of upgrading my current pc by replacing pretty much everything except hardrive and psu mobo is acting up (chipset fan needs to be manually turned to work and sometimes my cpu fan doesnt spin fast enough on startup) so it needs to be sooner rather than later the only real problem is that there's new hardware on the horizon albeit a distant horizon I was think of replacing my amd x2 4200/ asus an8-sli with an new intel core duo or quad core cpu/mobo ..what with penryn comming out in december(?) I'm afraid I'll be losing out on what could be a much faster cpu ..same goes for the graphics card: 8800gts looks good however Nvidia is ready to come out with their newest revision ..again not soon enough

I havent kept up with the recent developments so I'm not sure what I should be getting in order to make it a kick ass gaming rig + have an easy upgrade path

I was thinking of a either a quad core 6600 or a core 2 duo 6750 ..hesitant about getting the quad cuz true quad cores are coming out soon and few games will take advantage of quad cores in the foreseeable future

not sure what mobo to get, I'd prefer something that would be capable of using the penryn chips (I'm assuming that means a mobo with 1333mhz fsb) when they come out so I'm forced to upgrade my mobo when I eventually update my cpu ..I like Asus and dont need all the added bells and whistles and I dont want to pay an arm and a leg for it

i'm open to the brand of ram I'll purchase ...I've used corsair, kingston and ocz in the past with mixed results so name brand isnt as important as quality

as to video card I think I may stick with my 7800gt till the newest nvidia cards are released ..the 8800gts 640mb version is at a price sweet spot right now but I'm a little worried about overall performance in dx10 ..oh and age of Conan isnt coming out till march of next year so I can wait till the latest cards are released sometime in january

advice? comments? opinion? what do you guys think?
I've always found upgrades to be quite disappointing, prefering to save for a complete overhaul. If your mobo lasts, i'd wait untill Conan (or whatever game it is that you really want) comes out, and then buying the best hardware you can afford without worrying too much about future proofing. By the time you do need to upgrade again the chances are you'll only want to keep the psu, if that. That's been my experience anyways.

I've actually been getting a similar itch and am contemplating upgrading for TF2, ET:QW and Warhammer after Christmas.
well it's not really an upgrade as I'm replacing everything and all I'm keeping is the psu :) ..but I see what you mean however I doubt my mobo lasts more than a few weeks at this rate never mind 7 months ...this has however put me one step closer to getting a 360 ;)
That makes things tougher, or easier, depending on how you look at it :)

I'd wait for it to die then get the best value components I could afford. You could probably get something quite cheap if you could scavange psu, hd, case, drives etc, especially if you didn't mind second hand kit. That's my plan - scrape something together that'll play TF2 for a few years before it falls apart due to misuse and crumbs.
Since my computer is/was pretty similar, here's what I'm doing:

I upgraded to the amd 6000 x2 processor (it's dirt cheap and the new amd processors will still be using the am2 socket). I also upgraded to a new case and mobo + ram. If you want exact specs just tell me.

As for video card, I'm going to wait for the new nvidia cards as well (or ati perhaps if they can convince me they have a good card for the price) since as you said, the 88 series performance isn't good enough for me to justify upgrading now when a new series will be coming out soon.
money isnt an issue ..well yes it is because money is always an issue even when there's lots of it (which isnt the case atm but there's not a little of it either what the hell am I talking about?)

the 360 decision isnt so much a replacement more like an add on for co-op when my friend comes over to play ..once or so a week ..still nothing except Mass effect and possibly the simpsons excites me about consoles ..still undecided if I should just get a wii instead of a 360 but no shooters can be a problem cuz that's what my friend and I play mostly ..anyways back to my planned pc

the thinking is that if I get a penryn capable mobo now i'll still be able to get a quad core penryn once the first price drop happens (should be around march) not getting a graphics card right away I'll be able to get the latest greatest gpu around the time that AoC is released

Hazar: my mobo is socket 939 so everything has to be replaced ..yes I'd be interested in your specs even though I'm probably going with intel this time around
I have the 939 running an AMD 64 3700 single core. I am about to buy a Opteron 180 or 175 which I think will be plenty of power for the near future. Looking at your specs right now your system really isn't bad, its actually pretty damn good if all you are really looking at is a new CPU.

All I would personally do if I was in your situation is replace the CPU fan if you are having issues with it. The chipset fan can also be replaced but to be honest with you I haven't seen a chipset fan in ages, usually a heat sink is all the is attached to it. How are the other fans in your case performing? If you are having 2 fans fail on you at the same time I wonder if its an issue with power getting to those fans. Do you have a volt meter so you can make sure you are getting 12 volts at the fans?
I have the 939 running an AMD 64 3700 single core.

hey that's my old cpu before the 4200 x2 :)

I am about to buy a Opteron 180 or 175 which I think will be plenty of power for the near future. Looking at your specs right now your system really isn't bad, its actually pretty damn good if all you are really looking at is a new CPU.

well new cpu means new ram and mobo ..I looked into the operatons at the time but could find any so I settled for a 4200 x2

All I would personally do if I was in your situation is replace the CPU fan if you are having issues with it.

I think it's the mobo not the fan

The chipset fan can also be replaced but to be honest with you I haven't seen a chipset fan in ages, usually a heat sink is all the is attached to it.

ya my fault for buying the first asus sli mobo ..the an8-sli ...the later versions (premium and deluxe) got rid of the fan and put in a heatsink was a known issue that the first sli mobos tended to have problems with the chipset fan, I just didnt find out about it till much later

How are the other fans in your case performing? If you are having 2 fans fail on you at the same time I wonder if its an issue with power getting to those fans. Do you have a volt meter so you can make sure you are getting 12 volts at the fans?

the fans that fail are directly tied into the mobo: it's only ever the chipset and cpu fan ..I monitor it with an app called asus probe that tells me the fans rpms all other fans are monitored using a fan controller ..the rpms are fine
Ideally if you buy any parts you will want to get a Core 2 duo or quad system. Basically no good socket 939 CPUs around anywhere except maybe on newegg (USA).

The current Intel quad core does an amazing job from what I've seen. In the applications that really take advantage of quad core it nears 2x performance over core 2 duo. Not sure how you could make a noticeably better quad core implementation than that. If you are thinking of going quad core I wouldn't get a core 2 duo and wait. I would make sure the new quad cores will work in the motherboard although go ahead and get the current quad core if you are debating it.

Although, if the only thing really wrong with your system atm is the fans then replace them (~$50?) and wait to do a system overhaul. The X2 4200 will handle todays games easy. You probably are not replacing the GPU yet so no need to do the CPU either. Is your current motherboard going bad in a way that makes your PC crash and that is not related to fans?

CPU cooler
Northbridge heatsink.
Ideally if you buy any parts you will want to get a Core 2 duo or quad system. Basically no good socket 939 CPUs around anywhere except maybe on newegg (USA).

The current Intel quad core does an amazing job from what I've seen. In the applications that really take advantage of quad core it nears 2x performance over core 2 duo. Not sure how you could make a noticeably better quad core implementation than that. If you are thinking of going quad core I wouldn't get a core 2 duo and wait. I would make sure the new quad cores will work in the motherboard although go ahead and get the current quad core if you are debating it.

Although, if the only thing really wrong with your system atm is the fans then replace them (~$50?) and wait to do a system overhaul. The X2 4200 will handle todays games easy. You probably are not replacing the GPU yet so no need to do the CPU either. Is your current motherboard going bad in a way that makes your PC crash and that is not related to fans?

CPU cooler
Northbridge heatsink.

no it doesnt crash and I'm not having cooling issues ..well at least when I get the chipset fan running's the chipset fan. When I start up it doesnt turn on as it should even after the temp reaches the alarm threshold (I had purposefully set the temp warning threshold low cuz my pc was reporting that the fan wasnt working first it would resolve itself after a few mins but the other day it stopped altogether at start up) now to get it to work I just open my case and flick it with a pencil (macgyver ftw) ...this was a known issue for the first batch of asus an8-sli mobos (the deluxe and the premum replaced the fan with a heatsink) and there was a heatsink replacement you could buy but I havent been able to find it and good luck finding stores that sell reliable 939 mobos ..not that I want to throw away $80 on redundant hardware

edit (didnt see the northbridge ncix link) : Asus, is that the replacement heatsink for my mobo? wha? how did you find it, silly me didnt think to look for a third party vendor

hazar: looks good a few questions

the antec p182 ..I know you dont have it yet but i'm afraid it'll be a little cramped ..especially seeing how long some vid cards are getting these days ..what about cooling and slience factor? not all that fond of cases with doors as I'm lazy but I like antec cases for their quality ..also why amd and not intel? are the upcoming amd cpus on par with what intel is/will producing ..the gskill ram ..not familiar with the brand name seems somewhat pricey in comparision to say the ocz paltinum that retails for about $79 ..the mobo I'm unfamiliar with ..wireless? and it's sli, are you getting two cards? I found no use for sli just because when I was ready to buy a second one they stopped selling them
ok a quick search on the internets reveals it will work in my mobo ..but why do I have a slow cpu fan at start up? I have the latest bios, the heatsink/fan is only a year old and is it coincidental that the cpu fan has low rpms at the same time as the chipset fan?
Your lucky, my fan just stopped working and almost friend my system. I just replaced it and it works fine. I also replaced the heat sink with no problems.

I just got an 8800 and it runs great. Plays Bioshock on the highest settings at around 50-60 (with a AMD 4400 dual core). Only thing is the card itself is HUGE. Takes up two PCI slots and makes it tight for the rest.

Anyways, Id upgrade sooner than later if I were you.
Could be a power thing.
But you might also have the Fan set to adjust with CPU temp. I know when I have Cool&Quiet enabled my fan speed is very low. It ramps up when I start doing more stuff and the CPU state returns to normal and heats up.

Could see if that setting is on in the Bios (power management?) and disable it. Although it probably will get loud. If it has issues getting power from the motherboard no matter what then you could get a fan wire splitter that has a separate power and sensor plug. Fan would get power from a PSU line and a sensor wire goes to the motherboard to tell it everything is working OK so the PC doesn't auto-shut down.
hmmm if it's a power issue how come none of my other systems are affected runs fine while it's on, even while gaming crashing no idling down of fan speed's just at start up and only for a few minutes till it gets up to speed ..I hope it's not a heatsink/fan issue cuz I really dont want to throw another $40 on redundant hardware ..hmmm maybe I'll repair this one and use it as my kids pc

will try adjusting the bios setting when I get home
If both fans attached to your mobo aren't working then it's probably not the fans. Asus is probably right, if you disable the cool and quiet and any other power features it might start working. If it doesn't do you have a spare cpu fan you could hook up to make sure its not actually the mobo that is giving you problems?

hmmm if it's a power issue how come none of my other systems are affected

The 2 fans are probably connected on the same traces on the PCB so if there is an issue with the traces it would affect both fans. But if they are eventually getting power I doubt its an issue with the traces.
Could just be dirt/dust build up or the motor going bad. /shrug
If both fans attached to your mobo aren't working then it's probably not the fans. Asus is probably right, if you disable the cool and quiet and any other power features it might start working. If it doesn't do you have a spare cpu fan you could hook up to make sure its not actually the mobo that is giving you problems?

The 2 fans are probably connected on the same traces on the PCB so if there is an issue with the traces it would affect both fans. But if they are eventually getting power I doubt its an issue with the traces.

no spare cpu fan, I'll try the disabling the cool and quiet thingy
Heh buy a nice new apple slimline keyboard as well Stern, they aren't that expensive and are sexy. Contary to what Apple say they will fun with XP/Vista and are rather lovely (typing is a joy). :D