Help me pwez


Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
im on the final boss nihinthila or wateva it is on half life i wanna kill it so bad but i herd u may have to battle a ichtysour :(
i also have played blue shift and totaly loved it (even thoe it was very short) i realy realy hope to pass opposing force b4 HL2 but i kinda dun have it lol any help ? :angel:

ALSO : i no y they took the hydra out of hl2 - its all a conspiricy making a hydra would waste precious water for ichtysours Valve has created my nightmare AHHHH :flame:
Ehm... okay...

Well what you need to do, is to shoot that ****er in the head...litterally speaking! Go to one of those jumping thingies and then when you're flying high you SHOOT that ****er down into its brain!
Shoot the glowing crystals on the walls, and then it's head will open up every now and then. When it does, shoot into it. You have to use the jump pads to get up there. When it fires a green ball at you, take cover behind a spike so it doesn't teleport you off somewhere (like where the Ichty is).
Make sure you blow up all the crystals 1st.
Drugs are bad, mkay?
Well, just follow the tips, and reread your text before you post. ;)
you already battled the icthysaur.

please talk normally though, dont put australia to shame :(
Forau said:
Drugs are bad, mkay?
Well, just follow the tips, and reread your text before you post. ;)

Shut your hole...his english may not be very good!
Frank said:
Shut your hole...his english may not be very good!

Yes becuase you get lots of people from english speaking countries who cant speak english dont you.....

not to mention his signature is spelled correctly.
KagePrototype said:
Shoot the glowing crystals on the walls, and then it's head will open up every now and then. When it does, shoot into it. You have to use the jump pads to get up there. When it fires a green ball at you, take cover behind a spike so it doesn't teleport you off somewhere (like where the Ichty is).

ah shucks.... :p
I have beaten the boss for half-life multiple times, here's how I do it:
the first thing you gotta do is HIDE. As soon as you teleport in, hide behind one of those spike things (make sure it's big enough). If you hide behind them, nihahilanth can't touch you (watch out for slaves or controllers though). Next you have to destroy those three glowing yellow crystals above you. An unguided rocket or a few crossbow bolts should do the trick. After the last crystal blows, Nihahilanth's head is now opened. Now here's the interesting part. What your supposed to do is use the jump pads to fly up to his open skull, but that's hard and takes awhile. Instead, take out your guass gun, charge it up to the max, quickly pop out form behind cover and shoot it into his forhead. Since the guass gun goes through walls, you can hurt him without moving for than 5 feet from cover! Anyway, keep gaussing his head untill you run out of ammo. If you had full cells, never missed, and alsways charged you gun to the max, Nihahilanth should be very weak now. All you have to do is use the jump pads, and one or two crossbow bolts should do it. :D
Ok, here's how you do it. Get a knife, and stab yourself in the head. Repeatedly.