Help me with OpForce


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, I've been stuck on this part of of OpForce for the longest time, and that's partly because I give up on games when they get frustrating. But I am desprit for somthing to do on these hot summer days, so if you could help me with it, it would be great. Here is a screenshot of the boss I am at, and can't figure out how to kill.. I've been shooting it's eyes for what seems an eternity..
This is the problem i had, i just kept going from side to side shooting the green things with the lasers for 30 minutes.
Yeah, when it's got both eyes closed, and the hatch on its stomach is open, shoot the teleport inside. Preferably with a rocket.
Okay.. What's the cheat for ammo? Heh, I only have 3 rockets..
Shoot whatever you've got into it's purple orb. Although the SAW is pretty handy at this part.
Its still possile to shoot the orb with them and its alot faster than shooting it with other weapons.