Help needed -- stuck at "Gate 5" in Water Hazard



Anyone know what's supposed to happen in the area shown in the screen shot? I got the watercycle (or whatever it's called), got to the red barn (but didn't find anything much except enemies), and raced through the river, surviving a lot of soldiers and rocket-firing vehicles. I finally got to this area with "Gate 5" written on it (there's also a half-sunken boat in the area that seems to serve no function). I went inside the area on foot, got the Magnum, killed a couple of soldiers. But if I go in too deep, I attract a helicopter gunship that I can't fight -- I only have handguns and an automatic rifle. What to do? Am I supposed to open a gate somewhere to go to the next area? Am I supposed to destroy the chopper or just evade it?
get the 357.. keep moving forward through the containers smashing crates, avoiding the chopper and offing the guards... you'll get inside and have a big old shootout after which you can jump over some containers and push forward to eventually get to the switch that opens Gate 5...
Don't try to destroy the helicopter with your conventional weapons. Just use the large containers for cover and take out all the guards. Eventually you'll make your way to the tower (see you screenshot) where there will be some mounted machine guns that will get rid of the helicopter (temporarily).
Thanks, Plasmatron and Cybjorg! With that stupid helicopter sniping at me, I didn't notice the path to the building among the containers at first, but now I've found it.