help needed


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
sry to post this here again but as time goes on I will need news posters for my site if anyone is interested in helping plz contact me thx. Any help recieved will be greatly appreciated.
If you feel you could contribute in any other way also plz contact me. :D
You steal our content, and now our members?!
there can't be that much hl2 news all the time, just do it yourself ;)
(might finish this post when I get to school),

I'll start,, GetRidofYourLifeandGainHalfLifetheNewReligion(StabYourselfaCoupleofTimesandYoureReborn) and

C'mon, is all you need. =)

I only accept new HL2 sites if they're mod sites or mappers site, or coders site etc... Though I doubt people like him listens to me, he wants his oh so cool HL2 related news, information and community corner site which is oh so unique invention.
At the moment is fine for all my hl2 news. It also has a great forum community.

Although when I get my site finish I hope that will have as good forum community as this site :).

Originally posted by SpuD
You steal our content, and now our members?!

lol nope SpuD i'm not sure if ya can read but i'm asking for help not members :)

also all that content has been removed. :) I thougt this was a community site and all i hear is me me me. :(

I only accept new HL2 sites if they're mod sites or mappers site, or coders site etc... Though I doubt people like him listens to me, he wants his oh so cool HL2 related news, information and community corner site which is oh so unique invention.

Well i'm working on getting a few of my friends and myself of course and we are going to work on a new mod for hl2. :)
I know that the site isn't original and to me there seems too many and I keep standing on peoples toes :eek: so aswell as hl2 news i will be covering mods in development and news on latest hardware and drivers.
aswell as hosting files and creating installers if people need them.
Well now i'm feeling bad look guys i'm not attempting to steel anything from u, just looking for a helping hand, i'm 39 maried and have a geourgouse little daughter, i just started this site as a bit of fun and well don't want to P*** anyone off just want to make something for myself and a few from the community aswell as teaching my lil girl a few bits as I go along. :):):)
ok the first time I looked it was different from this site and a bit basic.. I just took a look now and well it looks like this site only like looking through a mirror lol

Honestly, why not try sometihng new, instead of copying, try improving on other site designs, none are perfect, but some are better than others. You'll get more respect from the community if you do something new original and exciting. Maybe use images of the Combine and Strider etc. in your page banner instead of basically this site's image but reversed and scaled up (it looks blurry)

last thing you want is people to start seeing you as someone who takes others work. the HL community is too big to want to piss off :)

So yeah, it doesn't look bad, just not different enough, and there's nothing there that makes me want to post there instead of here. You need to offer something to members of your site that other places don't have. Give people a reason for using your site. Just some idea's others probably covered. Good start though, just needs some work is all

good luck with it anyway, there's never any harm in trying, hope it works out well :)
Yes I find that a little strange I was looking @ vreating a new design but now i'm looking does look strangely familiar lol :(

Anyway i'm going to work on re-arangeing the colour scheme a little and deffinatly change the banner background as I totaly agree and I can't understand why it keeps looking blurry :(

As for originality I guess I will have to wait for a brain wave (or a truck to run me over :eek:) lol or scan around to see what ideas are missing from a community like this which is probably nothing as it's allready been done but I will endevor to be original and I hope make a site that you will all be interested in.
Well when i want to come up with a oringal idea I just design a site on a peice of paper then I make it, but if you can't think of anything, or can't draw, maybe ask one of your school/work friends too see if they have any ideas. I'm sure someone will have a great design in there head.

Set up a big ass max payne 2 site... for all the mods that are bound to come etc.

There isn't a BIG one at the moment.

There are too many HL2 sites around at the moment.
Thats a good idea, do a max payne 2 site, I don't know many of them, there lots of hl2 sites.

domains don't cost that much, you could all ways ask for donations or soming? like via paypal. Just a sugestion!

donations lol tis like getting blood from a stone got a freind who runs a series of websites and he has donations blocks on each (combined these sites get over 100,000 hits a day) and he gets like 2-3 donations a month and dosn't even come close for the file hosting.

Anyway I would do a Max Payne site but with things as they are @ home not possible really unless I could get some assistance..... :)
my wife and daughter are getting a lil neglected as it is :(
well if you got a site well known you might get some, my mate got loads of his forums becuase he needed a new host for it.

Go and give your wife and kid(s) some love.

hehe thx and it's only the 1 :)
well i can only try and see what happens thx for the info :)
oh god that site is so dizzying.... the bg pic dont move but the forum does

I'll design a professional site for ya' :) But obviously, it wouldn't be for free. E-mail me at [email protected] (my domain-name just expired! :( ) or on AIM contact me on ENSPIREdesire; I can show ya' some of the work that I've done in the past.
*cough*blatant advertisement*cough*

post some screenies

its it anything like 2advanced?

for some reason it looks kickass
Umm... ok, lol. I wasn't going to post anything 'cause of ripping/biting possibilities... but oh well -> it's a pic of a design I was working on for my site a few months ago (never finished it completely)
well looks like i'm gunna have to change the background again :)
and yes verry nice layout but 2 problems, i'm broke, and even if I had the money I don't think I could pay :( (don't have a cc)