Help offered



Hello all!

I'm interested in aiding in the developement of a hl2mod so if if there is a team that needs help I'll be more than glad to join your team. I got some previous experience in 3d moddeling and I've made some maps for battlefield 1942, I'm no master at neither but I'm very interested in learning more and at the moment I have unlimited free time so I can devote a lot of energy and effort to helping you out.

Breif description of what you get: 1 piece of as good as new 31 year old swedish gamer/computergeek :cheese: with some experience in mapping and moddeling and unlimited time to spare. I am not lost when communicating in english, german and of course swedish and am used to communicating via various digital media.

What I require from you is that you have an interesting idea, some experience but most important, the neccessary dedication and knowledge to actually complete the project

If I have awoken your curiosity please mail me at [email protected]