Help on how to extract sound from wmv file


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Anyone? I need some help doing it, is there any way that you can? Thanks in advance.
are you talking about sounds from HL2?

if so, download GCFscape....if not......come again?
No from the windows media player movies file.
the only thing i would think of is to open it up through a video editing program and extract it. i only use pinnacle though so i dont know of any free ones
I'd give virtualdub a shot. Maybe you can just save the audio after you open the file. I know it is easy with a regular AVI file although I'm not sure if it does WMV files.
Doesn't work with WMV files, but thanks anyway.
There is an old version of virtualdub that can open them, google and you should find it.
I found a program just using Google searching for "Extract audio from avi files", found a few programs to do the trick but since they weren't free it would only do 20 seconds worth which was fine for me. But if you want minutes of audio well...either buy it or crack it.