Help on Turrets (2nd time) in Prison


Oct 3, 2003
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How did you set up the 3 turrets the second time around? I cant seem to find suitable locations where they will last for more than 10 secs. This is the 2nd time btw, the first time was easy.
I eventually said "**** it" to the turrets, backed myself into a cell, and gave a shotgun blast to any head that popped into my view.
im stuck there too. you do know you can set the turrets upright again with the gravity gun. I have mostly been trying to switch back and forth in that little room and keep the turrets upright, it doen't work. Backing into a cell and setting up the turrets outside might be a good alternative.
Yeah, that second time there's no good place really... something that's fun to do though is just carry a turret around and let it aim and shoot for you. :p
I used 4 turrets (dragged one from before along) and i've put them inside the little room. on the outside they fell more often and were harder to reach when they fell over. so just inside the walls, and try to grab and throw back any grenades that come your way
Try this.

Get the turrets to cover one end, while you cover the other.

If a guard knocks one over quickly pick it up btw.
What button picks it up? Using the gravity gun to do it is a pain because it picks it up horiztontally.
Hit 'E' to use your hands, it automatically holds it in the proper position if you do it that way.
God Im still stuck on this part. They just keep coming in too many waves. When I guard one side, there are too many on the other side.
Use the various boxes and metal barrels and block off 2 of the extrances, they usually just stand in front of it waiting for you to pop up and shoot at you. Next place turrents in the very corner of the other entrances, they seem to have a harder time knocking them over before they get shot to death. Then, hide in a cell after you finish placing the turrents. Try to get behind the metal seat as best as possible, and wait for them to come by, shotgun is the most effective.
Stack 3 boxes as steps, get on to the balcony, then laugh at the combine who can't climb up and get you!
 -<            >-

----|       |-----------------
    |       ]
    }      *]
    |       ]
    |   v   ]
----|   |   |-----------------

>- : Turrets
} : Med/Power node
-- : Walls
[ : Compartments where turrets used to be
* : You

Keep setting the turrets back up as fast as possible and use your shotgun if anyone gets past them.
Pick up one of the turrets and hang onto it. The turret will smoke everything in front of you and double as a shield.

I put one turret each side of the cell, and held the other with the grav gun.
I eventually said "**** it" to the turrets, backed myself into a cell, and gave a shotgun blast to any head that popped into my view.
Pretty much what I did except I backed my self into a turret rack directly across from the wall mounted health thingy just in case and it worked fine.
I put this in the other thread on this topic too, as to begin with I was having a tough time on this part aswell, but there is an easy way to do it.

Take a turret out, stand in front of it (so you're facing the dangerous end) and pick it up and put it back in the locker. Do the same with the other two , but split them up so there's an empty locker in between two of them. This way the guards can't get to them to knock them over and you can just sit out the bloodbath that follows. I didn't get hit once and only had to shoot a few of them (no one tried shooting me).