Help: Scripting Error Water Hazard

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I thought I'd ask you guys first. It seems I have a scripting error here. After they raise the gate nothing further happens. It seems from the walkthroughs something should. Any idea to fix this error. Or am I doing something wrong?
Your Aux Power is red, lacking AI...have you got a legal or a warez version?
Warez version there... for legal users, reloading a savegame or typing restart in the console usually works. For you, however, it might not work, but you can try.
It's not Warez this is the first problem I've encountered and I've been playing for weeks. Thanks for the help.
Its most definatley warez...dont know what you can do to fix it.
How do u then explain the red aux power-meter?
you've been playing for weeks and you only got onto the third level?!?
Could a moderator please *DELETE* this sad thread?!
ok, maybe he dont have warex, and maybe he just Ran up there??? using all of his AUX?

If thats the case, then hop in the boat, it opens, then drive out.

If you are a warez wh0r3..i will find you, and then string up up from the ceiling with a piercing through your genitals!