Help wanted! Fizzle needs you!


Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Ok here's the deal. Myself and others wish to make a mod. We are dedicated to the completion of previously said mod so long as we can establish a competent team. If you wish to work on this mod please say so and say what skills you have or are seriously willing to learn.

Ok here's the title of the mod (we'll have a site up soon hopefully.):

Korea: Those Forgotten

The goal of this mod is to succesfully transfer the historical past and possible future of the conflict in Korea to an exciting and innovative gaming experience. This goal is obviously ambitious but we believe with the right team and a little luck we can go far and make our mark in the gaming world.

The game will try to succesfully execute elements of historical accuracy, fast paced gameplay, FPS immersion, and RTS investment into a single experience.

SETTING: The Korean War occured within the shadows of WWII and Vietnam and was all too quickly erased from the public conciousness. It was a war within a single nation and between two beliefs. Communist and Capitalist built armies met on the battlefields of a divided Korea.

The majestic hills and mountains of the Asian peninsula hosted many spectacular battles and also became the graves of countless brave souls. Average people meeting the call to arms their nation had issued them, average people becoming soldiers. Becoming heroes and cowards, but all too often becoming forgotten.

Main Gameplay mechanics: commander class, buildible bases and vehicles, realistic vehicles, armory stocking, 3 unique classes, abilities

Just a few details about gameplay:

PLAYER ATTRIBUTES: All characters have and are affected by these. Classes and circumstances may change these.

Health: Health is adversly affected by long falls, extreme temperatures (such as frozen rivers on winter maps although cold damage is slowly regained), and enemy fire succesfully hitting their mark.

Stamina: Stamina is used while running, jumping, climbing, and when taking any sort of damage. Stamina decreases faster when carrying heavier equipment no matter if it is currently selected or not. When you no longer have stamina you must walk (slower than normal), go prone/crawl, or stand still, allowing it to build back up. Your stamina bar's size depends on endurance level and current health.

Recoil: Recoil increases with sustained fire and movement. Firing in short bursts while stationary will help avoid major recoil. Bipods, going prone, and using sandbags will greatly decrease recoil. Lighter weapons have less recoil and all weapons have their own patterns of recoil. Your recoil is measured in your crosshair's spacing, the wider the spacing the less control and accuracy you have. Iron sights will not be implemented.

STATS: Characters can build up stats with stat points acquired from accomplishing objectives and following orders. Skill points will be rewarded not just for kills and actions but also for following orders. At a commander's discretion team credits can be spent on stat point rewards for individual players rather than buildings, vehicles, or weapons.

Control: Your ability to control the recoil of a gun more effectively.

Management: Your ability to manage and reload ammunition along with repairing and building structures and healing teammates.

Agility: Your ability to change stances (standing, crouching, prone), jump, climb, and run.

Strength: How much equipment you can carry, your maximum health and stamina, along with your ability to control heavy firearms

CLASSES: There are three main classes with no set equipment only skills. Equipment will be handled in a different manner discussed in a little bit. An experience system will determine when characters go up in level.

Medic: Can heal at lvl. 2 with medpack and revive fallen teammates at lvl. 4 with surgery kits. Can also establish hospital building at lvl. 5. Can use light weapons and stationary weapons.
Cannot use detpacks or mines.

Engineer: Can work on build sights established by commander faster at lvl. 2 (other classes can but not as fast), and repair vehicles and buildings at lvl. 3 (only engineer can do these). May dismantle enemy buildings for 1/2 cost of enemy structure turned to team income at lvl. 4. At lvl. 5 can establish Motor Pool. Can use light and medium weapons, mines, detpacks, and stationary weapons.

Soldier: Has a slightly higher health and stamina than other classes but has no skills. Although soldiers have no skills they do gain stat points at a slightly faster rate (2 to 3 against other classes). Can use all weapons, light, heavy, medium, and stationary. Cannot lay mines, use detpacks or medpacks and surgery kits.

BUILDINGS: The commander establishes a build zone and players must go to the zone and build the structure. A few buidlings and their abilities.

Hospital: Fallen soldiers can choose to respawn at a hospital for, hopefully, an on duty medic player to quickly ressurect him thus canceling out respawn time and cost. Extremely expensive.

Motor Pool: Allows for the construction of vehicles in a faster and less costly amount of time. All vehicles gain an additional 10% in armor and engineers repair 20% faster.

ARMORY SYSTEM: The armory system is handled this way. All players except commander start off with a pistol, 2 clips, and a combat knife. Each base starts off with an Armory Building. When a commander selects this building he has the option of stocking it with weapons of his choice. Thus if he sees fit for his team to be equiped with anti-vehicle weapons he must select the armory and purchase recoiless-rifles, bazookas, and mines to place in the armory. He places all weapons and items that are purchased into the armory for players to come and equip themselves on his advice.

VEHICLES: Vehicles are expensive but powerful. Realistic vehicles means that a grenade or M1 carbine will do nothing to a tank but something to a jeep. Getting in and out of vehicles also takes time so you will be vulnerable when climbing out of a burning tank.

List of vehicles to be determined.

WEAPONS: Weapons are categorized into Heavy, Medium, Light, and Deployable/Stationary classes.

List of possible weapons:

Light: M1A1 Thompson, M3 SMG "Greasegun", M2 Automatic Carbine (Bayonet and Standard version), M1 Carbine (Bayonet and Standard version), Colt .45 CAL M1911 Automatic, S & W .45 CAL M1917 Revolver

Medium: M1 Rifle "Garand" (Bayonet, and Scoped Versions), M1903A4 Rifle "Springfield", BAR M1918A2 "Browning Automatic Rifle"

Heavy: M1 Rifle w/ Grenade Launcher, M2A1-7 Portable Flame Thrower, 30 CAL M1919A6 LMG, 2.36" Rocket Launcher "Bazooka", 60 mm Mortar M2, 57mm Recoiless Rifle M18

Stationary: 50 CAL M2 HMG

We are looking for anybody interested in working on this project. Our website and full design document will be up soon. Reply here or email me at ([email protected]) if you are interested.

edit: either this or a mod based on AVP. No one's doing a mod like that!
really nice gameplay ideas you got there, :D

I wouldnt try an AVP mod, you'd need the rights to the liscense, and they're tough to get.
I know I was just kidding bout the AVP mod. Should've put a /sarcasm thing in there. But thanks for being the first person besides me to respond. So are you interested or are you just commenting?
...just one thing missing:

Who are you searching for? (Programmers, modelers...)

We're searching for programmers, modellers, mappers, texture artists, concept artists, basically anyone since our team only consists of 3 people.
The great thing about this mod is, it doesnt cut corners on any LAWS. Now thats what I'm talkin 'bout.
See, now that's the way you should promote a mod.
Bonus points for lacking copyright violations. :thumbs:

I dunno why you'd need a concept artist though, since it's all going to be historically accurate.

Also, you totally need a M*A*S*H camp in there somewheres. :p
If this is the way you promote a mod why is no one responding!?!?! Why?!?! Jason we obviously gotta get the website up for people to show any interest.
I'd like to help, but I can't model, program (I can if you want your mod to be alot of hello world programs :)) or draw.. but I think I can write... Wanna try me?
Yea man, I want this mod bad, we need to find people interested. People like the way a mod sounds, but are too lazy help! I mean we got one of a kind mod here! Come on people, if not join us, help us find people who will!
Maxikana what do you mean by write, what kind of writing? Like for a story-line?
well, i can make textures (unseamed and tileable) and i can map somewhat, i just suck at the whole "r_speeds" thing :(
Cool, e-mail me your aim and stuff, Can you like skin models? Or map texturing? We can use you for sure as a Texture man!
i would help but i just got picked up by a mod team,but the story and all is very itresting i hope you guys succeed.
Of course this game doesn't have a storyline really. It'a about good gameplay and historical information. A storyline's something that 90% of people don't give a damn about if it's just a good fun multiplayer game. Where the hell did Skulks come from? Megaritus Planet VI? A gateway to a Hellish dimension? A resonance cascade incident? I don't care.
Wow so no one wants to help, does anyone know of a forum or IRC channel we could go to or something, to start recruiting our team for the mod?
Superman To The Rescue

GUYS I AM HERE TO DO UR SITE , U KNOW ME SLAG , WE = BEST BUDS , just thought i would put something interesting in the forums , but yes i am doing the site , but i need alittle help in graphical work , but my coding is awesome in html , and jsp , and i am learning PHP as i type this 2 u guys