Help wanted for new mod (RoG)



Looking for fellow modders to help with my latest mod, Rules of Engagement. I currently need a programmer or two, a skinner/texture artist, and a weapons/level asset modeler. Below is more information on the mod. If interested in helping, contact me at [email protected] or on AIM at Feared OG.

Below is more information on the mod:

-Rules of Engagement-

**(Basic storyline behind the conflict)

It's the year 2020

The current Russian leader has been assassinated, and no one knows which country is responsible. Britain and Russia have had their problems recently, so high-ranked Russian officials have come up with propaganda to show to the public of Russia pinning the blame on a British assassin sent by the British government to murder their leader. All of Russia is hell-bent on destroying Great Britain, and an all out war has been declared. New weaponry and genetic enhancements have been developed in recent years, and are currently being tested in battle. Europe is war-torn, and on a road to ruin.

The player will play as British S.A.S forces facing off against the Russian Army. Locations of battlefields have yet to be decided on.

Features of this mod:

-Multiplayer only for up to 32 players (16 vs 16)
*This number may increase depending on how the game plays with more players after tons of testing.

-Dynamic Grenades:
*Instead of cooking a frag grenade, press a button to change the amount of time it will take for the grenade to explode when thrown. The selected timer will show on the hud, and a small LED on the actual grenade when the pin is being pulled, or when the grenade is in hand. Available timers are as follows: (5 seconds, 3 seconds, On Impact) When the 5 second timer is selected, the grenade will explode after 5 seconds has expired after pulling the pin. Great for bringing another player with you after being killed if you can drop the grenade in time. When the 3 second timer is selected, the grenade will explode after 3 seconds has expired after pulling the pin. Great for short/medium range throws. When the "On Impact" timer is selected, the grenade will explode upon contact with ANY surface. Great for throwing into a group of enemies for a multi-kill without giving them time to run. Kill radius of a frag grenade is 3.5 meters, and the damage radius is 6 meters.

*For flashbang grenades, A 3 second and On Impact timer will be selectable. The flashbang will temporarily blind/deafen all players within range of the grenade. The farther away you are from the grenade, the less of an effect it will have on you. If an opposing player is hit directly by a flashbang grenade with the "On Impact" timer selected, the player will be knocked down and take a small amount of damage. The player will return to his feet when the effects of the flashbang have worn off.

*For smoke grenades, only a 2 second timer will be available.

-20+ Real life weapons
*From SMG's to Assault Rifles to Heavy Machine Guns. All weapons will have their real life fire rate selectors, including 3 round burst, semi-automatic, and full automatic. All weapons will be re-created as accurately as possible. (Complete Weapon list to come).

-Customizable Classes
*Customize your complete loadout:

Light, medium, and heavy body/head armor selectable. (Affects movement speed)

Several camo patterns can be selected from woodland, to forest. Snipers can also use ghillie outfits with the proper camo to use for the given map. Camo can also be applied to any weapon. (Ghille suit affects movement speed).

Customize the facial appearance of your multiplayer character. Choose from different skin colors as well.

Select 1 primary weapon, 1 secondary weapon, 1 handgun, and customize them as you see fit. Your handgun will be displayed in the holster on your vest, and the weapon you're not currently using will be slung across your back and visible. The weight of the weapons you have will affect your movement speed.

-Battle Advantages
*Select one battle advantage to use in multiplayer games. The battle advantages available are as follows:

Steroids ? Increased melee damage.
Demo Expert ? Increased damage on explosive weapons you use. And decreased C4 defusion time.
Insensitivity to Pain ? Reduced blur effect when taking damage.
Go Long ? Throw grenades farther (and more accurately with visible trajectory).
Marksman ? Increased accuracy when firing from the hip.
Track Star ? Increased sprinting time from 7 to 10 seconds with 8 second rest.
Lung Capacity ? Hold breath longer when steadying sniper rifle.
Fast Hands ? Reload faster.
Mercenary ? 30% More ammo in your ammo reserve.
Intel Radar ? See all enemies within a 30ft radius on your radar for 8 seconds.

-Stealth Kills
*Sneak up on a player and press a button to pull out your knife from your vest and stab the opposing player in the back for an instant kill. This is the only time the knife can be used in gameplay.

-Sprinting & Melee
*Hold down Shift to sprint and press it to melee with the butt end of any gun you are currently holding. You can only sprint for about 7 seconds with a 10 second rest period needed before you can sprint again. (Balance testing needed). You will be unable to fire while sprinting as your gun will be tilted downward while you are sprinting.

-Regenerating Health System
*When you take damage, your screen will blur and the blur effect will continue to get worse until you eventually black out and die. When taking damage, get to cover and avoid taking damage for a few seconds to regain full health and continue bringing the pain.

-Weapon Customization
*Select from:
Laser Sight
Reflex Scope
4 Level Scope (1x, 2x, 4x, 6x)
High Capacity Magazine
Grenade Launcher Attachment (For Select Weapons)
Bullet Type (Amount of available bullet types depends on weapon model)
Foregrips (To reduce weapon recoil on select weapons)
Silencer (Less muzzle flash, and reduced sound, but less powerful)

-Sight Aiming System
*Press a button to aim down the sights of your weapon for more accurate fire. Shooting from the hip is also a choice, but is less accurate.

-Destructible Environments
*All maps will have a good level of destructibility to them. From wooden fences being shredded by machine gun fire. To a sniper tower being leveled by an RPG, modify the way the map is played and change your strategies on the fly.


*The standard free for all gametype for up to 16 players. The first player to reach the set score wins the game.

-Team Deathmatch
*Team based gameplay based on deathmatch. Work with your teammates to get to the set score and win the game. (Up to 16 on 16)

-Supply & Demand
*The goal of this gametype is to get the opposing team to surrender. Each team will have 3 ammunition supply bases. Eliminating another teams supply base will cause every player on that team to have less initial ammo when they respawn. When all of a team's ammunition supplies have been destroyed, they will have nothing to fight you with, and will lose the match. To destroy an ammo supply, a C4 bomb must be planted and once planted, it will detonate after 20 seconds. The opposing team can defuse the bomb once planted though.

-Search & Seize
*This is a form of attack and defend. One team defends valuable intel inside of a breifcase that the attacking team is trying to capture and return to their base. The player carrying the breifcase can only fire their handgun and cannot sprint for very long. Teamwork is needed to successfully get the briefcase carrier back to base safely.

*Players on the defending team will start on the ground. Players on the attacking team will parachute down to random placements on the map. The goal is to eliminate the defending team before their reinforcements arrive (admin can set time it takes for reinforcements depending on number of players in game). If a player on the defending team is killed, he will respawn if the rest of his team is not eliminated before reinforcements arrive. Defending team gets 1 group of reinforcements. If a player on the defending team dies after the reinforcements have arrived, they can only spectate. Attacking team gets no respawns. Team play for up to 32 players. (16 on 16)
Let me start by saying that I can see you have thought about this, and its good to see some thoght go into this.

However, the problem you will face is that this game appears to be quite similar to many existing games/mods (Counter strike, firearms mod etc). Esentially you've got a modern combat team senario, with modern(ish) weapons. Yes, ok, you've got an interesting storyline, but people don't tend to play multi player mods for the storyline.

The trouble is, people who make mods, want to make mods that people want to play. If you make a counter strike clone, people won't want to play it, so modders won't want to help make it.

All of the above is simply my opinion/advise, you may not agree, I may be wrong, so if you choose to ignore it, fair enough. However, if you want my 2 pennys worth I would suggest either make it a single player mod, expanding on the SAS v's russia storyline or come up with a more unique gameplay dynamic. The battle advantage thing is about the only thing which isn't in another popular mod, but its not enough to base a mod on.

As I say, not attacking at all, just offering my advise, if you should choose to use it. Good luck with it whatever you decide.
To be honest with you, I'd love to do a lengthy single-player campaign. I have the entire story-line mapped out in my head already. The only thing about that is, knowing myself, I'd stop nothing short of having voice-overs for every single character the player comes across. But being the type of conflict that it is, I would need a very large number of British and Russian voice talent. How many people would lend their voice talent to a free mod? Something of that caliber would require a lot of money being spent, and I just don't have the budget. That's why I went with a multiplayer-only mod. Minimal voice-overs, and I already have a few people to do just that. If I could go about getting the voice talent needed to go with a single player campaign for free, I most certainly would do it.

But here are my thoughts on the multiplayer aspect of things:

-In my eyes dynamic grenades would change the way people play the game and make use of their grenades drastically due to the fact, that you just never know what's coming when you here "Fire in the hole!". Instantly exploding grenades have their benefits, as does dropping a grenade with it's 3 second timer turned on right before you die.

-I haven't seen a mod yet that has fully customizable multiplayer characters. From the type of armor you're wearing, to camo, right down to facial features. And being able to select from a huge number of assault rifles, pistol, sniper rifles, smg's, etc. and then fully customize them with various attachments to fit your playing style would really add to the experience.

-Of course, the battle advantages would be a give and take type of choice that can benefit you in many different ways. Say for instance, you're on a map that is small and contained and mostly close range battles are fought there. Selecting Intel Radar might be a good choice. With that, you can take a look at who's around, and see if someone might be sneaking up on you. But then you might want to choose Steroids, and get the advantage on someone by hitting them with an extra powerful melee and then spraying in their general area to finish them off. It changes the way a shooter is played.

-The gametypes Supply & Demand and Ivasion I came up with are whole new ways to experience a shooter, and I have a good feeling about both of them. I expect them to become popular if I get this mod into motion and release it.

That was my $0.02. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, and I can see exactly where you're coming from. Thank you for your input.