Help Wanted: rotating room project



Hi there, I am trying to create a cubic room in hammer which would rotate on a trigger, but am unsure on the best entity to use, could anybody advise me on this?

I have experimented with func_rotating and func_door_rotating but am recieving precaching errors when running the map. Is it even possible to do this? Cheers in advance;:D

could you provide a sketch? It's not quite clear what your aiming for.
sorry. I am aiming for a room which would rotate around the x axis when triggered, in effect turning one of the walls into the floor. I can do this with a func_door_rotating but am unsure how to trigger this remotely. any ideas?
When do you want it firing? If after a set time use a logic_auto set to fire on map load with a delay of however long you require.
if you want the player to trigger it when they enter the room use trigger_multiple
Plus, assuming the same rules apply as they do in HL1, the room would have to be inside a larger non-entity'd room, else the map will cry when you try and compile it.
thanks everyone, I want to be able to tigger this to rotate three times eg, 90, 180, 270 degrees with each rotate triggered by a new trigger. I should have posted this in the original thread. Sorry.
Try using a trigger_multiple in conjunction with a logic ent add 1 each time it's triggered and then shut it off when it reaches the desired number. Unless there's a trigger that you can specify the # of times it works. Can't remember. Hope that helps.